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The Environment  Mr. Speaker, I think I have been clear that Canada favours an effective international agreement that will include targets for everyone, especially targets for the major emitters of the planet, like the United States, China and India, and, if we do not have that, we will not have an effective international protocol.

May 29th, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Afghanistan  Mr. Speaker, we are clear. Parliament has decided to extend the mission until February 2009. NATO is not waiting for an answer from this government about an extension. But I can assure this House that our position is that the decision rests with the Parliament of Canada.

May 9th, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Afghanistan  I think what our NATO allies are seeking is the same thing the Canadian population is seeking, which is clear support for the Canadian troops who are in the field right now. The Liberal Party should give them that support.

May 9th, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Afghanistan  The allegation in the papers today, as I understand it, is that General Hillier signed an agreement without any political approval. It is my clear understanding that any such agreement would have required the approval of the Liberal cabinet ministers of the day.

May 2nd, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Afghanistan  Once again, Mr. Speaker, I think I have been clear with regard to these questions. The government of Afghanistan will look into those matters and will have our full cooperation. When we talk about changing stories, I would like to know whether the Leader of the Opposition still holds by his position that the way to solve this is to bring Taliban prisoners to Canada.

April 30th, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Afghanistan  So far, they have not indicated to us that they have encountered these problems. Of course, we made it clear that we are there to help to any extent necessary.

April 25th, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

The Budget  Mr. Speaker, the choice of the Liberal Party is clear. Its choice is to hold on to the family allowance for Canadian families and parents. Our policy is to give money to Canadian families. The Liberal Party wants to withdraw its support from families.

March 26th, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Afghanistan  Mr. Speaker, the Minister of National Defence has provided a clear explanation to the House of Commons. As the member knows, this government was at the time operating under an agreement signed by the previous government. We have since entered into a new arrangement with the Independent Afghan Human Rights Commission.

March 21st, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

The Budget  Speaker, it is interesting to note that this is the first question in French from the official opposition today. My answer is clear. It is this band of centralizing federal Liberals who are against correcting the fiscal imbalance. It is the centralist philosophy of a Liberal government that would collect all the money in Ottawa so that it can tell the provinces what to do.

March 21st, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Government Policies  Mr. Speaker, no such thing is true. This government, as the Minister of Finance has made clear, wants to close corporate tax loopholes where they exist and also make sure that everybody pays their fair share of tax. That remains the policy of this government.

February 28th, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Taxation  Mr. Speaker, this government's track record is clear. We have cut taxes, we have cut the GST, we have cut taxes for immigrants, we have cut taxes for SMEs, we have cut taxes on personal income for seniors, for children's sports and for students.

February 28th, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Security Certificates  It suspended the effect of that judgment for one year and, I think, laid out for Parliament a pretty clear road map on how to rectify the legislation so that we can continue to sustain the security certificate regime. However, the government will be acting on the recommendations of the Supreme Court and I would hope that this hon. member and all members of this House will support the government when it does so.

February 26th, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Canada's Commitment in Afghanistan  Should that turn out not to be the case, this government is not in a position to simply walk away or to run away. What the government will do, if we do not get a clear mandate, the clear will of Parliament to extend for two years and beyond, is proceed cautiously with a one year extension. We cannot walk away quickly. We will proceed with another year and if we need further efforts or a further mandate to go ahead into the future, we will go so alone and we will go to the Canadian people to get that mandate.

May 17th, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Judicial Appointments  Speaker, since the opposition apparently will not let me read into the record what The Vancouver Sun reported, let me say this. It is very clear from the Air-India families, and I think from the police community and the wider Canadian community, that we expect the Air-India investigation to go forward. It is an important police investigation and nothing in the Liberal Party should interfere with that.

February 21st, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Air-India Inquiry  Mr. Speaker, I was a little surprised at today's story. Let me be clear. As I have instructed, it is my understanding that Justice Major has been given, unedited, all documents that related to the Air-India inquiry. What is at issue in about 10% of the cases is a dispute about what, by law, can and cannot be made public.

February 19th, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative