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Human Rights  I am sorry, Mr. Speaker, but it is always the role of a Canadian prime minister to stand up to racism and hatred. The Prime Minister expects to meet with the President of the United States sometime in the next few days. Canadians have been clear: the order against Muslims is completely unacceptable.

January 31st, 2017House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Democratic Reform  Mr. Speaker, no more words, enough is enough. That is too easy. It is time to take action. The Prime Minister has repeated ad nauseam that 2015 would mark the last election under the current system. However, recently he has seemed to back out of his formal and solemn commitment.

January 31st, 2017House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Shooting in Quebec City  Mr. Speaker, yesterday evening in Quebec City, several members of the Muslim community were murdered while at prayer in the Great Mosque. We offer our condolences, prayers, and love to the victims' families and loved ones. What does the Prime Minister intend to do to keep religious institutions across Canada safe?

January 30th, 2017House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Shooting in Quebec City  Mr. Speaker, the loss and suffering in Quebec City is being felt across the country and, indeed, throughout the world. The mosque in question had been the target of hateful acts in the past. The victims were murdered last night in the middle of prayer. Will the Prime Minister commit to immediate support for the affected families and will he also commit to greater dialogue with concerned religious and faith groups across the country?

January 30th, 2017House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Foreign Affairs  Mr. Speaker, the American President has implemented a ban on all individuals from a number of Muslim countries. There have been no justifications offered, but we all know that there can be no justification for this. Does the Prime Minister agree that this targeting of people based on their religion or place of birth is an affront to our shared values as Canadians and supporters of human rights across the world?

January 30th, 2017House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Foreign Affairs  Mr. Speaker, we were proud to see the Government of Canada take measures to offer temporary residency permits to those stranded by the United States' recently announced Muslim ban. However, the government must now commit to taking the next step. What does the Prime Minister intend to do to provide ongoing assistance to the thousands of refugees who are now banned from the United States?

January 30th, 2017House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Shooting in Quebec City  Mr. Speaker, as-salaam alaikum. Yesterday evening's terrorist attack on the Centre culturel islamique de Québec has shaken our country. Families are mourning the loss of their loved ones and praying for those who are injured and fighting for their lives. To all our Muslim brothers and sisters, we mourn with you and we pray for you.

January 30th, 2017House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Ethics  Mr. Speaker, after the Prime Minister threw his minister and the president of the Liberal Party under the bus, the PMO scrambled to write new talking points, and they are truly cringeworthy. The Prime Minister said his cash for access events, where people pay $1,500 to talk government business with the Prime Minister, are meant to help the middle class.

December 14th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Ethics  Mr. Speaker, today we have more proof that Canada 2020 is simply a wing of the Liberal Party of Canada. Access to the Prime Minister should not be based on donations made to the Liberal Party or to Liberal organizations. If the maximum amount has been donated to the Liberal Party, that is not a problem because it has other schemes to let people contribute more.

December 14th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Marijuana  Mr. Speaker, the problem with saying that he listens but is not influenced is that it reminds people of someone who said that he smoked pot and did not inhale. Nobody believes it. Speaking of that, to get elected, the Prime Minister loved to say that the war on drugs is not working; but today's Liberal cannabis report says nothing about decriminalizing possession.

December 13th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Ethics  Mr. Speaker, it seems that “just watch me” has become just trust me; and on this, Canadians just do not. I am sure that the Prime Minister had no intention of writing a piece of fiction when he drafted his so-called new ethics rules for the government. These rules were supposed to be solid, rules that the Liberal government was meant to follow, and we want to help with that.

December 13th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Steel Industry  Mr. Speaker, during the last election, the Prime Minister promised that, if elected, he would help protect the workers and pensioners of insolvent U.S. Steel. Yet here we are in the midst of a historic purchase agreement of U.S. Steel, where pension and benefits cuts are on the line, and the Prime Minister has been missing in action.

December 13th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Ethics  Mr. Speaker, let me read what the Liberals have said about cash for access fundraising: “at events like this, government business is not discussed”, from his minister; any individual “who wishes to initiate a policy discussion is immediately redirected to instead make an appointment”, from the Liberal Party; and finally, from himself, “[I] listen broadly...and [I] make the right decisions based on what's best for Canada”.

December 13th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement  Mr. Speaker, there is no question that my colleague from Hamilton Mountain is quite right. There are provisions in these agreements that are there to protect the companies, and we are not thinking enough about human health and the environment. Promises have been made by both the Conservatives and the Liberals that are clearly being broken, because the compensation that is on the table now is less than one-tenth of what was promised.

December 12th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement  Mr. Speaker, I very much appreciate my colleague's question, because it is extremely relevant. I gave the example of the time when I was the Quebec environment minister and banned 2,4-D. We know that the provinces are responsible for directly regulating in health and environment much more than the federal government, even though environment is shared.

December 12th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP