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Pearson International Airport  Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank the hon. member for his question. As he may know, the hon. Minister of Transport is away from the House of Commons on government business. I would be more than happy to relay his question directly and try to get a generous and accurate response to the member as soon as possible.

June 6th, 1994House debate

Sergio MarchiLiberal

Supply  Madam Speaker, I am absolutely delighted to be able to stand here today and set the record straight on some rather outlandish statements by Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition and Official Opposition. To claim that regional economic development efforts are creating overlap and inconsistencies resulting in "administrative chaos" could not be further from the truth.

June 2nd, 1994House debate

Mary ClancyLiberal

Supply  Madam Speaker, I wonder if the hon. member, with his great knowledge of Canadian history, is aware of a certain phenomenon that took place in post-war Canada, in Atlantic Canada and eastern Canada in general but most particularly in Atlantic Canada. Atlantic Canadians paid $5 over world price for their oil that went to the province of Alberta so that the oil industry could off the ground.

June 2nd, 1994House debate

Mary ClancyLiberal

Business Of The House  Subject to further discussions and to the progress in debate made earlier I would hope to call the bill reorganizing the Department of Citizenship and Immigration on Thursday. I will confirm the business for the latter part of next week at the regular weekly House leaders meeting early next week.

June 2nd, 1994House debate

Herb GrayLiberal

Supply  Everybody in Quebec agrees that this area is a mess. On one side we have the pretensions and the budgets of Employment and Immigration, and on the other the Société québécoise de la main-d'oeuvre, which has become an almost empty shell because of the federal-provincial conflict in the area of vocational training.

June 2nd, 1994House debate

Yves RocheleauBloc

Supply  Speaker, there is no such thing as an English Canada and a French Canada. There is one Canada from coast to coast, one nation made up of founding peoples and immigrants, a nation of which we are all extremely proud.

June 2nd, 1994House debate

Pierrette Ringuette-MaltaisLiberal

Bill C-35 An Act to establish the Department of Citizenship and Immigration and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

June 2nd, 1994

Supply  I have devastating figures about my riding which I would like to quote for the benefit of the minister of employment and immigration, even if he does not like to hear them. In my riding of Gaspé, the unemployment rate is 27 per cent. The labour force participation rate stands at 42 per cent. That means only four people out of ten are either working or looking for a job.

June 2nd, 1994House debate

Yvan BernierBloc

Supply  Cases in point are the Federal Office of Regional Development, the Federal Business Development Bank, the interventions of Employment and Immigration through the Community Futures Committees and the Business Development Centres. All these interventions were made in good faith, but since they were not coordinated, they produced limited economic development and there was absolutely no coordination among stakeholders in various sectors, which led to major errors such as investing in the wrong sectors.

June 2nd, 1994House debate

Paul CrêteBloc

Committees Of The House  Madam Speaker, I move: That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), concerning a review of the Citizenship Act, the House authorize the required personnel of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration to travel from place to place for the purpose of preparing and holding video-teleconference sittings during the weeks of May 31 and June 6, 1994. I think You Honour will find unanimous consent for the motion.

June 1st, 1994House debate

Peter MillikenLiberal

Refugees  Mr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. Recently, we learned that the Montreal refugee assistance committee had lodged an international complaint against Canada concerning the improper deportation to Zaire of a young pregnant woman who was given a sedative without her consent and this, in violation of sections 219 and 265 of the Criminal Code of Canada as well as Section 11 of the Quebec Civil Code.

June 1st, 1994House debate

Osvaldo NunezBloc

Refugees  Considering how serious this issue is and since the minister has admitted that 12 people received such treatment, will the minister commit to holding an independent inquiry, as required under international agreements, to shed light on possibly illegal behaviour on the part of immigration officers?

June 1st, 1994House debate

Osvaldo NunezBloc

Refugees  Mr. Speaker, no, I am not going to have an inquiry for something that this member throws very loosely across the floor. If he has information that anyone has perpetrated illegal acts then he has the duty and the obligation as a member of Parliament to provide me with that information.

June 1st, 1994House debate

Sergio MarchiLiberal

Royal Canadian Legion  Of the several commentaries I have heard, most condemn this action and once again we hear divisive accusations being hurled by each side. As a member of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration I have spent many days now listening to the varying opinions of experts and non-experts alike. What is our mandate as we review the Citizenship Act? Indeed, what is the mandate of every Canadian citizen as they identify with Canada?

June 1st, 1994House debate

Sharon HayesReform

Seniors-Reduction Of Age Credit  Mr. Speaker, I welcome this opportunity on behalf of the government to clarify the measure proposed in our February budget regarding the old age credit. This is an issue deserves better than partisan politics, sacred cow logic and misinformation because the challenge of an aging population is very real for every region of this country.

May 31st, 1994House debate

Mary ClancyLiberal