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Electoral Reform committee  The degree to which you find common ground is a normative question. Parties divide people—they always have—and there is a model in which we say we want a democracy in which a smallish number of parties compete for power on relatively clear platforms and with a leader at the head.

August 30th, 2016Committee meeting

Prof. Peter John Loewen

Committees of the House  Mr. Speaker, as the government House leader tried to point out, New Democrats have opposed some of the bad trade deals that have been brought forward in the past, and we have supported good ones, ones that have actually been fairly negotiated. That is no secret to the government House leader.

November 18th, 2014House debate

Peter JulianNDP

International Trade committee  I understand that. We had a witness, Barry Sookman, at our committee in May of this year. He's a trade lawyer. He said that other countries, such as those in Europe, have more robust patent protection and yet their prices are lower than Canada's. So there isn't a one-to-one relationship between the entry into force of free trade agreements and increases in drug prices.

June 7th, 2016Committee meeting

Peter FonsecaLiberal

Canada-Panama Free Trade Act  Mr. Speaker, I hear the Conservatives reacting, as they normally do. None of them have read the agreement. There is not a single word in the entire text that deals with money laundering or the tax haven status. It is appalling. This is a symbol of a completely dysfunctional trade policy pushed by the Conservatives and supported, as we have seen every time, by the Liberal Party of Canada.

September 30th, 2010House debate

Peter JulianNDP

Agriculture committee  Milk protein concentrate is a skim milk product, from which varying degrees of lactose and permeate, mostly water, is removed. These highly concentrated proteins were entering duty-free, effectively circumventing the MPC tariff. This was recognized by Dairy Farmers of Canada. The Canada Border Services Agency sought redress by taking the issue to the Canadian International Trade Tribunal.

March 9th, 2016Committee meeting

Peter Gould

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, it has become a hallmark, and again with the TPP, of this young government to postpone and procrastinate on making tough policy decisions on the basis of the need for further consultations. The government is going to have to make a number of tough decisions, which are going to make some Canadians unhappy one way or another, until the proof of the pudding in the good policy decision that we know the government will sooner or later have to make.

May 12th, 2016House debate

Peter KentConservative

Canada-Panama Free Trade Act  Madam Speaker, the member for Hamilton Mountain has made a very compelling case in front of this House. What the Liberals and Conservatives appear to be doing, yet again, is telling Canadians to swallow this because it is good for them. They said that about the softwood lumber sellout, leading to the loss of tens of thousands of jobs across the country.

September 29th, 2010House debate

Peter JulianNDP

Canada-Panama Free Trade Act  Mr. Speaker, after hearing interventions from the Conservatives and the Liberals around this bill, I am saddened to have to stand in this House, although I have enjoyed hearing the speeches from the Bloc. As members are well aware, when we talk about Panama we are talking about a country that is tied for the worst money laundering tax haven on the planet.

October 22nd, 2010House debate

Peter JulianNDP

Canada-Panama Free Trade Act  Mr. Speaker, I thank the member for Berthier—Maskinongé for asking a good question. I did say that we are the only national party standing up for these issues. However, on the Colombia file, the Bloc Québécois has been a major ally. That may not have been the case with respect to the softwood lumber agreement and the shipbuilding agreement.

September 30th, 2010House debate

Peter JulianNDP

Canada's Contribution to the Effort to Combat ISIL  Madam Speaker, for many years now, Sunni Islamist extremism has been identified as the principal terrorist threat to Canada's national security. This consensus among Canada's security institutions is reflected in the analysis and conclusions of Canada's counterterrorism strategy.

February 22nd, 2016House debate

Peter Van LoanConservative

International Trade  Mr. Speaker, let us be clear, the Liberals have never said no to any bad Conservative trade deal, not a single time. As North American foreign ministers meet, the former Mexican ambassador has spoken out against U.S. tactics on the TPP. In the final deal, the U.S. got far better terms than Canada for automobiles, putting good Canadian jobs at risk.

January 29th, 2016House debate

Peter JulianNDP

The Budget  Mr. Speaker, I am profoundly honoured and grateful for this opportunity to speak to this transformational budget 2016. Budget 2016 puts people first and delivers the help that Canadians need now, not a decade from now. It is an essential step to restoring prosperity for the middle class.

April 11th, 2016House debate

Peter FonsecaLiberal

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, I am pleased to rise today to speak to energy-related issues. When we talk about the energy sector, it is very important to talk about value-added production, something we have lost sight of for years now in Canada with regard to natural resource development. We always want to take part in substantive debates in the House, and that is why I will be proposing an amendment to this motion at the end of my speech.

January 28th, 2016House debate

Peter JulianNDP

Canada-Panama Free Trade Act  Madam Speaker, what everyone can assume is that the position of the Liberal Party is not to worry about the money laundering of dirty drug money because somehow this trade agreement will magically wave it all away. As everyone will recall, that was the Liberal position on the Colombia trade deal and since the Liberals worked with the Conservatives to ram the Colombia trade deal through, we have tragically seen an increase in the number of murders by the secret police and military and paramilitary forces in Colombia.

February 3rd, 2011House debate

Peter JulianNDP

Canada-Panama Free Trade Act  Mr. Speaker, I am saddened to rise in the House on Bill C-46, which could be more aptly called the drug pushers, money laundering act. It is absolutely shameful what the government has brought forward. Panama is ranked as one of the top drug pushing, money laundering, tax havens in the entire planet.

September 30th, 2010House debate

Peter JulianNDP