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Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, the minister from Alberta knows full well that Albertans overwhelmingly rejected the costly coalition's carbon tax. Albertans gave the provincial government a resounding mandate to scrap the NDP carbon tax, which drove away jobs and drove away our economy, and now the Liberals plan on tripling the carbon tax on gas, groceries and home heating.

December 5th, 2022House debate

Jasraj Singh HallanConservative

Petitions  Madam Speaker, I proudly stand today to present a petition on behalf of the amazing people of Calgary Forest Lawn, particularly those who live in the Mayland Heights community, who are calling on the government to stand with them, along with myself, in asking that the alternate departure heading trial route not be made permanent.

December 2nd, 2022House debate

Jasraj Singh HallanConservative

Finance  Madam Speaker, again, it is clear from the member's answer that the government does not understand the pain it is causing Canadians. Even the Governor of the Bank of Canada said that the inflation in Canada today is a homegrown problem. That means it is a Liberal-created issue.

December 2nd, 2022House debate

Jasraj Singh HallanConservative

Finance  Madam Speaker, the Governor of the Bank of Canada has confirmed that if the Liberal deficit has been lower, inflation would have been lower today. The enormous deficit is going to cost each and every Canadian an extra $3,500, meaning less money for food, less money for gas and less money to heat their homes.

December 2nd, 2022House debate

Jasraj Singh HallanConservative

Finance  Madam Speaker, the Liberals blame everyone else for their own inflationary problem. Even possible future Liberal leadership candidate Mark Carney said that the problem was domestically created. The member is proud that her government's spending sent 1.5 million Canadians to a food bank in a single month and that one in five Canadians have to skip lunch.

December 2nd, 2022House debate

Jasraj Singh HallanConservative

The Economy  Mr. Speaker, Canada was seen as a country of prosperity. That is why my family came here. Like so many newcomers, we came here with very little, but with hard work we were able to succeed. Today, that dream for so many newcomers and citizens has gone up in smoke because of Liberal mismanagement of the economy.

December 1st, 2022House debate

Jasraj Singh HallanConservative

The Economy  Mr. Speaker, that member is clueless. She knows the vast majority of Canadians will not see a penny from those announcements. What they will see is the Liberals' reckless spending, which will cost each Canadian $3,500, according to the Governor of the Bank of Canada. They will continue seeing their home heating costs soar because this “leave it in the ground” Liberal government cancelled pipelines across the country.

December 1st, 2022House debate

Jasraj Singh HallanConservative

The Economy  Mr. Speaker, the trust fund Prime Minister is completely out of touch. The supports he is talking about are being vaporized by his own inflation. His inflation is going to cost each Canadian $3,500. When my family moved here, we lived basement to basement while the Prime Minister lived in taxpayer-funded mansions.

November 30th, 2022House debate

Jasraj Singh HallanConservative

The Economy  Mr. Speaker, Ontario food bank usage is at a record high because of the Prime Minister's reckless inflationary spending. Forty-six per cent of food bank users are there because they cannot afford food. Fourteen per cent are there because they cannot afford housing. Eleven per cent of those users' wages are being eaten alive by the Prime Minister's inflation.

November 30th, 2022House debate

Jasraj Singh HallanConservative

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, Canada is the only country in the developed world to increase the carbon tax during affordability crisis. Even Japan got with the program and cancelled its plan to increase the carbon tax. The Liberals keep raising the tax, yet emissions keep going up, and they have not hit a single emission reduction target.

November 28th, 2022House debate

Jasraj Singh HallanConservative

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, that is a tax plan and not a climate plan. The Liberals' failed plan is sending more Canadians to the food banks, and there are more families that have to skip meals. They keep failing on the environment. They have not fixed the economy. They keep charging Canadians even more.

November 28th, 2022House debate

Jasraj Singh HallanConservative

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, yesterday the Governor of the Bank of Canada confirmed that getting rid of the carbon tax will reduce inflation. This is the same carbon tax that has driven up the cost of groceries, gas and home heating. This is the same carbon tax that has not helped the Liberals meet a single emission reduction target.

November 24th, 2022House debate

Jasraj Singh HallanConservative

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, that is a job well failed by the government. It has not been able to fix the environment or the economy. It keeps making things worse, driving more families to food banks, with 1.5 million Canadians having to use food banks and one out of five Canadians having to skip meals.

November 24th, 2022House debate

Jasraj Singh HallanConservative

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister blew through a balanced budget left by the Conservatives, spending more than every prime minister before him combined. He is the architect of this inflationary mess. He made home heating bills almost double and is responsible for 1.5 million Canadians visiting food banks in a single month.

November 23rd, 2022House debate

Jasraj Singh HallanConservative

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, this is coming from Canada's most notorious high-carbon hypocrite. He calls seniors and people on fixed incomes polluters, while he jet-sets around the world, singing in luxurious hotels and embarrassing Canada on the world stage on the dime of Canadians. There was always a price on pollution.

November 23rd, 2022House debate

Jasraj Singh HallanConservative