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Finance  Mr. Speaker, the tax credits the member is referring to failed. They did not work to increase public transit use and they benefited the wealthiest. According to all the studies that have been done on these tax credits, they were ineffective. The Canada child benefit, on the other hand, is lifting 300,000 kids out of poverty, reducing child poverty by 40%.

February 1st, 2019House debate

Joël LightboundLiberal

The Economy  Mr. Speaker, no Conservative government since 1946 has posted a worse economic performance than Stephen Harper's Conservative government, which the member is so passionately defending. I invite him to review his history and check his facts. Under the Conservative government, Canada had the worst export growth in 69 years, as well as the worst job growth, because the Conservative approach failed.

December 13th, 2018House debate

Joël LightboundLiberal

The Economy  Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for Louis-Saint-Laurent for giving me the opportunity to answer a question in this august chamber one last time before the holidays and the closing of Centre Block. My colleague for Louis-Saint-Laurent is a history buff. He knows that in 2006, the Conservative government inherited the best fiscal position of any incoming government.

December 13th, 2018House debate

Joël LightboundLiberal

The Economy  Mr. Speaker, speaking of history, the reason why Canada weathered the 2008 financial crisis relatively well is mainly that Paul Martin said no to Stephen Harper when he asked him to deregulate Canada's financial industry. Despite all that, the Conservatives racked up $150 billion in debt and led us into a technical recession in 2015.

December 13th, 2018House debate

Joël LightboundLiberal

The Economy  Mr. Speaker, it is no wonder that now she is on that side, she knows a thing or two about cutting services. It is the Conservatives' side that cut services to veterans and cut pay specialists that led to the Phoenix pay system. It is their side that sent cheques to families of millionaires.

December 13th, 2018House debate

Joël LightboundLiberal

Finance  Mr. Speaker, as I stated in a previous answer, our debt-to-GDP ratio is steadily going down. We are in the best fiscal position in the G7. The facts are clear. We lowered taxes on the middle class and raised them on the wealthiest 1%. They voted against it. We improved the Canada child benefit, lifting hundreds of thousands of kids out of poverty in our country, and gave more to the middle class.

December 10th, 2018House debate

Joël LightboundLiberal

Finance  Mr. Speaker, in 2015, we made a very clear commitment to Canadians that we would not take the economic approach, which was an abject failure for 10 years under the Conservatives. They tried to stand in the way of prosperity and growth, and as a result, we had the worst economic record in almost all areas since the Second World War and even before that.

December 10th, 2018House debate

Joël LightboundLiberal

Finance  Mr. Speaker, in 2015 Canadians clearly rejected the Conservative plan of austerity and cuts, which did not work and did not create the kind of growth Canadians expect. It did not result in more money in the pockets of the middle class, because they focused on the wealthiest. We took a different approach: investing in our communities, giving more money to the middle class, lowering the taxes of the middle class while raising them on the wealthiest 1% to deliver for Canadians.

December 10th, 2018House debate

Joël LightboundLiberal

Finance  Mr. Speaker, as I mentioned, our debt-to-GDP ratio is going steadily downward. We are in the best fiscal position in the G7. That is because we have managed to see growth in the country over the last three years with a plan that is working. Unlike the Conservatives, who failed on all economic fronts for a decade, we are seeing 700,000 full-time jobs created in the Canadian economy over the last three years, the fastest growth in the G7, and Canadian families by this next year will be $2,000 better off than they were under the previous government, which focused so much on the wealthiest, but so very little on the middle class.

December 10th, 2018House debate

Joël LightboundLiberal

Finance  Mr. Speaker, that is a little rich coming from the Conservatives who added $150 billion to Canada's debt and who gave tax break after tax break to the wealthiest Canadians. We took a different approach, lowering taxes on the middle class, and improving the Canada child benefit, which has lifted 300,000 kids out of poverty.

December 10th, 2018House debate

Joël LightboundLiberal

Finance  Mr. Speaker, if the member for Louis-Saint-Laurent wants to talk about colossal failures, then I urge him to look at the decade spent under Stephen Harper's Conservative government. That was a colossal economic failure in almost every way. The Conservative government had the worst growth in exports, the worst job record, the worst wage growth, the worst growth, period.

December 10th, 2018House debate

Joël LightboundLiberal

The Economy  Madam Speaker, I thank my colleague from Hull—Aylmer for his question. Indeed, under 10 years of Conservative rule, our country posted its worst economic performance, virtually across the board, in many decades. The Conservatives still do not have a plan for our economy, but we can see our plan is working.

December 7th, 2018House debate

Joël LightboundLiberal

Consumer Protection  Mr. Speaker, as I just mentioned, we have always been committed to offering Canadian consumers as much protection as possible when it comes to their financial services, while still respecting provincial jurisdictions. That continues to be the case with Bill C-86.

November 30th, 2018House debate

Joël LightboundLiberal

Consumer Protection  Mr. Speaker, as always, we are committed to providing financial services consumers with the best possible protection while respecting provincial jurisdiction. That is exactly what we are doing as we work with the provinces.

November 30th, 2018House debate

Joël LightboundLiberal

Finance  Mr. Speaker, in 2015, under the Conservative government's disastrous policies, Canada was headed for a recession. In fact, Canada was technically in a recession in 2015, with the worst job creation and the worst GDP growth since the Second World War. We took a completely different approach, one that has been praised by the international community.

November 30th, 2018House debate

Joël LightboundLiberal