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Criminal Code  Mr. Speaker, I thank the member for her comments, but I do have these concerns that members of the disability community have raised. It is critical to me, before I vote at third reading in support of the bill, that the protections for the disabled community remain, that we do not enter into scenarios where medical assistance in dying is foisted on somebody and that this will remain merely for those who seek it as a result of grievous cruelty and suffering from an irremediable condition.

October 19th, 2020House debate

Pat KellyConservative

Criminal Code  Mr. Speaker, one of the four major concerns I have about the notion of medical assistance in dying relates to the conscience protection for practitioners. I think what the member was drilling to in the question is making sure that the conscience of professionals in the medical field is protected.

October 19th, 2020House debate

Pat KellyConservative

Criminal Code  Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to join the debate. The last several speakers raised some excellent points. It is good to see members bring different perspectives to this debate, and I hope to achieve that as well tonight. I would like to say broadly at the outset that, in a binary world where one must say they are either in favour or not in favour of the availability of medical assistance in dying for people who are adults, mentally competent, grievously and irremediably ill and suffering cruelly from intolerable pain and anguish, I support the availability of assistance in dying for those people.

October 19th, 2020House debate

Pat KellyConservative

Natural Resources  Madam Speaker, the arrogance of much of that response reinforces what my constituents have told me on their doorsteps. The parliamentary secretary mentioned job losses resulting from both COVID and a global price collapse. However, 200,000 jobs were lost in this sector before COVID.

October 8th, 2020House debate

Pat KellyConservative

Natural Resources  Madam Speaker, I had the opportunity to put a question to the Minister of Natural Resources earlier this week in the wake of massive new layoffs in the energy sector both in Calgary and in Newfoundland and Labrador. My question was particularly about Calgary. The answer was wholly unsatisfactory.

October 8th, 2020House debate

Pat KellyConservative

Natural Resources  Mr. Speaker, Suncor announced 2,000 more layoffs in the energy industry. This industry supplies the world with ethical energy and creates the wealth underpinning our social programs. The workers have had enough: enough of the rhetoric that has sent jobs and investors fleeing to other countries, enough of job-killing laws like Bill C-69 and Bill C-48, and enough of the project cancellations.

October 6th, 2020House debate

Pat KellyConservative

Resumption of Debate on Address in Reply  Madam Speaker, I will continue in the same vein and ask the member to comment on the numerous failures that have been identified within the very programs he discussed. The government talks about extending the CEBA, yet it still has not fixed the problems that have already been identified, problems that the government has already acknowledged and promised to fix.

October 1st, 2020House debate

Pat KellyConservative

Small Business  Mr. Speaker, small businesses have been devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many were already struggling under the weight of a sluggish economy, new and higher taxes, and increasing costs, even before the pandemic. Now, some businesses have been forced to close their doors for good, while others that closed temporarily last spring have reopened with higher costs and fewer customers.

September 30th, 2020House debate

Pat KellyConservative

COVID-19 Emergency Response  Mr. Speaker, the owners, workers and customers of small businesses are our friends and neighbours. They are the backbone of the Canadian economy and the government has left many of them behind. The government has not fixed the problems with its existing programs, problems like accessing loans, rent relief and being denied the CEBA benefit because the applicant has the wrong kind of bank account.

September 29th, 2020House debate

Pat KellyConservative

Questions Passed as Orders for Returns  With respect to the Bank of Canada’s participation in Canada’s economic response to the coronavirus pandemic, between March 1, 2020, and the tabling of the reply to this question: (a) what is the dollar value of securities purchased under the Government of Canada Bond Purchase Program; (b) what is the dollar value of securities purchased under the Canada Mortgage Bond Purchase Program; (c) what is the dollar value of purchases under the Banker’s Acceptance Purchase Facility; (d) what is the dollar value of assets purchased under the Provincial Money Market Purchase Program, by province and in aggregate, respectively; (e) what is the dollar value of purchases under the Provincial Bond Purchase Program; (f) what is the dollar value of purchases under the Corporate Bond Purchase Program; (g) what is the dollar value of purchases under the Commercial Paper Purchase Program; (h) what is the dollar value of purchases under the Contingent Term Repo Facility; (i) what is the projected dollar value for total purchases during the life of each program in (a) to (h); (j) what is the dollar value of new currency created to date to fund the measures taken in (a) to (h); (k) what is the projected dollar value of new currency to be created to fund the measures taken in (a) to (h) during the life of each program; (l) what, if any, effects on inflation by the creation of currency in (j) does the Bank of Canada project for (i) 2020, (ii) 2021, (iii) 2022; and (m) what, if any, adjustments to the Bank of Canada’s prime rate does it anticipate needing to counteract any inflation projected in (l)?

July 20th, 2020House debate

Pat KellyConservative

Questions Passed as Orders for Returns  With respect to the Bank of Canada’s participation in Canada’s economic response to the coronavirus pandemic: (a) when does the Bank of Canada project divesting itself of assets purchased under each of the Government of Canada Bond Purchase Program, the Canada Mortgage Bond Purchase Program, the Banker’s Acceptance Purchase Facility, the Provincial Money Market Purchase Program, the Commercial Paper Purchase Program, and the Contingent Term Repo Facility; and (b) what gain or loss does the Bank of Canada project realizing upon the sale of assets purchased under each of the programs in (a) respectively?

July 20th, 2020House debate

Pat KellyConservative

Questions Passed as Orders for Returns  With respect to the doubling of the carbon tax on April 1, 2020: (a) by how much will the increased tax raise the cost of producing oil and natural gas respectively nationwide; (b) by how much will the increased tax raise the cost of producing oil and natural gas respectively for each energy producing province; (c) by how much have national revenues declined due to the drop in the price of crude oil since January 1, 2020; (d) in order for national revenues to recover to levels immediately pre-dating the drop in the price of oil in (c), and given the increased cost of production in (a), what does the price of crude oil need to be; (e) what effect does the increase in cost of production in (a) have on the ability of Canadian energy producers to compete with foreign producers at current world prices for crude oil; and (f) how many Canadian energy producers does the government forecast will be unable to compete with foreign energy producers at the prevailing price of crude oil due to the increased cost of production in (a)?

July 20th, 2020House debate

Pat KellyConservative

Questions Passed as Orders for Returns  With regard to tax year 2020: (a) what are the projections for tax revenue to be assessed on taxable benefits paid to Canadians under each emergency measure proposed; (b) what are the low-end projections for each emergency measure, broken down by measure; (c) what are the high-end projections for each emergency measure, broken down by measure; and (d) what are the estimates or scenario-planning numbers of people applying for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit that fall within each tax bracket in Canada, broken down by each 2019 federal income tax bracket?

July 20th, 2020House debate

Pat KellyConservative

COVID-19 Pandemic and Other Matters  Mr. Speaker, the only explanation for doing it after and not before is to avoid actually taking questions on the update. Maybe this minister can tell us how much interest Canadians are going to have to pay to service the debt, which is expected to hit a trillion dollars before the end of the year.

July 8th, 2020House debate

Pat KellyConservative

COVID-19 Pandemic and Other Matters  Mr. Speaker, that is not true. Before COVID hit, the government's track record of mismanagement compromised our ability and fiscal capacity to deal with the crisis. The government inherited a balanced budget, a near-full-employment economy and a AAA credit rating, and has squandered all of it.

July 8th, 2020House debate

Pat KellyConservative