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Petitions  Mr. Speaker, pursuant to Standing Order 36, I am presenting a petition from the residents of Edmonton asking the government to ban the sale of the serial killer board game and similar games in Canada. This petition, gathered by the members of St. Matthew's Parish, has the marks of children on the back.

February 9th, 1994House debate

Judy BethelLiberal

International Development Assistance  Mr. Speaker, I must say that the hon. member's question is premature. He has every reason to support the initiatives of non-governmental organizations, which are making exemplary contributions throughout the world. I can assure him that we will do our very best not only to maintain, but perhaps even to increase the percentage going through NGOs.

February 9th, 1994House debate

André OuelletLiberal

Tobacco Smuggling  Mr. Speaker, I want to repeat and confirm what the Prime Minister said earlier in this question period, that the law will be enforced everywhere in Canada and that is the case. I am happy to say it again here.

February 9th, 1994House debate

Herb GrayLiberal

Fight Against Smuggling  Mr. Speaker, the hon. member seems to have changed his tune. For weeks, he has been calling on the RCMP to intervene and now that it is doing so, he wants the force to withdraw. That is not how the RCMP operates.

February 9th, 1994House debate

Herb GrayLiberal

Cigarette Smuggling  Mr. Speaker, I had a telephone conversation on Sunday with the chief of one of the reserves. Shortly after Question Period I am meeting with the chiefs of all three reserves. I will be seeking their co-operation to work with the RCMP to eliminate smuggling on the reserves, around the reserves and everywhere in Canada.

February 9th, 1994House debate

Herb GrayLiberal

Anti-Smuggling Program  Mr. Speaker, reading the various reactions from across the country to the anti-smuggling program announced yesterday by the federal government, one might tend to believe that it is a regional problem affecting only Quebec. I would like to point out that these measures, which we very reluctantly accepted in view of their health implications, had become unavoidable and necessary.

February 9th, 1994House debate

Bernard PatryLiberal

Soldiers Missing In Action  Mr. Speaker, the peace process in the Middle East is promising for all those advocating peace and normalcy. Families with soldiers missing in action on both sides dare to hope. Mrs. Miriam Baumel, one such parent charged with renewed vigour when Messrs. Arafat and Rabin shook hands last fall, has been pressing the issue of soldiers missing in action with foreign governments and international organizations.

February 9th, 1994House debate

Joe VolpeLiberal

West Coast Ports Operations Act, 1994  Mr. Chairman, I will not go back on old arguments because as the hon. member said the clock is ticking and time is whiling away. Let me see if I can deal with the hon. member's concerns. I looked carefully at the amendment the hon. member presented. The difficulty I have with the amendment is that it is arbitration by another name.

February 8th, 1994House debate

Lloyd AxworthyLiberal

West Coast Ports Operations Act, 1994  Mr. Chairman, let me say first that throughout this bargaining and dispute, both officials of this department and myself have not taken any sides and have retained very strict neutrality, as has been the tradition of this department. I think it is wrong to suggest otherwise. We feel that collective bargaining itself has both rights and obligations to it and in order to be exercised properly those of us who represent the third party, which in this case is the public interest, must ensure that there is no particular bias.

February 8th, 1994House debate

Lloyd AxworthyLiberal

West Coast Ports Operations Act, 1994  Mr. Chairman, the hon. member from Transcona himself said earlier in the debate that the idea of final offer selection has very valuable precedents and that colleagues of his in the province of Manitoba introduced such proposals as a way of trying to provide a more extended and active way of developing a collective bargaining process.

February 8th, 1994House debate

Lloyd AxworthyLiberal

Petro-Canada  Mr. Speaker, as you know the previous government did sell off a portion of the Petro-Canada shares. The matter is obviously under advisement. There is a question of market judgment and at the time when the situation is propitious, we will take the decision that is required.

February 8th, 1994House debate

Paul MartinLiberal

Points Of Order  We had today and we have had in the past situations where I have noticed ministers reading lengthy statements on government policy in reply to what I do not want to describe as leading questions from Liberal members but perhaps not the same kind of probing questions that sometimes come from this side of the House.

February 8th, 1994House debate

Stephen HarperReform

Business Of The House  Mr. Speaker, I believe that the House will agree now to start debating Bill C-10 at second reading and then refer it to committee of the whole, before third and final reading, thus completing all the necessary stages before adjournment tonight. I believe you will find unanimous consent to proceed through all three stages.

February 8th, 1994House debate

Peter MillikenLiberal

G-7 Conference  Mr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister of Foreign Affairs. In view of the fact that the economic and employment ministers of the G-7 countries will be meeting in Detroit, Michigan on March 13 and 14, I would like to ask the minister if he can inform the House of any steps the government is taking to invite the G-7 ministers to travel the short distance across the border to Windsor, Canada.

February 8th, 1994House debate

Shaughnessy CohenLiberal

Excise Tax Act  Mr. Speaker, I am personally in contact with my counterparts, Mr. Middlemiss, in Quebec, and Mr. Christopherson, in Ontario, and I have received assurances from the commissioner of the RCMP that he, himself, is in contact with his counterparts. I am convinced that we will have the co-operation we need to curb smuggling.

February 8th, 1994House debate

Herb GrayLiberal