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Families, Children and Social Development  Mr. Speaker, October 15 marks Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, a difficult day for many families across Canada. Parents grieving the loss of a child deserve compassion from their government. Certainly, no grieving parent should ever have to navigate a cold, heartless bureaucracy.

October 8th, 2020House debate

Blake RichardsConservative

Resumption of Debate on Address in Reply  Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of order. As per Standing Order 43(2)(a), I am indicating that the Conservative caucus's 20-minute speaking slots for the remainder of this debate on the Speech from the Throne will be divided in two.

October 5th, 2020House debate

Blake RichardsConservative

House of Commons Calendar  Mr. Speaker, I rise to seek unanimous consent for the following motion: That the chair of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs be instructed to convene a meeting of the committee at 11 a.m. on Thursday, October 1, 2020.

September 30th, 2020House debate

Blake RichardsConservative

Proceedings on the bill entitled An Act relating to certain measures in response to COVID-19  Mr. Speaker, we agree to apply the vote, and Conservative members vote no.

September 29th, 2020House debate

Blake RichardsConservative

Resumption of Debate on Address in Reply  Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of order. I noticed something about a number of members voting virtually during the vote tonight. I am not going to list names or ridings at this point, but I will bring it to your attention because it might be a good time for you to remind members of this.

September 28th, 2020House debate

Blake RichardsConservative

Resumption of Debate on Address in Reply  Mr. Speaker, I am rising on a point of order. I did not think of this one earlier, but I am also aware that there were a number of members who were utilizing social media, for example, with pictures of the voting from the Zoom meeting. That is also something that is considered inappropriate, much like taking a picture within the House itself.

September 28th, 2020House debate

Blake RichardsConservative

Points of Order  Mr. Speaker, I ask for your guidance. Would you like me to restate the case already made, or can I continue from where I left off?

September 28th, 2020House debate

Blake RichardsConservative

Points of Order  Mr. Speaker, to restate the first part, it is my argument that part 3 of Bill C-4, clauses 10 to 14 in the schedule, is sufficiently different from the remainder of the bill so as to warrant the question at second reading being divided for a separate decision. Again, that is under Standing Order 69.1.

September 28th, 2020House debate

Blake RichardsConservative

Points of Order  Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of order pursuant to Standing Order 69.1, to have the question on Bill C-4, An Act relating to certain measures in response to COVID-19 divided for the purposes of voting at second reading. Standing Order 69.1(1) reads: In the case where a government bill seeks to repeal, amend or enact more than one act, and where there is not a common element connecting the various provisions or where unrelated matters are linked, the Speaker shall have the power to divide the questions, for the purposes of voting, on the motion for second reading and reference to a committee and the motion for third reading and passage of the bill.

September 28th, 2020House debate

Blake RichardsConservative

Points of Order  I have a point of order, Mr. Speaker. I would think that I should get to finish the point before the responses.

September 28th, 2020House debate

Blake RichardsConservative

Committees of the House  Madam Speaker, if you seek it this time, I think you will find unanimous consent for the following motion: That the membership of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs be amended as follows: Ms. Vecchio (Elgin—Middlesex—London) for Mr. Richards, (Banff—Airdrie), Mr.

September 28th, 2020House debate

Blake RichardsConservative

Privilege  Mr. Speaker, I thought you had notice, but if you seek it, I believe you will find unanimous consent for the following motion, that the membership of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs be amended as follows: Ms. Vecchio for Mr. Richards; Mr. Lukiwski for Mr. Brassard; and, Mr.

September 28th, 2020House debate

Blake RichardsConservative

Questions Passed as Orders for Returns  With regard to the January 15, 2020, Twitter post of the National Capital Commission Rideau Canal Skateway, under the Twitter handle @NCC_Skateway, entitled “Ice Ice Maybe”: (a) what was the total video production cost involved in the planning, production, editing and posting of the video, broken down by (i) work hours of public servants used, (ii) types of expenditure; (b) what are the names and titles of any persons within the government and the National Capital Commission who were involved with the production, planning, editing and posting of the video, including any ministers or ministerial exempt staff that were involved; (c) was any overtime pay granted to public servants as a result of this video, and, if so, what were the details, broken down by (i) the names and titles of managers who signed off, (ii) the total amount and cost of overtime used; (d) what are the details of all documentation on the planning, production, editing and posting of the video, including any scripts, contracts or briefing notes; (e) what are the names and titles of all persons who signed off on and had knowledge of the production of this video; (f) was any paid advertising used to promote the video on Twitter, and, if so, what were the cost and targeting metrics used; (g) were outside services procured in the production of this video, and, if so, what was the name of the company or the persons used and the total cost of any outside contracts, including the (i) date, (ii) amount, (iii) vendor, (iv) summary of goods or services provided; (h) was an outside contract procured, and was there an open request for proposals or was it a sole-sourced contract; and (i) was a music licence sought for the use of the musical likeness of the song “Ice Ice Baby” by the artist Vanilla Ice, and, if so, what were the cost and terms of the licence?

March 13th, 2020House debate

Blake RichardsConservative

Shop Local: Airdrie  Madam Speaker, in the face of challenging times for local businesses in Alberta, the small business community in Airdrie has banded together. Lindsey Cybulskie and other local business owners in the community joined forces and created a Shop Local Facebook group. The reaction to the group has been incredibly positive.

March 12th, 2020House debate

Blake RichardsConservative

The Economy  Mr. Speaker, the blockades are now into their second week and the Liberals continue to sit on their hands. VIA Rail announced it is laying off 1,000 people and has cancelled service again this week. In fact, its chief executive said this is the first time in 42 years of existence it had to interrupt most of its service across Canada.

February 20th, 2020House debate

Blake RichardsConservative