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Budget Implementation Act, 2022, No. 1  Should the government have put in place measures to ensure that this additional $300 billion in credit did not all go into the residential mortgage market, thus fuelling the explosion in house prices and the skyrocketing housing prices we have seen over the last 24 months?

May 9th, 2022House debate

Michael ChongConservative

Status of Women committee  What we're understanding more and more is that this cumulative behaviour of violence escalates over time in a systematic pattern that then results in an explosion of violence against victims, potentially children or partners. The claims are that “we didn't see it coming”, when the signs were actually there. I would ask this to either Ms. Moor or Ms.

May 6th, 2022Committee meeting

Ya'ara SaksLiberal

Varennes  Varennes remained an agricultural village until the end of the 20th century, when an industrial boom coincided with an exodus to the suburbs and an explosion in its population. This prosperity enabled the people of Varennes to develop such high-quality infrastructure and services that it was named the happiest city in 2019. Indeed, I wish the people of Varennes much happiness for their city's 350th anniversary.

May 5th, 2022House debate

Xavier Barsalou-DuvalBloc

Public Safety committee  In our previous panel, we had witnesses who both said that we can't rely on social media platforms to do the heavy lifting on their own, but also that deplatforming has consequences, in that some of these actors, by deplatforming them, could spread onto other platforms that are not as carefully regulated. There has been an explosion in alternative social media platforms for that very reason. I guess this is the struggle we have as policy-makers, because it can be like playing the game Whac-a-Mole. You try to knock someone off of one platform and they pop up on another one.

May 5th, 2022Committee meeting

Alistair MacGregorNDP

Citizenship and Immigration committee  That's what I had understood, that it's very hard to access. Prior to the explosion at Karzai airport on August 26, 2021, IRCC was issuing G numbers, and in fact issued some safe travel letters validating the names identified as Canadian citizens who had been granted visas to enter Canada.

May 5th, 2022Committee meeting

Kerry-Lynne FindlayConservative

Finance committee  Governor Macklem, earlier in your remarks, I think you made reference to the fact that one of the things happening in this pandemic period has been a reduction in the demand for services and an explosion in the demand for goods of all kinds as people were at various times confined to quarters, so to speak, and looking for things to do and ways to improve their homes. Things are opening up a bit.

April 25th, 2022Committee meeting

Daniel BlaikieNDP

Government Operations committee  At some point, someone somewhere is laughing at us. Are you currently working with the industry more closely to find ways to avoid cost explosions, which taxpayers ultimately pay for? We're not even talking about inflation. With the current inflation, I imagine the numbers will go through the roof again. How do we get defence procurement to be effective and within the cost estimates?

April 29th, 2022Committee meeting

Pierre Paul-HusConservative

National Defence  This has led to an increase in the demand for CBRN defensive weapons, such as personal protective equipment, detection systems, vehicle-mounted improvised explosive devices detection systems, detonators and decontamination devices. Canada has been ignoring the threat while other countries got prepared. The losses, in terms of life and equipment, have triggered the enhancement of CBRN defences for our troops.

April 28th, 2022House debate

Cheryl GallantConservative

Conservation of Fish Stocks and Management of Pinnipeds Act  What I mean is that we would look back at where historical populations of pinnipeds were, and establish acceptable levels of where they should be so that our fish stocks could recover and get back to the levels they were at before the explosion in the population of pinnipeds. In the eighties, we started making conservation measures at the same time as there was an end to the commercial harvesting of pinnipeds. That was this.

April 28th, 2022House debate

Clifford SmallConservative

Conservation of Fish Stocks and Management of Pinnipeds Act  Rivers have been closed to salmon fishing, and the cod quota has been slashed in fishing area 3Ps on the south coast of Newfoundland and Labrador. The common denominator is predation by grey seals, which have had a population explosion that puts their numbers at five times historic levels. In Atlantic Canada, the population of all combined species of seals in 1970 was approximately two million. Today, it is over 10 million.

April 28th, 2022House debate

Clifford SmallConservative

Canada Post  People were home and businesses were closed for long stretches, and we saw a dramatic shift in what was being delivered. The explosion of e-commerce drove unprecedented growth in the volume of parcels being sent across the country and around the world. Small and medium-sized businesses, in particular, greatly benefited from the services that Canada Post provides as they ramped up their online operations, and the corporation made great efforts to aid those businesses.

April 27th, 2022House debate

Anthony HousefatherLiberal

Canadian Heritage committee  Because of the similarity between convoy memes and the content on more extreme spaces, the individual in question may be more receptive to the hateful ideas than if they were presented with unfamiliar visuals. This is only one example that appeared in the convoy, which triggered an explosion of meme production in both extreme and mainstream spaces. Further, the convoy is only one place where such symbols appeared and developed. Memes and symbols that rely on ambiguity and plausible deniability can be found in a number of political communities and groups.

April 27th, 2022Committee meeting

Daniel Panneton

Guy Lafleur  The blond demon was always eager to get involved in the community. On the ice, his style was like none other. His speed, his skill, his explosiveness, his lightning-fast shots and his goal-scoring prowess were incredible and the stuff of dreams throughout my youth. I have only good memories of playing at the Thurso arena, where Guy played in his youth.

April 25th, 2022House debate

Stéphane LauzonLiberal

Constitution Act, 1867  In 1960, the Quebec state began opening political and economic doors for us. Our culture was already flourishing, but now there was a cultural explosion. From then on, we were able to proudly shout to the world who we were. The Quebec state is our government. It defends and protects us. That must never be forgetten. I know that when Bloc Québécois members are in the House, our rhetoric concerning the jurisdictions of Quebec and the provinces can sound harsh.

April 7th, 2022House debate

Alain TherrienBloc

Constitution Act, 1867  We have to recognize the strengths of rural, isolated northern regions and maintain what democratic access they have, while understanding that urban centres are growing at an explosive rate and understanding that in Canada we have a diversity of languages, which has made us much stronger, but that we were founded on the principle that there was going to be this accord between the anglophone and the francophone communities.

April 7th, 2022House debate

Charlie AngusNDP