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Léandre Dion  Mr. Speaker, Léandre Dion, a proud Quebecker and proud Maskoutan, passed away on October 29. He served as the PQ MNA for Saint‑Hyacinthe in the Quebec National Assembly from 1994 to 2007. He worked with important people in Quebec's political history during the 1995 referendum, a very pivotal time.

November 2nd, 2022House debate

Simon-Pierre Savard-TremblayBloc

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, I am also more than willing for us to look more closely at how contracts are awarded. Some rather serious mistakes were made. We are members of the Bloc Québécois. For awhile, in Quebec, we had what were called public-private partnerships under a Liberal government, and the results were rather scandalous in many respects.

November 1st, 2022House debate

Simon-Pierre Savard-TremblayBloc

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, I realize that our hon. colleague often uses the strategy of opening up a bunch of topics of discussion and then asking an unrelated question, making it hard for us to respond to all the arguments he was putting forward. I will respond to the first point. When it comes to transparency, my colleague from Winnipeg North said that opposition members claim that the Liberals do not seem to believe in accountability.

November 1st, 2022House debate

Simon-Pierre Savard-TremblayBloc

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, that is unacceptable. When the government implements a measure, it has to be able to justify it, cost it, support it with data and findings. It has to be able to say which aspects worked well and which ones did not; to state that the pros outweigh the cons, or in the opposite case, that adjustments will have to be made.

November 1st, 2022House debate

Simon-Pierre Savard-TremblayBloc

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to rise today to speak to the motion moved by our official opposition colleagues requiring that the Auditor General audit the payments, contracts and subcontracts for the ArriveCAN app. I will reiterate what my Bloc Québécois colleagues said earlier. It is quite rich to make a link between, according to the wording of the Conservative motion, the money funnelled into ArriveCAN and general inflation.

November 1st, 2022House debate

Simon-Pierre Savard-TremblayBloc

Cost of Living Relief Act, No. 2.  Mr. Speaker, I thought it was a shame that so much chatter was going on in the corner while my colleagues from Mirabel and Joliette were giving their brilliant speeches. Members will still go ahead and ask my two colleagues questions on issues that were covered in great detail in their speeches.

October 27th, 2022House debate

Simon-Pierre Savard-TremblayBloc

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, there are some things that my colleague said in his speech that I want to understand. That is the message that we have been hearing since this morning, that this is not a real issue and that there are so many more important issues. Let us say that I understood that criticism earlier this morning, but at this point in the day, I see it as a sign that nobody really has any real arguments against what we are saying.

October 25th, 2022House debate

Simon-Pierre Savard-TremblayBloc

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, it is very simple. Honestly, I think that most veterans did not go to war ready to die for royalty. I do not think that was the main motivation. That being said, I personally know some veterans who are proud of their past service but who do not think that this institution is still relevant in 2022.

October 25th, 2022House debate

Simon-Pierre Savard-TremblayBloc

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, I think what the member for Rivière-du-Nord said and what all the Bloc Québécois members would say is that an elected president is better than a king. That is undeniable. That part is settled, everyone agrees on that. The Canadian members of Parliament are pretty much the only ones who disagree.

October 25th, 2022House debate

Simon-Pierre Savard-TremblayBloc

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, it is because that is not what the motion says. The motion calls on the House to mandate the government to initiate the process. It is as simple as that. Deciding what form this will take will come later. I know that the very idea of a republic is a bit foreign to a Canadian government that is proud of its monarchy, that it is a rather alien concept that may be hard to understand.

October 25th, 2022House debate

Simon-Pierre Savard-TremblayBloc

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, the great journalist and pamphleteer Arthur Buies made the following forceful statement in 1869: “A republic is the government for men; a monarchy is the government for children”. A government for children indeed, or a system of governance that fully acknowledges it has never reached maturity in the democratic sense.

October 25th, 2022House debate

Simon-Pierre Savard-TremblayBloc

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, I thank our colleague from Louis-Saint-Laurent for his speech. I know that he is also the environment critic, so I would like to ask him a rather simple question. If there is one price that keeps going up and down, it is the price of fossil fuels. If there is one thing that is always changing, that is chronically unstable, it is the price of fossil fuels.

October 20th, 2022House debate

Simon-Pierre Savard-TremblayBloc

Government Business No. 20—Proceedings on Bill C‑31  Mr. Speaker, since the first half of the 1990s, provincial health care systems have been sabotaged, particularly in Quebec. They were sabotaged from the moment the transfers stopped. Since then, while the provinces have to hire staff, doctors, nurses and orderlies, the money stays in Ottawa.

October 18th, 2022House debate

Simon-Pierre Savard-TremblayBloc

Government Business No. 20—Proceedings on Bill C‑31  Mr. Speaker, I would like to make a comment through you. I know that the parties are usually in caucus on Wednesday morning, tomorrow. I have a bit of a special request for the Conservative Party. Since we are talking about economic issues, for the mental health and well-being of the rest of the House, I would ask that the Conservatives stop saying “triple, triple, triple the tax”.

October 18th, 2022House debate

Simon-Pierre Savard-TremblayBloc

Saint-Hyacinthe History Centre  Madam Speaker, the Centre d'histoire de Saint-Hyacinthe is a private archival service accredited by the Bibliothèque et archives nationales du Québec, as are 38 other accredited archives. The centre has been in operation since 1992. With 1,500 metres of archives, the Centre d'histoire de Saint-Hyacinthe is truly ranked among the greats, alongside the Museum of Civilization, the Augustinian Monastery, the McCord Stewart Museum and the Canadian Centre of Architecture.

October 7th, 2022House debate

Simon-Pierre Savard-TremblayBloc