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Supplementary Estimates (A), 2014-15  Mr. Speaker, the Bloc Québecois votes against, but agrees with applying the vote.

June 10th, 2014House debate

Louis PlamondonBloc

Supplementary Estimates (A), 2014-15  Mr. Speaker, the Bloc agrees to apply the vote, and we will vote no.

June 10th, 2014House debate

Louis PlamondonBloc

Main Estimates, 2014-15  Mr. Speaker, the Bloc Québecois votes against, but agrees to apply the vote.

June 10th, 2014House debate

Louis PlamondonBloc

Main Estimates, 2014-15  Mr. Speaker, the Bloc Québécois will be voting no.

June 10th, 2014House debate

Louis PlamondonBloc

Main Estimates, 2014-15  Mr. Speaker, the Bloc Québécois agrees to apply the vote and will be voting no.

June 10th, 2014House debate

Louis PlamondonBloc

Intergovernmental Relations  Mr. Speaker, tomorrow the Government of Quebec will table its budget. Quebeckers are coping with a difficult financial situation, but in Ottawa, the Minister of Finance is telling foreign delegations what a great job he did balancing the budget, supposedly. Has the minister told these people that he decided to slash Quebec's health care funding by $10 billion without consulting anyone?

June 3rd, 2014House debate

Louis PlamondonBloc

Points of Order  Mr. Speaker, yesterday I asked a question and at the end of my question, an NDP member shouted, “Bad question.” I am surprised that after three years here, he does not know that every question asked in the House is a good question. It is the answers that are bad.

May 27th, 2014House debate

Louis PlamondonBloc

Justice  Mr. Speaker, yesterday I asked the Minister of Justice a question about the National Assembly's dying with dignity bill. Instead of agreeing to respect that societal choice, which has received widespread support throughout Quebec and is the result of a process that was lauded by stakeholders for its thoroughness, the minister is imposing the House's will on the Quebec nation and is implying that the Criminal Code will prevent Quebec from moving forward.

May 27th, 2014House debate

Louis PlamondonBloc

Justice  Mr. Speaker, all of the parties in the National Assembly agreed to reintroduce the dying with dignity bill in order to speed its adoption. Unfortunately, all of the federalist parties in the House of Commons seem to want the federal government to use the Criminal Code to oppose the choice that society has made, that Quebeckers have reached consensus on.

May 26th, 2014House debate

Louis PlamondonBloc

Employment  Mr. Speaker, the government imposed a moratorium on foreign workers at the start of the summer season, and this moratorium will hurt the tourism industry in Quebec's national capital and many other regions of Quebec. It is unfair that restaurant and business owners in Quebec are being punished for abuse committed in Ontario and British Columbia.

May 12th, 2014House debate

Louis PlamondonBloc

Points of Order  Mr. Speaker, I just want to take a few moments to say that I support the views of the Green Party leader. I understood your decision when you made it, Mr. Speaker. Things got bogged down at report stage because all members from unrecognized parties could present amendments, which could lead to us spending several evenings voting.

May 6th, 2014House debate

Louis PlamondonBloc

Rt. Hon. Herb Gray  Mr. Speaker, the members of the Bloc Québécois would like to pay tribute to the memory of the former deputy prime minister and solicitor general, the hon. Herb Gray, who passed away last Monday. I had the honour of serving with him in the House for 18 years. He was a formidable parliamentarian who was always well prepared, respectful of his opponents and extremely hard-working.

April 29th, 2014House debate

Louis PlamondonBloc

Petitions  Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to present a petition on behalf of Development and Peace, which is calling for the creation of a legislated ombudsman mechanism for the Canadian extractive sector, which would have the authority to receive and investigate complaints, make public its findings, recommend remedial actions and recommend government-imposed sanctions such as withholding financial and political support to any company that does not comply with standards.

April 9th, 2014House debate

Louis PlamondonBloc

Resignation of Member  Mr. Speaker, I would like to join my colleagues in saying farewell to our friend. Twenty-five years in politics is quite a commitment. It is also very rare. Twenty-five years of service to our constituents, regardless of the political party we serve and the political ideas we defend, is always an honour for the person who achieves it.

April 1st, 2014House debate

Louis PlamondonBloc

Minister of Finance  Mr. Speaker, the appointment of the new Minister of Finance does not bode well for Quebeckers. Since he was the former executive director of the Ontario Securities Commission, it is very likely that he will pursue his predecessor's desire to create a Canada-wide securities commission and that he will continue attempts to take away Quebec's jurisdiction to benefit Toronto.

March 24th, 2014House debate

Louis PlamondonBloc