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Arab Heritage Month Act  It is a worthy cause because there is no doubt that the Arab population, not only in Windsor but across Canada and the world, has contributed quite significantly and continues to do so despite some recent challenges with Islamophobia and other types of sensitive issues over the years. The community deserves this type of positive recognition, especially when we consider its economic, social and cultural contributions, which continue in our neighbourhoods.

May 17th, 2022House debate

Brian MasseNDP

Business of Supply  To put it in clearer terms for the House, committing genocide against Uighur Muslims is a rather severe form of Islamophobia, and it is something the House should be calling out very clearly and responding to. We dealt, in the past, with the detention of the two Michaels. Just this week, we had the arrest of a Canadian citizen and democracy activist, Denise Ho, in Hong Kong, as well as the arrest of Cardinal Joseph Zen, a 90-year-old retired cardinal, who has also been a strong voice for democracy.

May 12th, 2022House debate

Garnett GenuisConservative

Citizenship and Immigration committee  He was shot and killed. The point I'm trying to make is that South Asians, because of Islamophobia and because of anti-South Asian, anti-immigrant hate, are on the receiving end of a lot of discrimination. Young people especially, with coming of age and identity, are even more so affected.

April 26th, 2022Committee meeting

Dr. Sabreena Ghaffar-Siddiqui

Business of Supply  To make it a more inclusive country, and continue that great work I just noted, we need to make sure that we identify problems that exist: racism, discrimination, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. Any form of racism or discrimination prevents our country and individuals here from reaching our full potential. When I read this motion that I have in front of me, I think that maybe the Bloc was trying to get to a more inclusive society: a more inclusive House of Commons.

May 10th, 2022House debate

Francesco SorbaraLiberal

Public Safety committee  I am undecided. I think, depending on the context, both terms, Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hatred, may be relevant and pertinent.

May 10th, 2022Committee meeting

Navaid Aziz

The Budget  Why am I talking about the Muslims in Canada archives in the middle of a budget speech? I am talking about it because if we want to address Islamophobia, we need to do short-term things, like promoting people's safety at mosques, and we also need to do medium- and long-term things. How do we do that? We change the narrative. We disabuse the stereotypes.

April 25th, 2022House debate

Arif ViraniLiberal

Diversity and Inclusion  In January, the government announced that it will create a special representative on combatting Islamophobia. Muslim Canadians are still waiting. In November 2021, the government reappointed a special envoy on combatting anti-Semitism. As we celebrate Asian Heritage Month, will the government create a special representative to help fight Asian hate, or do Asian Canadians not matter?

May 9th, 2022House debate

Kevin VuongIndependent

Day of Action Against Anti-Asian Racism  Madam Speaker, with respect to racism, misogyny, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia and transphobia, we are seeing a disturbing rise in all these toxic forms of hate in Canada as far-right extremists mobilize in our country. We see this manifested in despicable acts of hate and violence across the country.

May 6th, 2022House debate

Peter JulianNDP

Budget Implementation Act, 2022, No. 1  On that point, I want to highlight that we are investing significantly in establishing a special envoy on preserving Holocaust remembrance and combatting anti-Semitism, which again is very important to my community, as well as ensuring that we have a new special representative on combatting Islamophobia. In order for us to have safer communities, we need to invest in these measures. However, we do not stop there. We go beyond in expanding the supporting the Black Canadian communities initiative with $50 million.

May 6th, 2022House debate

Gary AnandasangareeLiberal

Canadian Heritage committee  Just 24 hours after International Holocaust Remembrance Day and on the National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action Against Islamophobia, Nazi flags were flying in public on Parliament Hill. Not long ago in Mount Royal, Quebec, huge swastikas were drawn in the snow and on a hockey rink. We've seen many other hate signs, expressions and symbols in certain public places.

April 27th, 2022Committee meeting

Roselyne Mavungu

Ramadan  This uplifting Iftar dinner celebrated the values we all share, while reiterating our commitment to rejecting Islamophobia and fighting discrimination in all its forms. Muslims call this service their generosity and compassion, which is cherished by Vaughan residents. As Ramadan comes to an end, I am looking forward to hosting my annual Eid dinner with Muslim leaders and community members from across the city of Vaughan on May 5.

April 27th, 2022House debate

Francesco SorbaraLiberal

Citizenship and Immigration committee  Would you have any words of advice that I could pass on to them about dealing with mental health problems created by racism and Islamophobia?

April 26th, 2022Committee meeting

Shafqat AliLiberal

Public Safety committee  We had hate groups spring up that were emboldened by Trump's election and his rhetoric about Muslims, and then they took to the streets to protest against our Motion No. 103, which was to broadly condemn Islamophobia. At the time there were groups involved that you might recognize, like the Proud Boys and the Soldiers of Odin, and there were two threats largely emerging out of this space. The first was that they were assaulting people at demonstrations.

April 26th, 2022Committee meeting

Evan Balgord

The Budget  Madam Speaker, the hon. member spoke about certain actions with respect to anti-Semitism and Islamophobia and the appointment of special envoys. Certainly, in the Conservative caucus, we are very supportive of action on those issues. Last summer, dozens of churches were either burned down or vandalized in western Canada, including the complete destruction of a Coptic church in Surrey, for example, and the burning down of a 100-year-old historic francophone church close to my house.

April 25th, 2022House debate

Garnett GenuisConservative

Diversity and Inclusion  Mr. Speaker, on this side of the House, we acknowledge the reality of Islamophobia in Canada. That is why we have taken concrete steps, including marking January 29 as the National Day of Remembrance and Action Against Islamophobia and holding a national summit on Islamophobia.

March 23rd, 2022House debate

Ahmed HussenLiberal