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Human Rights in Iran  The government came to office promising to re-establish diplomatic ties and reopen Canada's embassy in Tehran, and while it has backed off those promises, it has still not done what our allies have done and what the House has insisted the government do, which is to list the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist entity under the Criminal Code.

December 9th, 2022House debate

Michael ChongConservative

Subcommittee on International Human Rights committee  Some 200 armed groups are active in Haiti, most of which are located in metropolitan Port‑au‑Prince. One may well wonder if they are becoming a kind of proto-state like ISIS, the armed Islamic State group in Syria. The G9 group's nearly two-month hostage-taking at the Varreux oil terminal, which caused a humanitarian crisis and led to the virtually total shutdown of the country, is a clear illustration of that.

December 9th, 2022Committee meeting

Gédéon Jean

Petitions  It calls on the government to immediately implement a Conservative motion passed in 2018 and to list Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization. The petitioners remind the Government of Canada that Ukrainian International Airlines flight 752, which was shot down by the Iranian regime, claimed the lives of 176 people, including 57 Canadians and many permanent residents of Canada.

December 8th, 2022House debate

Tom KmiecConservative

Foreign Affairs  Speaker, I reject the premise of the question 100%. We have taken swift action against the Islamic Republic of Iran, and we continue to be extremely strong against the People's Republic of China in their attempts to interfere in our elections or in any other course of due action in Canada.

December 6th, 2022House debate

Adam van KoeverdenLiberal

Foreign Affairs  We are aware that certain foreign governments, including the People's Republic of China, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation, may attempt to threaten and intimidate individuals in Canada or their relatives abroad and that some of these tactics employed include harassment, intimidation, detention of family members abroad and refusal to issue travel documents or visas.

December 6th, 2022House debate

Adam van KoeverdenLiberal

Foreign Affairs  Madam Speaker, I speak today in this House in solidarity with and offering my full support to the brave men and women of Iran who are rising up against this brutal regime. For too long the Ayatollah, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and the so-called morality police have repressed the Iranian people for their own gain. The brutal killing of Mahsa Amini was a spark in a long history of repression and violence the Iranian authorities have imposed on their own people.

November 29th, 2022House debate

Terry BeechLiberal

Criminal Code  That is why, unlike so many other ancient civilizations or religions, those who follow and have followed Christianity, Judaism or Islam have historically practised burial rather than cremation. There is the belief that, even after death, the human body remains important. Christianity and even some branches of Judaism teach that the body will one day be resurrected and transformed.

December 5th, 2022House debate

Ted FalkConservative

Subcommittee on International Human Rights committee  I would like to tell you a little bit about myself to put in context my testimony before you today. I was born in Iran in 1980, right after the revolution and after the Islamic regime hijacked the revolution and took control of the country. When I was seven years old, my parents decided to flee Iran, in part because they didn't want me and my younger sister to grow up under a repressive regime that had no respect for women's rights.

November 25th, 2022Committee meeting

Sayeh Hassan

Public Safety  Mr. Speaker, the Ontario Superior Court has ruled that Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is a terrorist entity under Canadian law. The courts have shown leadership while the federal government refuses to ban the IRGC. My question is for the Attorney General.

November 28th, 2022House debate

Melissa LantsmanConservative

Subcommittee on International Human Rights committee  Part of it is that Canada, sadly, has been a safe haven for the Islamic regime and the people who support the regime. They've come here for many years. They've brought their investments and they've felt very safe and secure here. The government hasn't taken any steps to ensure that the Iranian Canadian community is protected.

November 25th, 2022Committee meeting

Sayeh Hassan

Subcommittee on International Human Rights committee  The threats are not limited to women; it's men as well. I think the Iranian Canadian community has been very vocal about the fact that there are Islamic regime elements in Canada that are threatening and harassing activists who are outspoken about the situation in Iran.

November 25th, 2022Committee meeting

Sayeh Hassan

Subcommittee on International Human Rights committee  I would certainly say that it's connected to the regime. There's a very systematic way that the Islamic regime has been harassing and threatening activists—people who are vocal against the regime—in Canada and in other countries as well. In the U.S., there have been threats of people being kidnapped.

November 25th, 2022Committee meeting

Sayeh Hassan

Justice committee  Notwithstanding the CJC clearing the judge of not one but several complaints with respect to that decision, the Tax Court Chief Justice Rossiter has promised that this particular justice would not be assigned to anyone appearing with an Islamic background. That would be litigants and lawyers. Is that still the case?

November 24th, 2022Committee meeting

Larry BrockConservative

Foreign Affairs  Our government, along with our international partners, are committed to holding Iran accountable for its actions in accordance with international law. I would like to reiterate the robust measures Canada has imposed against Iran and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, or the IRGC, in response to these recent incidents as well as long-term actions against Iran's systemic human rights violations and ongoing behaviour that destabilizes regional security.

November 22nd, 2022House debate

Pam DamoffLiberal

Questions on the Order Paper  Mr. Speaker, the government has strong measures in place to ensure Iran and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, or IRGC, are held accountable for their support of terrorism, including some of the toughest and most comprehensive sanctions in the world. Within the last month an additional 42 individuals and 12 entities were announced to be sanctioned under the special economic measures Iran regulations, or SEMA, in addition to the 202 previously listed Iranian entities and individuals.

November 16th, 2022House debate

Pam DamoffLiberal