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Finance  Mr. Speaker, last week, the Conservative leader showed his true colours when he refused to denounce certain views. He is still refusing to do it. I wonder to what extent the Quebec caucus of the Conservative Party supports his words and actions. The Leader of the Opposition is speaking without conviction or clarity on what should be a very simple issue.

April 29th, 2024House debate

Steven MacKinnonLiberal

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, as the member well knows, Bill C-234 is in the hands of the Conservative House leader. The member should speak to him.

April 29th, 2024House debate

Steven MacKinnonLiberal

Mental Health and Addictions  Mr. Speaker, last week we saw the Leader of the Opposition once again visit with supporters of white supremacy, anarchy and misogyny. This has been a regular occurrence. He draws the admiration of people who dismiss the slaughter of children in schools. Once I sit down, the Leader of the Opposition will have 30 seconds to speak to the House and to Canadians.

April 29th, 2024House debate

Steven MacKinnonLiberal

Mental Health and Addictions  Mr. Speaker, I am sad to say that the leader of the Conservatives, the Leader of the Opposition has shown us his true colours. He speaks without conviction and clarity on a question that should be very simple for him to address. His silence speaks volumes. This is not leadership.

April 29th, 2024House debate

Steven MacKinnonLiberal

Mental Health and Addictions  Mr. Speaker, last week we saw the Leader of the Opposition once again encourage supporters of white supremacy, anarchy and misogyny. This has been a regular occurrence. He draws the admiration of people who dismiss the slaughter of children in schools. The leader—

April 29th, 2024House debate

Steven MacKinnonLiberal

Business of the House  Mr. Speaker, the different results we hope for are for Conservatives to stop voting against the series of measures we put in place to solve the very problems the member professes to care about. In particular, it would be great if we could pass the doubling of the top-up of the rebate on the price on carbon, so that rural residents in this country from one coast to another could benefit from that additional affordability measure as we continue our fight against climate change, which is affecting them, it must be said, disproportionately.

April 18th, 2024House debate

Steven MacKinnonLiberal

House of Commons  Mr. Speaker, indeed you pointed out in your remarks earlier just how unprecedented this is. We supported this initiative, but we regret that it has come to this. When we received the information that all parties were privy to, we made the responsible decision. What you, Mr. Speaker, have just seen across the aisle is the very confirmation of what I have been saying.

April 17th, 2024House debate

Steven MacKinnonLiberal

House of Commons  Mr. Speaker, I will repeat the last sentence. The Leader of the Opposition is—

April 17th, 2024House debate

Steven MacKinnonLiberal

House of Commons  Mr. Speaker, certainly, by all means. Was the information about Mr. Firth's medical condition shared with the House of Commons administration?

April 17th, 2024House debate

Steven MacKinnonLiberal

House of Commons  Mr. Speaker, this information is consistent with what was shared with all recognized parties yesterday individually by the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel: Mr. Firth's health is fragile, and a doctor has provided a note recommending that Mr. Firth does not participate in activities such as the questioning today for mental and physical health reasons.

April 17th, 2024House debate

Steven MacKinnonLiberal

House of Commons  Mr. Speaker, could Mr. Firth inform the House as to whether he consulted with a medical professional, prior to his appearance today, regarding answering questions from the House?

April 17th, 2024House debate

Steven MacKinnonLiberal

House of Commons  Mr. Speaker, is Mr. Firth comfortable sharing what the doctor told him?

April 17th, 2024House debate

Steven MacKinnonLiberal

House of Commons  Mr. Speaker, was the information about Mr. Firth's medical condition shared with the House of Commons administration?

April 17th, 2024House debate

Steven MacKinnonLiberal

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, the hon. member may have missed my earlier answer, but I could repeat it if she would like. The bill in question, Bill C-234, is a bill the Conservatives could call anytime and we could deal with and debate in the House. While I am on my feet, once again I would like to add, and perhaps correct something I said a little earlier to the other hon. member: This member could help a lot of Albertans out if she would just get out of the way of the fall economic statement legislation, which doubles the top-up on the rural rebate, 20% instead of 10%, making it the— Mr.

April 15th, 2024House debate

Steven MacKinnonLiberal

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, I would respond to the hon. member that he should just advance a couple of rows up here. I could introduce him, if he would like to speak to the opposition House leader. Bill C-234 is completely in their hands. If they would like to bring it to the floor for a vote, we could deal with it.

April 15th, 2024House debate

Steven MacKinnonLiberal