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Copyright Modernization Act  Madam Speaker, I would like the minister to apologize for saying that I barely won my seat in the last election. That has nothing to do with the debate today, and I think it is bad manners.

October 18th, 2011House debate

Marc GarneauLiberal

Copyright Modernization Act  And 141 in committee and you haven't changed a thing.

October 18th, 2011House debate

Marc GarneauLiberal

Canadian Wheat Board  Mr. Speaker, the government wants to do away with the Canadian Wheat Board. Will its next victim be supply management? We all know that the government's chief negotiator for the free trade agreement with Europe said in committee that everything is on the table during the negotiations.

October 17th, 2011House debate

Marc GarneauLiberal

Keeping Canada's Economy and Jobs Growing Act  Mr. Speaker, it may surprise the government but I agree with some of the tax credits that have been put into this budget implementation plan. In fact, the ones dealing with home caregivers and volunteer firemen were in our own platform as well. The reason we put them in and made them refundable was because we wanted to ensure that everybody had a chance to benefit from them, including low income Canadians.

October 17th, 2011House debate

Marc GarneauLiberal

Keeping Canada's Economy and Jobs Growing Act  Mr. Speaker, I thank the hon. member for his comments. I always find him extremely entertaining. I have been asking the different members on the government side the same question. So, let me ask that question of him. The government's tax credits contained in its budget implementation plan are a good idea.

October 7th, 2011House debate

Marc GarneauLiberal

Keeping Canada's Economy and Jobs Growing Act  Mr. Speaker, in her presentation, the hon. member mentioned that the opposition parties were against the tax credits. I want to let her know that we are in favour of the tax credits that are in the budget. That is a good move. However, why does the government not consider it a good idea to make those refundable tax credits so that the people who are in the lower incomes will be able to take advantage of them?

October 7th, 2011House debate

Marc GarneauLiberal

National Defence  Mr. Speaker, I have a second question for the government. Japan recently decided to purchase fighter jets and has launched a call for tenders, as we should have done. With a call for tenders, the best benefits are guaranteed and one can save a lot of money. Lockheed Martin has offered to assemble the F-35 jets in Japan, something it certainly did not offer to Canada.

October 7th, 2011House debate

Marc GarneauLiberal

The Budget  Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister has more than once said that he is open to suggestions on the budget. Here is one suggestion. While the budget contains a number of tax credits for volunteer firemen, home caregivers and children taking arts courses, the problem is that these are not refundable.

October 7th, 2011House debate

Marc GarneauLiberal

Keeping Canada's Economy and Jobs Growing Act  Mr. Speaker, I am not sure whether I want to thank the hon. member for his speech. It was not really a sales pitch for the budget. It was really more a diatribe against the NDP. However, he did say somewhere in there that he would be glad to hear some useful ideas. I will give him this idea.

October 6th, 2011House debate

Marc GarneauLiberal

Keeping Canada's Economy and Jobs Growing Act  Mr. Speaker, I think tax credits can be a good thing. They are a good thing if everybody benefits from them. However, there is a difference between a non-refundable tax credit and a refundable tax credit. Unfortunately, when we are talking about non-refundable tax credits, as we are here, those who are in the lowest income bracket do not get the benefit.

October 6th, 2011House debate

Marc GarneauLiberal

Keeping Canada's Economy and Jobs Growing Act  Madam Speaker, I will ask the hon. member the same question that his colleague did not answer. The member talked about the family caregiver tax credit. Does he realize that if one has a low income, one does not benefit from this tax credit? I cannot ask the question more simply.

October 6th, 2011House debate

Marc GarneauLiberal

Keeping Canada's Economy and Jobs Growing Act  Madam Speaker, I will follow up on what the hon. member just said. Even people on social assistance want their children to get some exposure to the arts and that is a great idea. However, it is a non-refundable tax credit. I hope the member understands that if it is a non-refundable tax credit and parents do not have taxable income they would not get any benefit from it whatsoever.

October 6th, 2011House debate

Marc GarneauLiberal

Keeping Canada's Economy and Jobs Growing Act  Madam Speaker, it is unfortunate that we are beginning to see a trend here with government bills with the new majority government. Unfortunately, it will stifle the proper debates that need to happen. I would like to draw attention to the fact that one of the big shortcomings in this budget implementation plan, Bill C-13, is the fact that, once again, the government is discriminating against those who are poor, those who have less than the average Canadian.

October 6th, 2011House debate

Marc GarneauLiberal

National Defence  Mr. Speaker, we know that Lockheed Martin is not allowed to sell F-35s in Canada at a lower price than in the United States. That is why the $9 billion price tag bothers me so much. I do not see how we are going to buy these planes and all the support equipment. I can see only two possible outcomes: we are going spend far more than $9 billion or we will have to buy less than 65 planes.

October 5th, 2011House debate

Marc GarneauLiberal

The Environment  Mr. Speaker, does the minister really understand the scope of the problem? Does he understand the science? For the first time, a large hole has been discovered in the ozone layer over the Arctic. This is a very serious problem and it is believed that climate change might be a factor.

October 3rd, 2011House debate

Marc GarneauLiberal