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Budget Implementation Act, 2019, No. 1  He has increased the cost of government by 25% in three short years, and on top of that, middle-class Canadians are paying, on average, $800 more per household. With all of these broken promises, can the finance minister tell us why Canadians should believe anything he or his Prime Minister have to say?

April 30th, 2019House debate

Pierre PoilievreConservative

Business of Supply  We created a new tax bracket for the wealthiest Canadians, who will pay more, so we could cut taxes for nine million middle-class Canadian families. We are investing $40 billion, along with provinces and communities. It is part of a national housing strategy that will help people who do not have a place to sleep at night or who are potentially underserved in their housing needs.

April 29th, 2019House debate

Sean FraserLiberal

Finance  Mr. Speaker, the good news for Canadians, especially middle-class Canadians, is not only do we have a plan but our plan is working. We moved immediately to lower taxes on middle-class Canadians and we increased the Canada child benefit, two measures that helped our economy to get going, reduced unemployment and put people in a better situation.

January 31st, 2019House debate

Bill MorneauLiberal

Business of Supply  It is an opposition motion that does not speak to the needs of everyday hard-working Canadians, middle-class Canadians at home, and their concerns of ensuring they have a bright future for themselves and their kids, or ensuring we make life more affordable for Canadians from coast to coast to coast.

January 29th, 2019House debate

Francesco SorbaraLiberal

Budget Implementation Act, 2019, No. 1  However, when it comes to prescription drugs, not everyone has access to what they need to regain and maintain their health. Many middle-class Canadians, and those struggling hard to join the middle class, cannot afford the prescription drugs they need. No one should have to choose between putting food on the table and buying prescription drugs.

April 12th, 2019House debate

Majid JowhariLiberal

Government Priorities  We have trading relationships with each of the seven G7 countries, trading deals that we have today. We have lowered taxes on middle-class Canadians by raising them on the wealthiest 1% of Canadians. We have a climate plan that is showing results—

April 11th, 2019House debate

Bardish ChaggerLiberal

Budget Implementation Act, 2019, No. 1  I would like to use my time today to highlight some important measures we are proposing in this budget implementation bill that build on what we have done so far. I believe that this bill will help us continue to improve the lives of middle-class Canadians and those who are working hard to join the middle class. Before I explain the various measures in this bill, which presents the next phase of our plan, I want to remind hon. members of how we got to where we are today.

April 11th, 2019House debate

Joël LightboundLiberal

Multilateral Instrument in Respect of Tax Conventions Act  That is why our approach emphasizes tax reductions. The current government has raised taxes for middle-class Canadians and those, as it likes to say, who are working hard to join it.

April 8th, 2019House debate

Garnett GenuisConservative

Multilateral Instrument in Respect of Tax Conventions Act  The average Canadian receives a climate incentive that exceeds the anticipated cost. Through this policy, we made sure that we are truly supporting middle-class Canadians and I believe nine out of 10 families will have more money because of his policy. I invite the hon. member to take another look at his numbers. When it comes to the importance of dealing with climate change, it is interesting to see that over the past 20 years the Conservatives have, at times, had the wisdom to want to put a price on pollution.

April 8th, 2019House debate

Joël LightboundLiberal

Finance  We have put in place additions to the guaranteed income supplement. All these measures are working towards ensuring that middle-class Canadians and those Canadians who are trying to get into the middle class are doing better and better. That is what they have seen under this government. That is what they will continue to see.

February 5th, 2019House debate

Bill MorneauLiberal

Carbon Pricing  Speaker, we need to be very clear. The Liberal Party, our government, voted in favour of reducing taxes on middle-class Canadians. We went further than that. We introduced significant increases to the Canada child benefit, helping families do better as they raise their children. The Conservatives voted against these changes, so what they did was put forth their plan, which was not to reduce taxes on middle-class Canadians and not to increase benefits.

February 5th, 2019House debate

Bill MorneauLiberal

Infrastructure  Speaker, let us talk for a moment about how we can continue to improve the lives of our middle-class Canadians right across the country. We have already invested in incredible infrastructure projects in my riding of Outremont, such as the metro's blue line, the REM, the new University of Montreal campus and others.

April 3rd, 2019House debate

Rachel Bendayan

Finance  That is what our tax plan is. It is helping middle-class Canadians.

February 4th, 2019House debate

Bill MorneauLiberal

Finance  Since we came to office, the government has invested in the things that matter to Canadians and to middle-class Canadians. One of our first actions was to raise taxes on the wealthiest 1% of Canadians, while over nine million Canadians are benefiting from the middle-class tax cut. We introduced the Canada child benefit, or CCB.

April 1st, 2019House debate

Rodger CuznerLiberal

Finance  The question is: What would be the Conservative plan? Would it be to cut the Canada child benefit, or would it be to raise taxes on middle-class Canadians? We have been clear. We are helping middle-class Canadians. We would like to hear what they would plan on doing.

January 28th, 2019House debate

Bill MorneauLiberal