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Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement  Mr. Speaker, it is my honour to add my thoughts on a very important bill, Bill C-30. This bill will implement a proposed free-trade agreement with Europe, an agreement which has been talked about for years here in Ottawa. Indeed, to be quite frank, never in my life have I seen an agreement be the subject of so many press conferences and ceremonial events.

December 12th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Ethics  Mr. Speaker, let us look at those rules. The Prime Minister himself said that he wrote rules banning cash for access events. He stated: There should be no preferential access to government...accorded to individuals...because they have made financial contributions to...political parties.

December 8th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Democratic Reform  At another cash for access event. Mr. Speaker, on democratic reform, I know the Prime Minister got a bit confused by my question yesterday, but I do acknowledge that he again recommitted to changing the voting system before the next election. We also know that in the past the Prime Minister has expressed his personal support for a system that greatly benefits the Liberals.

December 8th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Democratic Reform  It is not his democracy, it is our democracy, Mr. Speaker. Bill C-29 does two things: it attacks Quebec's jurisdiction and eliminates consumer protections for Canada's bank customers. Stephen Harper tried to do the same thing when he was in office, but the courts stopped him. Why is the Prime Minister trying to protect banks rather than the most vulnerable?

December 8th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Ethics  Mr. Speaker, the Minister of Fisheries said that no government business was discussed during these exclusive fundraisers, but that turned out not to be true. I have a quote here that says, “There are questions about the inconsistencies in his own stories, his own contradictory statements, there are inconsistencies in what ministers of the Crown have been told to say to Parliament.”

December 8th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Government Priorities  Mr. Speaker, that is no reason to do away with Quebec's consumer protection legislation. This Prime Minister seems perfectly comfortable in not keeping his word, whether it is on forming the most ethical government on the planet, or his solemn promise to change the electoral system—and he has been in power for only one year.

December 7th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Democratic Reform  Yes, Mr. Speaker, coding with Shopify. Speaking of respect for Parliament, respect for democracy, the Prime Minister's Speech from the Throne stated clearly that “2015 will be the last federal election conducted under the first past the post voting system”. My question is simple.

December 7th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Ethics  Mr. Speaker, it is great to see the Prime Minister, really. I feel kind of lucky because I did not have to pay $1,500 to get in here. On behalf of all of those Canadians who do not have $1,500 to get access to the Prime Minister, I have a very simple question. Will he now admit that he has used his official position to pour hundreds of thousands of dollars into the coffers of the Liberal Party of Canada?

December 7th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

The Economy  Mr. Speaker, it sounds like he is running for House leader. With Bill C-29, the Prime Minister is trying to take away the protections that the Quebec law offers families who are already among the most indebted in the G20. The Prime Minister is attacking the Quebec Consumer Protection Act.

December 7th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Ethics  Mr. Speaker, from sunny ways to shady deals. If, as the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons says, Canada has some of the strictest fundraising rules, then why did the Prime Minister go to the trouble of introducing new rules prohibiting cash for access to his own political party?

December 6th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Ethics  Mr. Speaker, the fisheries minister told the House that government business is not discussed at cash for access events, but the host of one of these events not only contradicted him but confirmed that he lobbied the Prime Minister without being registered. Now we learn that this same individual was personally invited by the Prime Minister to meet the Chinese premier.

December 6th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Indigenous Affairs  Mr. Speaker, the parliamentary budget officer was crystal clear: the government is shirking its responsibilities, and indigenous children are paying the price. The Liberals promised to do better than the Conservatives, but the list of broken promises is getting longer. Legal battles against indigenous rights continue and the Liberals keep using Harper's system for approving pipelines.

December 6th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Indigenous Affairs  Mr. Speaker, Justice Sinclair said that the government's attitude on first nations court cases like the sixties scoop is “unconscionable”. Following the Kinder Morgan approval, Grand Chief Stewart Phillip said the Prime Minister “completely failed to do [his] job”. And to add recklessness to betrayal, the natural resources minister mused about calling in the military to quell protests.

December 6th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Violence Against Women  Mr. Speaker, on December 6, 1989, l'École polytechnique in Montreal was the scene of a terrible act: 14 female engineering students were murdered because they were women and dared to aspire to have a so-called man's job. It is a tragedy that we must never forget. Despite all the struggles of the past decades, we have not eliminated the violence and inequality experienced by women.

December 6th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP

Marijuana  Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister led many Canadians to believe that under a Liberal government, the recreational use of marijuana would no longer be a crime. He used to say very clearly that the current war on marijuana is not working. Well, a year after forming government, he has not only refused to decriminalize possession but he is now urging police to enforce all marijuana laws.

December 5th, 2016House debate

Thomas MulcairNDP