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Foreign Affairs  Mr. Speaker, the Liberal record speaks for itself. Time after time, the minister has refused to say how much she has spent on the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, but government documents show that she is spending hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on this China-led bank.

June 3rd, 2021House debate

Ed FastConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Chair, that was not the question, so I will ask another one. Has the government done a value-for-money analysis on its so-called investment in the AIIB?

May 26th, 2021House debate

Ed FastConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Chair, does the government have any analysis of how its investment in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank promotes Canada's national interest, including our commitment to a clean environment, human rights and gender equality?

May 26th, 2021House debate

Ed FastConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Chair, I will just make one statement. This has been the most disappointing session of Parliament I have ever been involved in. I have asked the minister numerous questions. She has not answered one. There is no transparency and no specificity. The least she could have done is say that she does not know the answer to these questions but she would get back to me.

May 26th, 2021House debate

Ed FastConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Chair, did the government conduct a gender-based analysis of this China-led investment, especially in light of the horrific treatment of Uighur women in western China?

May 26th, 2021House debate

Ed FastConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Chair, the estimates show that her government has already contributed $50 million of taxpayers' money to this bank. She is planning on contributing another $49 million. Now, did the minister and her government make the return of the two Michaels a condition for investing taxpayers' dollars in this China-led bank?

May 26th, 2021House debate

Ed FastConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Chair, I will take that as a “no”. Is the minister aware that this China-led bank is the biggest multilateral funder of dirty coal projects in southeast Asia?

May 26th, 2021House debate

Ed FastConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Chair, I will take that as a “no” that the government did not conduct a gender-based analysis of this China-led investment. I am just flabbergasted that a government that has put a singular focus on intersectionality would not find it puzzling that this taxpayer investment in a China-led bank did not have a gender-based lens applied to it.

May 26th, 2021House debate

Ed FastConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Chair, how many Canadians have been employed on projects funded by the AIIB so far?

May 26th, 2021House debate

Ed FastConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Chair, that was not my question. I asked how many Canadians have been employed on projects that have been funded by the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Surely she would know; she is the finance minister of Canada.

May 26th, 2021House debate

Ed FastConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Chair, she agrees with the intent of the question, but will not answer the question, so here is another one. How many Canadian businesses have benefited from the investment the Liberal government has made into the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank?

May 26th, 2021House debate

Ed FastConservative

Business of Supply  Just to recap, Mr. Chair, I asked the minister when we would return to balanced budgets and she had no answer. I asked her about productivity investments in this budget and she could not answer that question. I am going to ask her about the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

May 26th, 2021House debate

Ed FastConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Chair, the experts disagree with her, but I am going to ask her this question again. How much more money does the minister plan to spend on the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and how much has she spent so far?

May 26th, 2021House debate

Ed FastConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Chair, I asked a very simple question. How much has the Liberal government spent on the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and how much does it intend to spend in the future?

May 26th, 2021House debate

Ed FastConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Chair, I did not ask a question about the two Michaels and I did not ask a question about human rights, but since she raised the issue, this China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank does not apply a rigorous environmental, human rights or gender-based lens to its investments.

May 26th, 2021House debate

Ed FastConservative