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COVID-19 Pandemic  Mr. Speaker, the Canadian emergency response benefit alleviated financial hardship for many Canadians, but unfortunately, too many are still without emergency relief. I have a long list of constituents and businesses that are currently missed by all of the relief programs that have been announced.

April 20th, 2020House debate

Paul ManlyGreen

COVID-19 Pandemic  Mr. Chair, I am very appreciative of the members of Parliament who have brought forward issues from their constituents. I am glad to hear that the rules for the loan program for small business have changed, but there are still some people who are missing this program. I have a family business with a father and son who have poured their life into setting up a micro brewery.

April 20th, 2020House debate

Paul ManlyGreen

COVID-19 Pandemic  Mr. Chair, the Tillicum Lelum Aboriginal Friendship Centre in my riding serves 12,000 urban indigenous people. The centre runs on a meagre $139,000 in core funding for the programs it runs. The centre is still running programs during this crisis, including a health centre, a youth safe house, youth and elder housing, a home for single moms, a food hamper for 150 families, and family violence counselling and addiction counselling.

April 20th, 2020House debate

Paul ManlyGreen

COVID-19 Pandemic  Madam Speaker, this is a very surreal time here in the House of Commons with just a few members. I had a very strange trip across the country to get here. I had the choice of taking a 16-hour red-eye trip overnight sleeping on the plane or dividing it into two days and going through airports that were empty.

April 20th, 2020House debate

Paul ManlyGreen

Shootings in Nova Scotia  Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Green Party of Canada, I would like to extend our deepest condolences. Our hearts go out to each and every Nova Scotian and to all those across Canada affected by this horrific tragedy. Premier Stephen McNeil has said, “We will not be defined by this tragedy, we will be defined by how we deal with it.”

April 20th, 2020House debate

Paul ManlyGreen

COVID-19 Emergency Response  Mr. Speaker, will the government implement an emergency guaranteed livable income so that no Canadian is left behind in this COVID-19 crisis? My inbox is full of messages from constituents who are not eligible for the programs that have been put out, such as students who are not eligible for these programs and seniors and people on disability who are dealing with a spiked increase in the cost of living.

April 20th, 2020House debate

Paul ManlyGreen

Front-Line Workers  Mr. Speaker, I would like to take this time to thank all of the front-line workers in my community, across Canada and around the world. It is particularly sad to note today that a number of front-line workers were among the people who were killed in Nova Scotia: care aides, corrections officers, an RCMP officer and a firefighter.

April 20th, 2020House debate

Paul ManlyGreen

Proceedings of the House and Committees  Mr. Speaker, I agree that it is very important to hold government to account and to be able to ask questions. Often in question period, I hear questions from opposition members that do not get fulsome answers. I think it is very often the case that opposition members find they do not get a response they are happy with.

April 20th, 2020House debate

Paul ManlyGreen

Proceedings of the House and Committees  Mr. Speaker, I too have many constituents who are bringing forward these concerns. They include small business operators who do not fit the parameters of these programs and students, seniors and other workers. I have employers in my riding who say that some people on the CERB do not want to go back to work because they do not want to earn more than $1,000 and lose out on the other $2,000.

April 20th, 2020House debate

Paul ManlyGreen

Proceedings of the House and Committees  Madam Speaker, I was a bit offended by the Leader of the Opposition's comments about the Bloc Québécois members not being concerned about their constituents. They are dealing with a pandemic in Quebec. People are dying. The seniors homes are a serious issue. I have a large number of seniors in my community, and it is important that we listen to these health rules and the instructions that have been given to us.

April 20th, 2020House debate

Paul ManlyGreen

Proceedings of the House and Committees  Madam Speaker, I agree that we need to model behaviour, be responsible and listen to the health authorities and what they have asked us to do. They have asked us to stay in place. Originally, when the border was closed, we were told that it was supposed to open tomorrow, but the government is now going to extend that border closure for another 30 days.

April 20th, 2020House debate

Paul ManlyGreen

Proceedings of the House and Committees  Mr. Speaker, we are in extraordinary times that make it very important for us to uphold our democracy. It is important to hold the government to account and to ask questions. My concern is that we have members of Parliament from sea to sea to sea in this country and that having them travel to Ottawa to represent the country in a fair way is not possible in this place at this time.

April 20th, 2020House debate

Paul ManlyGreen

Privilege  Mr. Speaker, I rise on a question of privilege. This is my earliest opportunity. I must start by reflecting on the enormous tragedy that took place over the weekend in Nova Scotia. I am sure that none of us is unaffected by this horrific event. That tragedy only adds to the urgency of my request.

April 20th, 2020House debate

Paul ManlyGreen

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, discussing universal pharmacare is a really important thing. It is something this Parliament should do. We have talked about the cost savings and how much money we can save our health care system by providing prescription medicine to people who cannot afford it.

March 12th, 2020House debate

Paul ManlyGreen

Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, the Green Party supports this motion. It is a very good time to be moving toward universal pharmacare in our country. We know this will save our health care system money. We are the only country with a universal health care system that does not include universal pharmacare.

March 12th, 2020House debate

Paul ManlyGreen