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Petitions  It relates to the Middle East and specifically requests that there be a recall of all Canadian military personnel and equipment now taking part in the blockade of Iraq and use all possible diplomatic pressures to urge the United Nations to end the sanctions against Iraq. This petition has been signed by 224 Canadians.

June 12th, 1998House debate

Dick ProctorNDP

Speech From The Throne  The government was on the verge of declaring a trade war with our largest trading partner earlier this year. There are numerous examples. The decisions concerning Iraq and Kosovo were done deals before they came to the floor of parliament. It was meaningless to have take note debates without a vote. It did not provide an opportunity for the government to listen to anyone in the House or to parliament.

November 17th, 1999House debate

Gurmant GrewalReform

Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act  As an example, that is what the Nisga'a agreement does not do. On another issue from the last question, in areas like Kashmir, Iraq, Iran or wherever, it seems to me that it would be very important, from an intelligence and peace standpoint, to use a facility like the space station for those observations. Does he see a lot of implications of this development for that purpose as well?

November 2nd, 1999House debate

Bob MillsReform

Peacekeeping  Today more than 4,000 Canadian forces personnel are far from their loved ones, unselfishly giving their best to missions in far away places such as the Golan Heights, Cypress, the demilitarized zone between Iraq and Kuwait, Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Our men and women are also contributing to other complex and sometimes dangerous peace support operations in East Timor, the Arabian gulf, Cambodia, Guatemala and Mozambique.

October 22nd, 1999House debate

Judi LongfieldLiberal

Petitions  Speaker, I have another petition from some hundreds of citizens of the Peterborough area who are concerned that the people of Iraq have suffered untold hardship in the wake of the gulf war and subsequent sanctions with an estimated death toll of a million people. The petitioners call on the Parliament of Canada to reject the military option against Iraq and, in conjunction with those nations already committed to the non-military route, to patiently pursue diplomatic efforts toward solving the present impasse.

March 19th, 1998House debate

Peter AdamsLiberal

Iraq  It was with great relief that we learned, last weekend, of the agreement reached between Iraq and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, which headed off the worst-case scenario of war. The Bloc Quebecois has always been in favour of a diplomatic solution. Circumstances have proved it right.

February 25th, 1998House debate

Monique GuayBloc

Iraq  Over the course of the weekend we learned that the Secretary General of the United Nations was successfully negotiating an agreement with the government of Iraq on the application of the UN resolutions. In other words, the diplomatic solution we advocated is within reach and the Security Council will be asked to vote on this solution tomorrow.

February 23rd, 1998House debate

Daniel TurpBloc

Iraq  I am very pleased to report that as of Friday the security council has decided to double the amount of money that would go into a humanitarian program for Iraq to ensure that there would be a proper set up of oil for food. That is an issue Canada took a particularly strong role in promoting.

February 23rd, 1998House debate

Lloyd AxworthyLiberal

Iraq  This morning we learned in the National Defence Committee that any military confrontation with Iraq will result in heavy casualties, particularly because of the Iraqi policy of using human shields. This is one more argument in favour of a diplomatic solution. Does the minister believe that he has really contributed to the search for a diplomatic solution by doing the rounds of the Arab countries, as he did yesterday, merely in order to justify Canada's support for the American position?

February 12th, 1998House debate

Monique GuayBloc

Iraq  First I want to assure the minister that we are not using scare tactics. This is a very serious situation in Iraq and we have many unanswered questions. This government is undertaking a very serious responsibility when it sends Canadians into what might turn into harm's way. Since yesterday what measures has the Minister of National Defence taken to ensure that the crew of the HMCS Toronto will be inoculated against Saddam's anthrax?

February 12th, 1998House debate

Elsie WayneProgressive Conservative

Iraq  When I heard the Minister of National Defence today state that they are in discussions with the department of health with regard to a vaccine for anthrax, I want to know how the crew of the HMCS Toronto is going to be vaccinated. When is it going to be done? When they get to Iraq? I would like to know. Those men have not had their vaccination.

February 11th, 1998House debate

Elsie WayneProgressive Conservative

Iraq  Yesterday, we learned that the federal government is indeed involved alongside the United States in setting up the strike force against Iraq. How can the Deputy Prime Minister justify the fact that Canada is already jumping with both feet into the upcoming conflict alongside the United States when most of Canada's international partners are still seeking a diplomatic solution to this conflict?

February 11th, 1998House debate

Daniel TurpBloc

Iraq  Protest is mounting from Canadians even within Liberal ranks. The former chief of staff of the UN peacekeeping force in Iraq described Canada's yes sir, yes sir, three bags full, sir as nauseating and nonsensical. Bombing will not solve the problem. Why will this government not uphold Canada's well earned reputation for creative diplomacy and effective multilateralism instead of recklessly abandoning it?

February 11th, 1998House debate

Alexa McDonoughNDP

Iraq  Mr. Speaker, yesterday, the Prime Minister justified a military intervention against Iraq by saying that Saddam Hussein is violating the ceasefire. Yet, in 1991, he stated that we should not take part in a war that is not fought under the flag of the United Nations. Does the Prime Minister intend to follow the United Nations or the United States?

February 10th, 1998House debate

Alexa McDonoughNDP

Iraq  Mr. Speaker, General Lewis MacKenzie also opposes military aggression against Iraq, saying “as many as 5,000 Iraqi children under 5 are dying each month as a result of UN sanctions, and bombing Baghdad will only make matters worse”. What further diplomatic measures have the Prime Minister and his foreign affairs minister taken in the last 72 hours to avert those senseless bombings?

February 10th, 1998House debate

Alexa McDonoughNDP