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Procedure and House Affairs committee  I'd like the ministers here for the full hour, so I certainly hope we'll be back here at 4:30. If we aren't, I guess we'll deal with that then.

March 9th, 2023Committee meeting

Rachel BlaneyNDP

Procedure and House Affairs committee  Can we get any idea of when we would have an update on that? Maybe the ministers could come for half an hour. Then we need to move on, because we haven't had this assurance. I don't want to disrupt the ministers. I want answers. I think we've been very clear at this part of the table that I'm here to find solutions.

March 9th, 2023Committee meeting

Rachel BlaneyNDP

Procedure and House Affairs committee  I have a point of order. Can we have a unanimous consent motion? I propose a unanimous consent motion that we continue after the ministers and return at 4:30 after question period.

March 9th, 2023Committee meeting

Rachel BlaneyNDP

Procedure and House Affairs committee  Chair, can you explain to us when we're going to hear about that? I am the whip for the NDP. I've been very clear and my team has been clear that we are open to having this committee continue. When will we know that? I am feeling a lot of pressure to somehow magically allow the ministers to do the thing we're here to do, but we're also asking in good faith for a process to make sure that we get to continue this committee and continue this work.

March 9th, 2023Committee meeting

Rachel BlaneyNDP

Procedure and House Affairs committee  Thank you, Madam Chair. I think what would probably be helpful to you and to this committee is for me to outline what I'm hoping to see today. First of all, I hope that today we will actually get to a vote. I would be very excited to do that, and if at any point the other side is prepared for that, I am here for it.

March 9th, 2023Committee meeting

Rachel BlaneyNDP

Procedure and House Affairs committee  Well, thank you, Madam Chair. It's good to be here at PROC bright and early. I want to thank and acknowledge the chair for providing more times to meet. I was very concerned when I came here on Tuesday after question period and saw that we were not resuming. I think it's important to get back to this work.

March 9th, 2023Committee meeting

Rachel BlaneyNDP

March 9th, 2023Committee meeting

Rachel BlaneyNDP

Procedure and House Affairs committee  Thank you so much, Chair. I hope the sound is good. I was gone for a short period of time. You'll let me know if the interpreters have any concerns, because I definitely want to make sure they're supported. Madam Chair, this is a serious issue. I don't take any of this lightly.

March 7th, 2023Committee meeting

Rachel BlaneyNDP

Procedure and House Affairs committee  Thank you, Chair. I thank everybody for this very interesting conversation. I just have a few things that I feel are really important to say. First of all, I will say that it has—and I talked about this earlier—been my practice and that of the NDP not to support bringing staff.

March 7th, 2023Committee meeting

Rachel BlaneyNDP

Procedure and House Affairs committee  I'm happy to move that amendment. I would love to see a vote on that.

March 7th, 2023Committee meeting

Rachel BlaneyNDP

Procedure and House Affairs committee  Thank you so much, Chair. My amendment is simply that we add at the end of the sentence after “a.”, “and” b. invite the following individuals to appear before the committee as part of the study, provided that they be sworn or affirmed: i. Jeremy Broadhurst, Azam Ishmael, Hamish Marshall and Walied Solomon, national campaign directors for the Liberal Party of Canada and the Conservative Party of Canada during the 2019 and 2021 federal election campaigns.

March 7th, 2023Committee meeting

Rachel BlaneyNDP

Procedure and House Affairs committee  Thank you, Madam Chair. It's good to be back in the committee. I apologize for missing some of last week, but my constituents in some of my more remote communities really appreciate the time I had with them, and I just want to thank them for always having time for me. I do have an amendment, and I'll get that sent to the clerk, but before I talk about the amendment, I want to say that my history in this committee is that I resist heavily having staff come in when they are not the people who make the final decision.

March 7th, 2023Committee meeting

Rachel BlaneyNDP

Procedure and House Affairs committee  I'm frustrated that I didn't get a chance to speak.

February 9th, 2023Committee meeting

Rachel BlaneyNDP

Procedure and House Affairs committee  Thank you, Madam Chair. This has been a very interesting conversation. It is frustrating. I think we're just trying to get clarity. I reflect on the fact that, if this was easy and not complex, wouldn't that make life a lot easier for the process? I really appreciate the comments made during testimony about the fact that this is evolving.

February 9th, 2023Committee meeting

Rachel BlaneyNDP

Procedure and House Affairs committee  Thank you, somewhat. I appreciate that. I did appreciate one of the recommendations. I think it was you, Ms. Henderson, who talked about opening the CSIS Act for sharing information with different levels of government. Right now it's pinioned in at just the federal level but not the other levels, and I can imagine that for provinces, territories and municipalities it would be very useful to know that information.

February 9th, 2023Committee meeting

Rachel BlaneyNDP