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Committees of the House  Madam Speaker, there are so many unknowns in this story of foreign interference that the government's refusal to agree to an independent inquiry is absolutely unacceptable. Three weeks ago, in the Special Committee on the Canada–People's Republic of China Relationship, I asked an RCMP officer that question.

March 22nd, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Committees of the House  Mr. Speaker, I did not understand the beginning of my colleague's speech, but I understood the end. This is not the first time that the Liberals and Conservatives accuse each other of partisanship, but I can tell my colleague that, in the Special Committee on the Canada–People's Republic of China Relationship this week, the Liberal members treated some witnesses appallingly.

March 22nd, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Historic Places of Canada Act  Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for his rather extraordinary speech. It made me want to go straight to British Columbia. In fact, I think the B.C. tourism board should hire him or should send his speech to people to encourage them to go there and see how interesting the historic sites really are.

March 21st, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Historic Places of Canada Act  Madam Speaker, I thank my colleague for his very long speech. I am going to talk about the very long detour that he made at the beginning, as we were all wondering how he was going to land on topic. He eventually got there after a few minutes. He talked about housing, actually, and he touted his party, which released a housing plan two weeks ago.

March 21st, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Historic Places of Canada Act  Madam Speaker, I too would like to thank my colleague for speaking French. Any efforts members make to speak French in the House are really very important. Right now, the French language is in decline across the country. I think it is important that the House send a message to francophones everywhere, all across Canada, that we are concerned about French here.

March 21st, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Democratic Institutions  Mr. Speaker, the Liberals are playing games by threatening an election. Meanwhile, in the real world, there are real people in the Chinese community who are facing real threats from the Chinese regime. As for the notorious Chinese police stations, Safeguard Defenders confirmed yesterday that 83 Canadian citizens have already been detained and deported to China to face trial, and those are only the cases we know about.

March 21st, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Online Streaming Act  Madam Speaker, I do not know whether I am going to have enough time to address all of the nonsense that was said in the past 10 minutes. The most scandalous thing my colleague said was that this bill is not about culture. It makes absolutely no sense to say such a thing. For those who may not know, I am an actor.

March 9th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Telecommunications Act  Madam Speaker, I had some interesting discussions with many people last week in the wake of the TikTok ban. Obviously, one of the reasons that the platform was banned was because the Chinese state could take advantage of the personal information that goes along with using that platform.

March 6th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Telecommunications Act  Madam Speaker, I agree somewhat with my colleague. Sometimes, the Conservatives want their bread buttered on both sides, especially when it comes to cybersecurity or Internet bills. They support the principle, but oppose the intervention. It is difficult for them to find the right balance.

March 6th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Official Languages  Mr. Speaker, just imagine: Montreal West Island Integrated Health and Social Services Centre had to take to the media to set the record straight after the member for Saint-Laurent spread misinformation about Bill 96 and the Charter of the French Language. In Quebec, francophones can get care in French and anglophones can get care in English.

February 16th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, I will just reiterate some of what I said before. I agree with my colleague. Wait lists for surgeries, children, seniors and people seeking addiction treatment are atrocious. This is true in Quebec too. Every day, we see images of wait lists in ERs. People cannot get adequate care in Canada, and that is an absolute disgrace.

February 16th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, this morning's debate is kind of schizophrenic. Everyone who got up to speak, no matter their political stripe, said there is a problem with Canada's health care system, that it does not make sense, that there are wait lists for surgery and mental health and that seniors are not getting the care they should be getting.

February 16th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Department of Public Works and Government Services Act  Madam Speaker, I will begin my speech by wishing my wife a happy Valentine's Day. As usual, we are debating an important bill. We never waste any time. We always do constructive things and get results in the House. Unfortunately, I am obligated to stay here and I cannot be with my wife, so I want to wish her a happy Valentine's Day.

February 14th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, my colleague is awfully pleased. He is very satisfied with his government's actions and spent 10 minutes talking about how everything is fine, move along, nothing to see here. One subject he did not talk about was seniors. We know seniors were among those hardest hit by the pandemic and that it was very hard for them.

February 14th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, I will be pleased to respond to my colleague who mentioned me in her speech. I very much like and respect that colleague. Unfortunately, in her speech, she echoed the mantra of my Conservative friends, who never have answers to the fundamental questions. Last week, we were talking about the carbon tax.

February 14th, 2023House debate

Denis TrudelBloc