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The Environment  Speaker, this government has already taken strong measures on climate change. The minister has been clear that later this year she will be bringing forward a clean air act to deal directly with pollution. Those will be coordinated with further actions on climate change and on greenhouse emissions, such as support that we have already done, such as support for public transit and support for renewable fuels.

June 12th, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

The Environment  Mr. Speaker, I think the government has made very clear that it intends to work with its partners here in Canada, in North America and around the world to ensure not only that we do our part to reduce greenhouse gases but that we have an effective international treaty in this regard that involves all the countries of the planet.

June 6th, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Price of Gasoline  Mr. Speaker, let us be clear. This government established the same tax rates for all industries in Canada. There is no exception. The Bloc Québécois is making an issue of it in order to hold a debate pitting one region against another.

June 1st, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Canada Elections Act  Mr. Speaker, the government's position is clear. We brought in legislation, modelled on those of the provinces, to set elections every four years and set the next election for October 2009. I think the real problem is the Liberal Party of Canada does not know whether it is for fixed election dates or not for them.

May 30th, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Canada Elections Act  Mr. Speaker, the government is clear that it will not be seeking an early election. At any time Parliament can defeat the government and provoke an early election, if that is what the opposition irresponsibly chooses to do.

May 30th, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Canada's Commitment in Afghanistan  It will be a good message for our troops. I would just add that, in my own opinion, the comments by the parties have been clear up to this week. Our troops and the public have a hard time understanding why the parties suddenly change their mind when there is a vote.

May 17th, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Canada's Commitment in Afghanistan  If we believe we need to go further beyond that, we will seek a mandate from the Canadian people. What we are asking for here is to extend the mandate in this motion for a clear two years. That would bring us to the end of President Karzai's term, and that is where the allies, which have been with us from the beginning, are by and large at today.

May 17th, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Canada's Commitment in Afghanistan  All I can say in terms of the process is the House was consulted in a take note debate in April. The view of his party at that time was clear, as it had been for the previous few years. His leader was consulted in the lead-up to this, and his party agreed to the process we proposed, which made this debate possible today.

May 17th, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Afghanistan  Mr. Speaker, it is clear: our government is asking for an extension of the commitments of the former Liberal government for another two years, and an extension of assistance for humanitarian development for another four years.

May 17th, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Government Appointments  Mr. Speaker, I am clear the vote has consequences. We are not proceeding with Mr. Morgan and his team on the public appointments commission. In terms of Afghanistan, on Sunday the foreign affairs critic of the NDP said, “It's not a question of should we be in Afghanistan.

May 17th, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

The Environment  Mr. Speaker, the government's position has been clear for quite some time: we intend to respect our election promises. It is unfortunate that the former government accepted targets but refused to take action to meet them. It is easy for the opposition parties to vote for sentiments.

May 17th, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Darfur  Mr. Speaker, we have been very clear. We are keeping all options open in terms of assisting with the ongoing and hopefully progressive peace situation in the region of Darfur. Canada already is providing some military equipment and technical personnel.

May 11th, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Darfur  Mr. Speaker, I have been clear about this many times in this House. This government will deploy a stronger international effort in this situation. However, as a member of the previous government, the hon. member knows that Canada is not in a position to undertake any action on its own.

May 11th, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

National Defence  At the moment, it seems that western troops are not needed in Sudan. We are keeping an eye on the situation and are ready to respond. Let me be very clear about this. We are operating in a UN sanctioned mission in Afghanistan, and the NDP cannot use its support for action in Darfur to excuse itself for not standing behind our troops in Afghanistan.

May 9th, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative

Air-India  I have every confidence that Justice Major will conduct a thorough and compassionate investigation into the events surrounding this incident. I want to make it clear that this agreement has nothing to do with reprisals. Neither is it to be a reprise of the criminal trials in this matter held in Vancouver between 2003 and 2005. That would serve no purpose.

May 1st, 2006House debate

Stephen HarperConservative