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Canada Elections Act  Mr. Speaker, I think this is one of these situations where the Liberals were saying, “We're not claiming we're ethical. We're just saying you're as bad as us.” First, nobody buys tickets for appreciation events. The way an appreciation event works is that the people have already paid, typically, the maximum donation and the appreciation event is then held for the Laurier club in the Liberal Party and for the leaders' circle in the Conservative Party at a convention, and they get to have wine and cheese and hobnob with some cabinet ministers, for sure, when they are on the government side.

June 8th, 2017House debate

Scott ReidConservative

Canada Elections Act  Mr. Speaker, I think that a vote by the government party will suffice in this case. With regard to the member's other question about the change to the electoral system, in committee four out of five parties came to a consensus. We came to a consensus on the fact that it would be possible to hold a referendum on a proportional system created by the government party, by the Liberals, before the 2019 election.

June 8th, 2017House debate

Scott ReidConservative

Canada Elections Act  Mr. Speaker, last November, the Nanos polling organization asked Canadians what they thought of cash for access or pay to play. I will just read from The Globe and Mail coverage, what the answer was. It says: A Nanos public-opinion survey, conducted for The Globe and Mail from Nov. 26 to 30, shows that 62 per cent of Canadians disapprove of the Liberal Party’s practice of charging people $1,500 a ticket to meet in private with Mr.

June 8th, 2017House debate

Scott ReidConservative

Canada Elections Act  As my colleague suggested, Mr. Speaker, he probably had his hand over his heart when he put this down. It reads: To be worthy of Canadians’ trust, we must always act with integrity. He gets breathless, too. This is not merely a matter of adopting the right rules, or of ensuring technical compliance with those rules.

June 8th, 2017House debate

Scott ReidConservative

Canada Elections Act  Mr. Speaker, this legislation could be understood in three steps. Step number one, the Liberals come up with a fundraising system that is profoundly profitable. Step number two, the public finds out about it and it becomes profoundly unpopular. Step number three, the Liberals attempt to develop a piece of legislation that would provide ethical cover for continuing this unpopular practice because it is so darned profitable.

June 8th, 2017House debate

Scott ReidConservative

Cannabis Act  Mr. Speaker, the minister will know that I am unique on this side of the House in being a long-time advocate of marijuana legalization, a position I have held since the beginning of my political career some 17 years ago. I am, however, finding it difficult to reconcile some of the arguments made in favour of the government's legalization plan.

June 6th, 2017House debate

Scott ReidConservative

Committees of the House  Mr. Speaker, I have to take exception to one thing my hon. colleague just said. I personally do not believe that any electoral system has the effect of privileging or diminishing extremism. It has been an unfortunate aspect of this debate that the Prime Minister has asserted that proportionality would lead to greater power being exercised by extremists who would hold the balance of power, potentially, in some future government and be able to get disproportionate influence.

May 30th, 2017House debate

Scott ReidConservative

Committees of the House  Madam Speaker, there are two kinds of young people: those who voted in the last election and those for whom the next election will be their first opportunity to vote. Among those in the first category, some voted for the Liberals and for the current Prime Minister. Indeed, during the election campaign, he said that politics would be different under the Liberals and that it would be less confrontational, more consensual, more generous, more open, more focused on the mission and the importance of truth, and always genuine.

May 30th, 2017House debate

Scott ReidConservative

Committees of the House  Madam Speaker, I suspect they are best explained by self-interest. That goes further than anything else. I have outlined a scenario that I sincerely believe is what was afoot. I think that at some point the Prime Minister realized things were not going to go the way he wanted them to, and he then tried to find an exit ramp.

May 30th, 2017House debate

Scott ReidConservative

Committees of the House  Madam Speaker, let me answer the second question first. I am not actually advocating in favour of proportional representation. I am advocating that if one is looking at alternatives to the status quo, one ought to move toward something that actually has a base of support, that actually stands a chance of winning the support of the Canadian people.

May 30th, 2017House debate

Scott ReidConservative

Committees of the House  Madam Speaker, I take issue with something the hon. parliamentary secretary said in his remarks. He suggested that there was a lack of consensus and that it would be irresponsible to move forward in the absence of that lack of consensus. I want to read the relevant recommendation of the report, recommendation. 12, to make the point that what he said was factually incorrect.

May 30th, 2017House debate

Scott ReidConservative

Democratic Reform  Madam Speaker, the first 30 seconds of that answer was actually on the topic of the cabinet leak. The rest was on another topic. With regard to that question, I will just say that the parliamentary secretary's assertion that a cabinet leak did not occur is obviously counterfactual.

May 17th, 2017House debate

Scott ReidConservative

Democratic Reform  Madam Speaker, on February 3, Althia Raj, in the Huffington Post, reported on a leak from a recent meeting. She reported: Several government sources, speaking to The Huffington Post Canada on condition of anonymity, said a decision to abandon the Liberals’ election promise of making the 2015 election the last held under a first-past-the-post system was reached after a two-hour discussion at the January cabinet retreat in Calgary.

May 17th, 2017House debate

Scott ReidConservative

Religious Freedom  Mr. Speaker, here are three facts: one, thanks be to God, state-sanctioned persecution in the name of Christianity is nearly extinct worldwide; two, religious persecution by officially Muslim states, and even more by officially atheist regimes, is alive and well; and, three, over 200 million Christians live in the states that are the worst offenders.

May 11th, 2017House debate

Scott ReidConservative

Privilege  It is the obvious analogy, Mr. Speaker. There is one distinction between the electoral reform promise that the government gave and the promise it gave here, which is that the electoral reform promise was dramatic in terms of timing. The promise was that this would be the last first-past-the-post election.

May 2nd, 2017House debate

Scott ReidConservative