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Health committee  Thank you very much for the question. I think you've hit on a very important topic in terms of a shared responsibility. First of all, the problem of excessive weight and obesity is based on certain societal drivers that are being brought about as a result of the policies and practices of a number of different stakeholders, such as the food industry, for example, the industry that's advancing technology.

December 4th, 2007Committee meeting

Jim Ball

Health committee  Given that I've already spoken somewhat to this issue, I'd like to refer further comments to my colleague Mary L'Abbé from Health Canada, who is responsible for this particular area.

December 4th, 2007Committee meeting

Jim Ball

Health committee  We would agree that increased resources—particularly in those communities that can't afford to put these things in—need to be dedicated. Those resources could come from federal programs, but that may be insufficient alone. I would recommend that there be a collaborative approach to this, engaging federal resources along with provincial-territorial resources and what the community can do for themselves.

December 4th, 2007Committee meeting

Jim Ball

Health committee  This is an area that's clearly being worked on. For specific details in terms of percentages, I'll turn it to my colleague Kathy Langlois to respond.

December 4th, 2007Committee meeting

Jim Ball

Health committee  Further to the committee's recommendations, this report looks at the legislation that has been put in place in Quebec, which has put a ban on broadcast advertising to children, as well as the work that has been done and the legislation that has been put forward in Sweden. We're following up as per the committee's recommendations.

December 4th, 2007Committee meeting

Jim Ball

Health committee  Certainly we recognize clearly that access to physical activity opportunities and, further, removing barriers to physical activity opportunities is an important area. It is an area that falls within the jurisdiction of provincial and municipal governments more so than it does with the federal government.

December 4th, 2007Committee meeting

Jim Ball

Health committee  As I mentioned in my remarks, we have commissioned a report on advertising marketing to children. This report deals with a number of aspects of the issue of marketing in general to children, and specifically with advertising food products, etc., that may have a relationship to being overweight or obese.

December 4th, 2007Committee meeting

Jim Ball

Health committee  As mentioned in my opening remarks, and further to my remarks, industry has already demonstrated a commitment to reducing trans fats in the food supply. A voluntary approach at this point would allow the food industry time to reformulate products while at the same time maintaining goodwill by acknowledging that significant progress is being made by industry in this area.

December 4th, 2007Committee meeting

Jim Ball

Health committee  No. To further explain the approach, to ensure that industry is making progress in meeting its commitments, Health Canada, as I mentioned, will closely monitor the actions by industry over the next two years. As the Minister of Health has pointed out, if that progress has not been made, then he would proceed to regulate levels of trans fats in food products.

December 4th, 2007Committee meeting

Jim Ball

Health committee  As I said in my opening remarks, the government does have a number of programs in place for first nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples, who are living, most often, in lower socio-economic conditions, to mitigate the effects of lower income and lower education and related conditions.

December 4th, 2007Committee meeting

Jim Ball

Health committee  Perhaps to clarify the nature of a government response to a report from a parliamentary committee such as yours, our understanding was that the report would express what the government is currently doing within existing authorities and resources. That is in fact the approach that was taken to the report, our understanding being that it was the appropriate manner in which to respond.

December 4th, 2007Committee meeting

Jim Ball

Health committee  Thank you very much, Vice-Chair and members of the committee. I'm very pleased to be here today along with colleagues from the health portfolio. With me is Kathy Langlois from the first nations and Inuit health branch; Diane Finegood from CIHR, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research; Claude Rocan, director general of the Centre for Health Promotion; and Janet Pronk from the health products and food branch, director in the office of nutrition policy and promotion.

December 4th, 2007Committee meeting

Jim Ball