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Judicial Appointments  Mr. Speaker, the government has made it very clear to Canadians that we want to see a strong, in fact, a stronger criminal justice system that strengthens, supports and protects our children, our streets and our communities. In that regard, the former minister of justice announced that when we set up independent committees for advice on judicial appointments, that would include, for instance, the perspective of the police, the law enforcement perspective.

February 15th, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Judicial Appointments  Mr. Speaker, what is clear is that the hon. member certainly has a plan to audition for a new role. The former minister of justice announced important changes last year which would ensure that when we select judges the police have input into the selection of judges in this country.

February 14th, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Foreign Affairs  Mr. Speaker, the government, at all levels, has been clear. We view Mr. Celil as a Canadian citizen. At all opportunities, we have taken the time to raise his case, to express our concerns, to demand justice be done. Every time that member and the Liberal Party have said that we should say nothing, we should do nothing, we should take no action, just like they did with Mr.

February 8th, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

The Environment  Mr. Speaker, this government is clear: our system will be based on the principle that the polluter will pay. So why is the leader of the Bloc attacking both an industry in Alberta and an industry in Ontario? This is not really an environmental question.

February 7th, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

The Environment  Mr. Speaker, this government is clear. We intend to have short-term, medium-term and long-term targets. As for the government's approach, I note that the chair of the Liberal caucus's sustainable environment committee agrees that we can have intensity targets with reductions later.

February 5th, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development  Speaker, the government regrets Ms. Gélinas' departure. At the same time, legislation exists and the legislation is clear: the position of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development is within the Office of the Auditor General, but both report directly to Parliament. We are certainly willing to study the NDP leader's proposals.

February 1st, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

The Environment  In her 2000 report she said: “--it continues to have difficulty turning that commitment into action”. I can repeat that for 2001 to 2005, ending in 2006 where she said: “It is increasingly clear that Canada will not meet its international commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions".

February 1st, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

The Environment  Again, Mr. Speaker, this government has made it clear in the election campaign and since that we accept the science, and that is why we are acting. Once again, the only denier here, in his own words, is the Leader of the Opposition. I suggest that he should rename that dog for all his various denials.

January 31st, 2007House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Government Policies  Mr. Speaker, let us be clear. What the hon. member is talking about is not any programs that ever actually existed. What he is talking about is a bunch of promises that the Liberal government made year after year and never delivered on.

December 13th, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

The Environment  We are in discussions with industry to make sure we have targets that are attainable and that will achieve results. I think this government has made absolutely clear in the Minister of Finance's tax fairness package that we will have tax fairness for all industries, and all industries, including the oil and gas sector, will pay their fair share of taxes.

December 12th, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

RCMP Commissioner  Mr. Speaker, we made our answers to these questions clear last week. We learned, of course, at the same time as everybody else learned. That is why, obviously, we accepted the resignation of the Commissioner of the RCMP. It was his decision, not our decision.

December 11th, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Maher Arar  Mr. Speaker, the record is clear. While that member and her colleagues were in power, Mr. Arar was in a prison in Syria. The party opposite did not lift a finger and did not raise a voice to do anything about it. Today, when we have Mr.

December 7th, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Maher Arar Inquiry  We are very concerned with a number of the matters he has brought forward. This government is determined and I have made it very clear we are determined to investigate thoroughly, to have accountability. I can also tell him that we are going to follow due process. We do not fire people without due process. We will proceed appropriately and ensure that there is accountability for actions.

December 5th, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Quebeckers  We take the same position today as we did yesterday, unlike the Bloc Québécois. Our position is clear, namely that the Canadian identity is an essential part of the Quebec nation.

November 23rd, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Quebeckers  Speaker, there are now three motions, including two that were tabled by the Bloc Québécois. That party made its decision. Our own decision on this issue is very clear: Quebeckers form a nation within a united Canada, and this is important. It is important because Quebeckers participated in the founding and development of this country, and they will participate in its future, because the Canadian identity is part of the Quebec identity.

November 23rd, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative