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Business of Supply  Madam Speaker, I think the purpose of today's motion is to zero in on some specific examples, so let us go through the legislative history of the 42nd Parliament. This is a government that has serviced Air Canada by bringing in Bill C-10, which basically allowed Air Canada the freedom to ship maintenance jobs overseas. The government amended the Air Canada Public Participation Act to allow Air Canada that freedom. Part of Air Canada's privatization deal was that they would keep jobs in Canada.

April 29th, 2019House debate

Alistair MacGregorNDP

Federal Courts Act  Ultimately, it is the justice system that will determine whether a case has merit and whether the plaintiffs are to be awarded funds. In past parliaments, we have seen the Liberals support bills like Bill C-300. We know there are good intentions on the other side of the House to support these kinds of initiatives. I would like the member to just underline the important fact of his bill, for anyone who might have qualms about this, that this is simply enabling an avenue and it will still ultimately be up to the justice system to determine the merit of a case.

April 29th, 2019House debate

Alistair MacGregorNDP

Status of Women  I hope, because the House has not yet had a chance to voice its opinion on this matter, that all members in the House will join me in giving support to the following motion: That, in the opinion of the House, the government recognize the importance and value of canola as an agricultural crop and do everything in its power to resolve the current trade dispute with China, including (a) ensuring all agricultural business-risk management programs are reviewed and made adaptable to the needs of producers who are suffering because of loss-of-market access; (b) using all diplomatic channels available with the Government of China to press for a speedy resolution; (c) reviewing Canada's current trade deficit with China to ensure we are safeguarding current and future jobs by using all fiscal, legal and other trade options available at Canada's disposal; and (d) diversifying our canola export market.

April 3rd, 2019House debate

Alistair MacGregorNDP

Bill C-431 An Act to amend the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (investments)

Bill C-431 If you have any questions or comments regarding the accessibility of this publication, please contact us at First Reading LEGISinfo Bilingual view XML PDF Skip to Document Navigation Skip to Document Content Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act Coming into Force First Session, Forty-second Parliament, 64-65-66-67-68 Elizabeth II, 2015-2016-2017-2018-2019 HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA BILL C-431 An Act to amend the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (investments) FIRST READING, February 25, 2019 Mr.

February 25th, 2019

Alistair MacGregorNDP

Bill C-430 An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (organic farming tax credit)

Available on the House of Commons website at the following address: 1st Session, 42nd Parliament, 64-65-66-67-68 Elizabeth II, 2015-2016-2017-2018-2019 HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA BILL C-430 An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (organic farming tax credit) Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows: R.‍S.‍, c. 1 (5th Supp.‍)

February 21st, 2019

Alistair MacGregorNDP

Cannabis Act  Mr. Speaker, I will leave the defence of Bill C-45 to the Liberal government. What I was indicating in my speech is that there are areas in the bill that are of concern to our caucus, but we do not think that the baby needs to be thrown out with the bathwater.

May 30th, 2017House debate

Alistair MacGregorNDP

Cannabis Act  Mr. Speaker, it is indeed a great pleasure to be rising to speak to Bill C-45. I think this is the first important step to recognize the failed approach that we have had in this country for far too long. The war on drugs has plagued Canada for far too long. We have had marijuana criminalized in this country since 1923, and I believe, based on the statistics, it is time for a change.

May 30th, 2017House debate

Alistair MacGregorNDP

Cannabis Act  Speaker, I want to follow up on the parliamentary secretary's line of questioning. When I read Bill C-45 and I look at the provisions involved with youth, I read it as the five grams acts as a benchmark. I think all hon. members would agree that we want to do everything possible to keep our youth out of the criminal justice system.

May 30th, 2017House debate

Alistair MacGregorNDP

Cannabis Act  Mr. Speaker, I was pleased to hear in the minister's speech on Bill C-45 that she noted that criminal prohibition is not working and is indeed failing. She also noted that the majority of Canadians support the end of criminal prohibition and punishment. Indeed, going back to the Liberal platform of 2015, it noted that, “arresting and prosecuting these offences is expensive for our criminal justice system.

May 30th, 2017House debate

Alistair MacGregorNDP

Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act  By amending section 35 of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act to specify ethical practices in human, labour and environmental rights considerations, Bill C-431 would do just that. (Motions deemed adopted, bill read the first time and printed)

February 25th, 2019House debate

Alistair MacGregorNDP

Criminal Code  Madam Speaker, I am glad the member wants to see the bill come to the justice committee, because we need to delve into it. He spent a lot of his time speaking about Bill C-45, and that is legitimate since both bills were introduced together. However, when we look at the war on drugs, by any measure, it has been a complete and abject failure. We have spent billions of dollars and we have ruined countless lives, all for something that a large segment of our society continues to do.

May 19th, 2017House debate

Alistair MacGregorNDP

Petitions  Speaker, I am pleased to rise today on behalf of constituents of Cowichan—Malahat—Langford to table a petition where they recognize that before the 2015 federal election, Canadians were clearly promised in writing that defined benefit plans, which have already been paid for by employees and pensioners, should not be retroactively changed to target benefit plans. Bill C-27, which was tabled by the Minister of Finance, precisely permits this change. Therefore, the petitioners are clearly calling on the Government of Canada to withdraw Bill C-27, an act to amend the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985.

February 20th, 2019House debate

Alistair MacGregorNDP

Criminal Code  Why should jurors be excluded from that very same help we freely give to our first responders and our Canadian Armed Forces? This brings me to the member for St. Albert—Edmonton and his Bill C-417. Bill C-417 is a direct result of our committee's hard work. The bill would amend section 649 of the Criminal Code to allow for jurors to freely and openly discuss what they witnessed with a registered and dedicated health professional who, by the very nature of the job, would be sworn to secrecy in any case and committed to keeping those conversations secret.

February 6th, 2019House debate

Alistair MacGregorNDP

Income Tax Act  moved for leave to introduce Bill C-430, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (organic farming tax credit). Mr. Speaker, it gives me great pleasure to rise this morning to introduce my bill, an act to amend the Income Tax Act, to create an organic farming tax credit.

February 21st, 2019House debate

Alistair MacGregorNDP

Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities  Currently, fewer than 1,200 new licences are being issued each year, and nearly half of those, 45%, are going to international students. Whether or not we are going to retain their services in this country is a big open question. The source of those statistics is the Canadian Council for Aviation & Aerospace.

November 21st, 2018House debate

Alistair MacGregorNDP