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House debate  Madam Chair, as the minister is aware, the current study before the justice committee relates to the criminalization of the non-disclosure of HIV. Recently, a federal prosecutorial directive was created, but it applies only to the territories. I have two questions for the minister.

May 14th, 2019House debate

Anthony HousefatherLiberal

House debate  Madam Chair, I will speak to two issues: access to justice in both official languages, and genetic discrimination. I will speak for about 10 minutes. Then I will ask the minister questions in both official languages. One thing I do want to say before I begin is how much I have appreciated the opportunity to work with the Minister of Justice.

May 14th, 2019House debate

Anthony HousefatherLiberal

Criminal Code  Mr. Speaker, it was a great pleasure to serve with the hon. member for Provencher on the justice committee, and he has been sadly missed ever since he moved to another committee. The definition of baiting was discussed at committee on a number of occasions to make sure that it would not involve, for example, the baiting of fish or anything that would potentially infringe on the rights of people today who use bait to catch a fish.

May 8th, 2019House debate

Anthony HousefatherLiberal

Criminal Code  Mr. Speaker, I want to acknowledge the words of my colleague from Winnipeg North. I agree completely. Canadians across the country came together to push Parliament to improve our laws on animal cruelty. Those Canadians, like other Canadians who are passionate about other issues, deserve to be congratulated, and we need to work with them to further advance laws to protect animals.

May 8th, 2019House debate

Anthony HousefatherLiberal

Criminal Code  Mr. Speaker, the bill assures us that while there may be other offences in the Criminal Code that people who commit acts of bestiality that do not involve penetration by children, in front of children, around children or involving children could be punished with, now they would indeed be able to also be charged under the bestiality provisions, and that is a step forward.

May 8th, 2019House debate

Anthony HousefatherLiberal

Criminal Code  No, I am not. I want to make that clear. I am casting blame in every direction.

May 8th, 2019House debate

Anthony HousefatherLiberal

Criminal Code  Mr. Speaker, it constantly amazes me the number of times everyone in this place agrees on something. Everyone in this place agrees this bill is important to move forward to the Senate as quickly as possible, yet we still manage to find ways to partisan the argument with one another for no apparent reason—

May 8th, 2019House debate

Anthony HousefatherLiberal

Criminal Code  Mr. Speaker, right now, this is something to which we can all agree. Animal cruelty laws in Canada need to be vastly improved. We have laws that were adopted in the 1890s, slightly amended in the 1950s and they have unfortunately not been radically revamped in the world we live in today where most of us recognize that animals should not be treated as pure property.

May 8th, 2019House debate

Anthony HousefatherLiberal

Criminal Code  It is jaw-dropping. Let us come back to the bill, Mr. Speaker. We have a bill right now with which everyone agrees. We have—

May 8th, 2019House debate

Anthony HousefatherLiberal

Criminal Code  Mr. Speaker, I will be happy to direct my speech toward you.

May 8th, 2019House debate

Anthony HousefatherLiberal

Anti-Semitism  Mr. Speaker, “Am Yisrael Chai. We are a Jewish nation that will stand tall.... Terrorism...will not take us down.” These were the defiant words of Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein this weekend after a gunman with an assault rifle opened fire at his synagogue, after he saw his friend Lori Gilbert-Kaye lying dead on the floor, after he saw eight-year-old Noya Dayan carried away bleeding, after he himself had been shot and wounded, and yes, six months after 11 other Jews were killed at another shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh.

April 29th, 2019House debate

Anthony HousefatherLiberal

Canadian Infertility Awareness Week  Mr. Speaker, everyone knows someone who has struggled with fertility issues, yet speaking about infertility is still quite taboo in our society. Starting later this month, Canadians will have an opportunity to highlight the need to break the stigma and share their stories with others during Canadian Infertility Awareness Week.

April 12th, 2019House debate

Anthony HousefatherLiberal

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, I wanted to clarify something that seems to be a subject of some debate. Before our committee, all of the relevant witnesses as to the facts spoke under exactly the same order in council. All of them had the same waiver of solicitor-client privilege. All of them had the same waiver of cabinet confidence.

March 20th, 2019House debate

Anthony HousefatherLiberal

Committees of the House  Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to present, in both official languages, the 25th report of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights concerning Bill C-84, an act to amend the Criminal Code in regard to bestiality and animal fighting. The committee has studied the bill and has decided to report the bill back to the House with amendments.

February 25th, 2019House debate

Anthony HousefatherLiberal

Divorce Act  Mr. Speaker, this bill is a great example of how a couple of members can make a difference. At various stages of this bill, francophones living outside Quebec told us they could not get a divorce in French. That is the case in British Columbia, Newfoundland and several other provinces.

February 6th, 2019House debate

Anthony HousefatherLiberal