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Canadian Heritage committee  As you rightly point out, today was supposed to be a day when we would hear from folks who were going to help us understand how to deal with victims and to have trauma-informed conversations. Instead, we've entertained frivolous motions on the carbon tax. Given that we've wasted all of their time and that they're now gone, I'd like to move that we adjourn this meeting.

March 19th, 2024Committee meeting

Taleeb NoormohamedLiberal

Canadian Heritage committee  In Canada it has grown by 4%. One of the economic differences between Canada and the U.S. is the carbon tax. If we want to fund sports, if we want to fund arts and if we want to fund the performing arts—which I think, as I said, are critical to Canadian culture, and their very existence is the fabric of our country—we need to axe the tax.

March 19th, 2024Committee meeting

Philip LawrenceConservative

Canadian Heritage committee  The Winnipeg Jets, who are fighting for first overall in the NHL, are having attendance problems only because citizens from Manitoba and Saskatchewan, with the carbon tax, are struggling to support a hockey club that certainly should be supported this year. My last comment is about Wolseley, Saskatchewan. They're one of four communities in Canada looking to improve their rink.

March 19th, 2024Committee meeting

Kevin WaughConservative

Canadian Heritage committee  When I made comments earlier, you noted that they were not relevant to the motion. I'm just curious as to how this has to do with arts and culture funding and the carbon tax in Canada. I'm not sure talking about hockey and the NHL and privately funded hockey teams like the Ottawa Senators—with other reasons for people not going to their games—are part of the conversation about arts and culture in Canada, which we have heard our colleague so emphatically seek to defend.

March 19th, 2024Committee meeting

Taleeb NoormohamedLiberal

Canadian Heritage committee  I will add my voice to that of my colleague Mrs. Thomas to explain the collateral damage of the carbon tax in the arts community. I also want to respond to Mr. Champoux. He understands very well that Quebec chose to set up a carbon exchange about 10 years ago already because it felt pressure from the federal government.

March 19th, 2024Committee meeting

Jacques GourdeConservative

Environment committee  With the time I have left, I would like to give notice of the following motion: Given that the provinces of: Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, have formally asked Justin Trudeau to cancel the Liberal government's plan to increase the carbon tax by 23% on April 1, 2024; pursuant to Standing Order 108(1)(a), the committee invite all seven premiers to testify on their request to the federal government, within one week of the motion being adopted.

March 19th, 2024Committee meeting

Michael KramConservative

Environment committee  Moffet on an answer he gave a while ago about the methodological differences between Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Parliamentary Budget Officer. Mr. Moffet, if I understood you correctly, your department has a model that links the carbon tax to the effect of Canada's CO2 emissions on the change in global temperatures, and the change in global temperatures to Canada's GDP. Did I understand that correctly?

March 19th, 2024Committee meeting

Michael KramConservative

Environment committee  What effects will next month's carbon tax increase have on the temperature of the planet? Surely it must be so tiny you can't even measure it.

March 19th, 2024Committee meeting

Michael KramConservative

Environment committee  I can think of agriculture, finance and perhaps trade looking at the competitiveness issue as it relates to our having a carbon tax versus our American counterpart or any other countries.

March 19th, 2024Committee meeting

Branden LeslieConservative

Environment committee  Have there been analyses done further out that you could also share with our committee? What are the anticipated cost increases of food prices when $170 a tonne is the carbon tax per tonne?

March 19th, 2024Committee meeting

Branden LeslieConservative

Business of Supply  Speaker, a number of years ago, a former climate change minister said that, if someone repeats a lie often enough, people will believe that it is true. All through this discussion we have been hearing that Canadians get more from the carbon tax rebate than they pay in taxes. I keep on hearing that over and over again. Can the member tell us how it is that Canadians can get more back, especially considering the bureaucrats have to crunch through and get their 15% off the top?

March 19th, 2024House debate

Cheryl GallantConservative

Business of Supply  That is why it is absolutely crazy to take the government's word. The government wants to be thanked for increasing a carbon tax that does not work. Over two-thirds of Canadians know that it is time to spike the hike and axe the tax.

March 19th, 2024House debate

Michelle RempelConservative

Business of Supply  Right now, it is the Conservatives who are spreading disinformation. Once again, they tried to say that the carbon tax applies in Quebec, but it does not. We have a system that acts as an economic lever with markets as big as California, the state of Washington and many others. In Quebec, it is an economic lever.

March 19th, 2024House debate

Andréanne LaroucheBloc

Business of Supply  Speaker, many people across Quebec are struggling with rising rents, rising costs of food and lower standards of living. Part of that is also higher prices to fill their cars. A carbon tax does not make life more affordable. Conservatives will axe the tax and spike the hike.

March 19th, 2024House debate

Michelle RempelConservative

Business of Supply  In fact, we do not even have an electric grid that works to plug electric cars in, so it is insane to increase a carbon tax that does not work, that does not meet Canada's emissions targets and that makes Canadians broke. It is time to axe the tax and spike the hike.

March 19th, 2024House debate

Michelle RempelConservative