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Foreign Investment  The government's policies of keeping taxes low and keeping regulations low have been a real magnet for jobs, investment and opportunity. What the leader of the NDP wants to do is bring in more regulation and a large carbon tax. Let me say, that will be something that would not be welcomed in India or in anywhere else that looks at Canada.

November 5th, 2012House debate

John BairdConservative

Leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada  Is he ashamed that this plan was already rejected by the Canadian public in 2008 and in 2011? It is about time that the NDP leader confess and admit he has a sneaky carbon tax plan that would cost Canadians billions of dollars.

November 5th, 2012House debate

Blake RichardsConservative

Elmwood—Transcona  Finally, New Flyer Industries will develop and build four electric buses and a high-capacity charging station with the financial support of over $3.4 million through Sustainable Development Technology Canada. All of this has been done without a job-killing carbon tax, as the NDP would like to impose on Canadians. From investing in our youth to supporting clean energy in my riding of Elmwood—Transcona, Canada's economic action plan is working.

November 5th, 2012House debate

Lawrence ToetConservative

Radiocommunication Act  We have heard that in the opposition members' comments on our budget bills and on many of the bureaucracy-cutting measures that the government has tried to bring in. The $21 billion carbon tax is probably the most obvious example of this heavy-handed interventionist approach that the NDP has committed to, at least according to their last electoral platform, but there are many other examples.

November 2nd, 2012House debate

Chris AlexanderConservative

Foreign Investment  We always make the decision in the best interests of Canadians. Since the member is now independent, will he stand with us against the $21 billion of carbon tax and, if so, I will thank him?

November 2nd, 2012House debate

Christian ParadisConservative

Foreign Investment  What we will not advocate for are the kinds of policies advocated by the members of the NDP who are anti-trade, anti-investment, against the development of natural resources and for a job-killing carbon tax of $21 billion that would be put on the shoulders of Canadians. We will not stand for it.

November 2nd, 2012House debate

Christian ParadisConservative

Foreign Investment  That is exactly why we need trade and investment to drive economic growth and job creation here at home. What we do not need during these fragile times is an NDP $21 billion carbon tax that will increase the cost of groceries and gasoline.

November 2nd, 2012House debate

Ed FastConservative

Foreign Investment  What we will not do is to go with the kinds of policies advocated by the NDP, which would deter any form of investment in this country. Beyond that, the NDP would put $21 billion carbon tax on the shoulders of Canadians. We will not stand for that, never.

November 2nd, 2012House debate

Christian ParadisConservative

Foreign Investment  What is clear is that the members on other side of the House are against trade, investment and the development of natural resources and support a $21 billion carbon tax that would kill the economy. That is clear, and Canadians clearly do not want that.

November 2nd, 2012House debate

Christian ParadisConservative

Parliamentary Budget Officer  However, they are all in favour of $21 billion of extra burden on taxes when it comes to their carbon tax. That is their record. We will take our record seven days out of seven.

November 2nd, 2012House debate

Tony ClementConservative

New Democratic Party of Canada  Mr. Speaker, a $21 billion carbon tax can be found on page 4 of the NDP platform costing tables. While NDP members complain about mention of this fact, the NDP has been sending a completely false message to Canadian seniors.

November 2nd, 2012House debate

Rick DykstraConservative

Business of the House  This bill will implement key measures, like an extension of the small business hiring tax credit; and let me assure the House, it will definitely not implement the New Democrats' $21.5 billion, job-killing carbon tax. Turning to business in the chamber, we will start second reading of Bill S-8, the Safe Drinking Water for First Nations Act, momentarily. I think it will be today. Tomorrow, we will start report stage—and, ideally, third reading—of Bill C-24, the Canada–Panama Economic Growth and Prosperity Act.

November 1st, 2012House debate

Peter Van LoanConservative

Foreign Investment  We are opening market opportunities. It is the total opposite of what the NDP is proposing: a global and job-killing carbon tax of $21 billion on the shoulders of Canadians. That would kill the economy, every single region of this country, and we will not go down—

November 1st, 2012House debate

Christian ParadisConservative

Foreign Investment  On the other hand, the only thing the anti-development NDP knows is how to oppose, delay and obstruct projects across Canada. If that does not work, it will just tax them to death with its $21 billion carbon tax.

November 1st, 2012House debate

Joe OliverConservative

New Democratic Party of Canada  KPMG has ranked Canada the most tax competitive economy among mature markets, not to mention the 820,000 net new jobs that have been created since July 2009. But the NDP members have it all wrong. They are on record for supporting a $21 billion carbon tax that would cripple job growth, limit prosperity and increase the cost of living for all Canadians. Thankfully, Canadian voters gave this government a strong mandate to show the opposition the error of its ways.

November 1st, 2012House debate

Mark AdlerConservative