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Human Resources committee  In the province of Ontario, in fact, there was a pilot program, the UBI pilot program, that was brought in, I think, by your government and that is being cancelled prematurely by the Doug Ford administration. Can you comment on that? What are your thoughts on the pilot program that was introduced by your government?

June 19th, 2020Committee meeting

Jenny KwanNDP

Canada Emergency Student Benefit Act  The steps we take every step of the way, whether it is supporting university students or supporting people with the $2,000 a month basic income that we have supported, must be the new floor to ensure that we are never again left in a situation as precarious as we were in and that our health care system is never again left in that situation. I think of Ontario. I congratulate Premier Doug Ford. He has certainly shown some passion on this issue, but just before the pandemic they were shutting down all the public health units because they did not think we needed them, and these public health units have been the front lines of defending us and saving us right now.

April 29th, 2020House debate

Charlie AngusNDP

COVID-19 Emergency Response Act, No. 2  I do not know how that will be possible, but I know that things that once seemed impossible are possible. I mentioned earlier that Doug Ford says the Deputy Prime Minister is his therapist. This kind of thing would not have been considered possible a short time ago. We need to work together. On behalf of the Green Party caucus, I give my word that we will do whatever we can.

April 11th, 2020House debate

Elizabeth MayGreen

Health committee  These gestures have taken many shapes, including sincere and meaningful words of recognition by elected officials, including Prime Minister Trudeau, Premier Doug Ford, local mayors and our municipal and regional councillors. Gifts of financial donations to hospital foundations, words of encouragement on social media and simple gestures of kindness and support amongst neighbours and friends have inspired us and are helping our people through this challenging time.

April 9th, 2020Committee meeting

Dr. Naveed Mohammad

Ontario By-elections  Madam Speaker, I rise in this House today to speak about the provincial by-elections held yesterday in Ottawa—Vanier and Orléans. Voters in both ridings sent a resounding message to Doug Ford and elected two strong Liberal community champions in Stephen Blais and Lucille Collard. Stephen and Lucille ran outstanding campaigns focused on education, health care and the Conservatives' failure in Ontario.

February 28th, 2020House debate

Anita VandenbeldLiberal

Infrastructure  It will create jobs, help the environment and uplift the economy. However, the Gong Show Doug Ford government recklessly pulled provincial funding and derailed this critical project. Time is running out. Will the government partner with the City of Hamilton and help get our LRT funded and back on track?

February 25th, 2020House debate

Matthew GreenNDP

Tourism Industry  It is disappointing to hear from Conservatives, not only here but in our provincial legislatures as well, in terms of harm reduction, the view that people who are addicted should be treated as criminals and there is no desire to reach out, provide assistance and use programs that work. I was very happy to see the Doug Ford government break an election promise in St. Catharines, when it allowed for the creation of a supervised injection site. We have seen the incredible work that is being done. I am sure the hon. member on the other side would scoff and say that we are giving needles to addicts, looking down on the most vulnerable people in our society.

February 24th, 2020House debate

Chris BittleLiberal

Citizenship Act  Once again, the government cannot say that it is the provinces or, as it likes to do, bring out the big bogeyman, the Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford. The government cannot blame him for this. Recommendation number 7 states: We call upon the federal government to develop with Aboriginal groups a joint strategy to eliminate educational and employment gaps between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians.

February 24th, 2020House debate

Kyle SeebackConservative

Public Transit  This was a plan that was supported by the community, and the federal government had provided support in designing this plan. Unfortunately, these plans were thrown out by Doug Ford. He imposed a new proposal on the community, one that would impact parks, a community centre and a seniors home, raising serious concerns in the community about safety and quality of life.

January 31st, 2020House debate

Julie DabrusinLiberal

Resumption of debate on Address in Reply  If it is such a deeply rooted principle within Conservatives not to run debt, could she explain why both Brian Mulroney and Stephen Harper ran debts? Of the 19 budgets they brought in, 16 ran deficits. Could the member explain why Doug Ford continues to run debts in Ontario, and in fact is paying more to service that debt than Kathleen Wynne was previously? Why do Conservatives run debt? In case the member does not know, I have the answer: It is because they understand the principle that as long the economy is growing faster than debt is being taken on, it is being done in a responsible way.

January 27th, 2020House debate

Mark GerretsenLiberal

Resumption of debate on Address in Reply  The hon. member is right: his boss, the Prime Minister, talks a lot about the provinces. He talks against Doug Ford, Jason Kenney and Premier Moe. He talks against people elected by Canadians. That is not the way to run this country. We have to work together instead of making political arguments against provincially elected people.

December 9th, 2019House debate

Gérard DeltellConservative

Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement Implementation Act  If we listen to the Conservatives, they have a defeatist attitude. They are weak and that weakness shows through. We are seeing it with Doug Ford. Doug Ford and the federal Leader of the Official Opposition right away put up the white flag: “We give up, we give in, give them everything they want, and capitulate on this whole deal”.

June 18th, 2019House debate

Peter FonsecaLiberal

Business of Supply  Speaker, I find it somewhat interesting that the Conservative Party opposes a price on pollution. I too, like millions of other Canadians, am waiting for Doug Ford's announcement tomorrow with respect to the national Conservative plan on the environment. Provinces of different political stripes have adopted a price on pollution. The national plan fills in for those provinces that do not have a plan, or for individuals like Doug Ford, who withdrew from a plan, to ensure that there is a national standard across the country.

June 18th, 2019House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

The Environment  Mark Cameron, the former director of policy for Prime Minister Harper, is behind this kind of an approach. In fact, Doug Ford's chief budget adviser testified in the Senate in this Parliament that the number one thing we could do to transition to a low-carbon economy was to put a price on pollution. Most recently, the Pope made statements, just this last weekend, indicating that carbon pricing was essential.

June 17th, 2019House debate

Sean FraserLiberal

Carbon Pricing  I will show him the website afterward. Until then, I will assume that their plan will mirror Doug Ford's and will make life more expensive for families.

June 17th, 2019House debate

Sean FraserLiberal