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COVID-19 Pandemic and Other Matters  Mr. Chair, in the previous Parliament, the hon. member for Scarborough—Guildwood introduced the modern slavery act to combat slave labour. It has now been introduced in the other place as Bill S-211. Will the government commit to supporting this bill?

August 12th, 2020House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, I will advise the minister that I have the opportunity of getting briefings every week from her parliamentary secretary, who is quite forthcoming in giving answers to the questions that we ask. I just wish she would be, specifically to this $500 million request. What is the average percentage of prepayments of all the contracts already entered into?

June 17th, 2020House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, I would encourage the minister to have a conversation with her deputy minister to find out just what information was shared with the committee. Yesterday, the deputy minister also indicated that most of these funds were already under contract. Additionally, he indicated that many contracts for PPE include an advance payment provision, often depending on the commodity.

June 17th, 2020House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, we know that PSPC is trying to extract itself from a contract with a company that sold us millions of substandard KN95 masks. Yesterday, the deputy minister told the OGGO committee that other contracted companies are struggling with timeliness, and that at least one more is having quality issues.

June 17th, 2020House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to be participating in the debate today on the estimates, and I look forward to the minister's answers with regard to the funding her department is requesting. Yesterday at committee, the deputy minister of PSPC told us that the $500 million being requested for PPE in these estimates was for contracts for itself, and not for contracts on behalf of other clients or departments.

June 17th, 2020House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Questions Passed as Orders for Returns  With regard to search and rescue military operations, since January 1, 2018: what are the details of all instances where a call for emergency assistance was received but personnel were either delayed or unable to provide the emergency assistance requested, including the (i) date of the call, (ii) nature of the incident, (iii) response provided, (iv) length of delay between the call being received and assistance being deployed, if applicable, (v) location of the incident, (vi) reason for the delay, (vii) reason assistance was not provided, if applicable?

May 25th, 2020House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Canada Emergency Student Benefit Act  Mr. Speaker, Conservatives are proposing that the government create a new program to match student and youth employees with jobs in the agriculture and agri-food sector, and we heard that was part of the unanimous consent motion that we adopted earlier. Could the member tell us what impact, if any, this will have in his own riding?

April 29th, 2020House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement Implementation Act  Mr. Speaker, I too have appreciated working with my hon. colleague over the last number of years. I think all of us would agree that accountability and transparency in everything that we do as elected representatives are goals and values that we should support and look to attain.

March 10th, 2020House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement Implementation Act  Mr. Speaker, perhaps I did misspeak. What I would like to point out is that we have been clear in our support of the aluminum industry. I have stated that while the 70% rule of origin included in CUSMA looks good on paper, there are many things that we are concerned about. In fact, my colleagues on the committee wrote a letter to the Deputy Prime Minister outlining that failure to include a smelted and poured definition would leave the North American industry vulnerable to dumping from overseas, and particularly through Mexico.

March 10th, 2020House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement Implementation Act  Mr. Speaker, I truly appreciate the opportunity to speak to Bill C-4, the new free trade agreement with the United States and Mexico, at third reading. Perhaps I should say that I appreciate finally having the chance to speak to this agreement, as Conservatives have tried time and again to move this deal forward.

March 10th, 2020House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Public Services and Procurement  Mr. Speaker, when it comes to office space modernization, the table has been set for Liberal ministers, while humble civil servants get the scraps. In the last four and a half years, Liberals have spent over $1.6 million improving their own offices. Recently we learned that Public Services and Procurement Canada missed its office space modernization goal for public servants by 50%.

March 9th, 2020House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Public Services and Procurement  Mr. Speaker, when it comes to setting goals, the Liberals are all talk. They set a goal for office space modernization, but in the department's own explanation as to why they fell short, they admitted they were not funding their own goals. While Liberals are redecorating their offices, our hard-working public servants go without basic improvements to theirs.

March 9th, 2020House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Criminal Code  Madam Speaker, when Bill C-14 was introduced in the previous Parliament, the decision was made to not include advance directives. I think that was purposeful. Had we been allowed to deal with the issues that the Truchon case identified and keep all of these other issues in mind for the statutory review that is being contemplated, it would have allowed us far more time to look at the legislation, see what was and was not working and have a timely and comprehensive study of Bill C-14.

February 27th, 2020House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Criminal Code  Madam Speaker, I would suggest that one of the safeguards that I feel should have been left in the legislation was the 10-day period of reflection. I think that was very important to leave in this legislation, as I mentioned in my remarks. The observations have already been made that this could be waived, and I recognize that.

February 27th, 2020House debate

Kelly BlockConservative

Criminal Code  Madam Speaker, I do not think there was a question there. However, my hon. colleague made some observations about whether access to MAID has increased in her province. I will state again something I said in the remarks I made. I believe it is incumbent upon legislators, who have been given the very important role of putting legislation in place, to always look at legislation to understand and try to address any unintended consequences and then protect against them.

February 27th, 2020House debate

Kelly BlockConservative