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Sex Offender Registry Act  Speaker, I ask for unanimous consent to pass Motion No. 330 which reads: That, in the opinion of this House, the government should introduce a comprehensive plan of action to stop the international drug trade that should undertake to: (a) reduce domestic consumption through drug rehabilitation programs based upon some of the new and effective European models; (b) prevent the use of drugs in the early stages of childhood by introducing a national Headstart program that focuses on strengthening the parent-child bond; (c) pursue a hemispheric free trade agreement that reduces tariff, non-tariff barriers and the elimination of double taxation regimes; and (d) introduce amendments to the criminal code based on the model of the American Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisation Act (RICO); and that this plan should be taken to the Summit of the Americas and the Organization of American States for further action.

April 4th, 2001House debate

Keith MartinCanadian Alliance

Supply  Maybe it could be said that the Grand-Mère Golf Club is ground zero for a much larger phenomenon of the government: the politicization of public spending and of public institutions, such as the Business Development Bank and other crown corporations whose boards are packed with Liberal Party friends to the corruption of their legal purpose and to the detriment of the public interest. What cannot be denied is the historical pattern over the years of sleaze from both the Liberal and Conservative governments in the past, and this one does not disappoint us at all; it is just business as usual.

April 3rd, 2001House debate

Paul ForsethCanadian Alliance

Supply  If we cannot believe the people we deal with, our whole relationship, the whole basis for a civilized society crumbles. It was Solzhenitsyn, who was almost the sole fighter against a corrupt and immoral political system, who said: One word of truth outweighs the entire world. In our country and in the House of Commons it appears that we have shifted from truth to power games.

April 3rd, 2001House debate

Diane AblonczyCanadian Alliance

Slobodan Milosevic  Milosevic has been indicted by the international criminal tribunal for war crimes and crimes against humanity and has been charged by the Yugoslav government with corruption and abuse of power. This move by the Yugoslav government signals the beginning of a commitment to the principles of democracy and the rule of law. For its part, the Canadian government is urging Yugoslavia's leaders to facilitate the work of the international criminal tribunal.

April 2nd, 2001House debate

Bernard PatryLiberal

Corruption Of Foreign Public Officials Act  We are in favour of rules, rules that prevent the wrong things from happening. In this case when it comes to corruption and bribery, we feel the imposition of rules to prevent corruption and bribery is a good thing. What we did not like about the MAI, that other thing being perpetrated by the OECD, were the rules which were put forward to protect investors and corporations at the expense of workers and the environment and the ability of democratically elected governments to act in the public interest.

December 7th, 1998House debate

Bill BlaikieNDP

Summit Of The Americas  They also committed themselves to practical measures to improve health care, to increase access to quality education, to protect biodiversity, to take collective action against the scourge of drugs and corruption, and to expand and deepen the dialogue with civil society on regional priorities. At the second summit in Santiago in 1998 this co-operation was carried forward and deepened. Once again leaders endorsed action to support the development of democratic institutions, protect human rights, and enhance transparency and respect for the rule of law.

March 27th, 2001House debate

Pat O'BrienLiberal

Summit Of The Americas  The inaugural meeting, under Canada's chairmanship, focused on finding solutions to the challenges of drugs and crime, corruption, economic integration, protection of the environment, poverty alleviation and debt relief. The forum will meet once a year in different countries throughout the hemisphere. As one final example, I point to the inclusion of Canadians and citizens throughout the hemisphere in the summit process.

March 27th, 2001House debate

Diane MarleauLiberal

Summit Of The Americas  Under the Liberal government access is for sale, whether one owns the Auberge Grand-Mère or wants to make a direct commercial pitch to a visiting head of state. That is a new kind of corruption of the public policy process and it is wrong. The controversies over sponsorship also highlight a fundamental attitude of the present government which in my judgment puts Canada's international interests at risk.

March 27th, 2001House debate

Joe ClarkProgressive Conservative

Summit Of The Americas  They also committed themselves to practical measures to improve such things as health care, to increase access to quality education and to protection of biodiversity, to collective action against the scourge of drugs and corruption, to expanding the deepening dialogue with civil society and regional priorities. I had the opportunity a few weeks ago to participate in a forum of parliamentarians from the Americas which was held here in this very Chamber.

March 27th, 2001House debate

Bryon WilfertLiberal

Supply  Most of the reserve population was unemployed. The Samson Band in Alberta is one of the more glaring examples of waste and outright corruption. In 1998 the Globe and Mail reported that the chief and 12 councillors earned almost $2 million in salaries and benefits in 1997. Unemployment on this reserve hovers in the 85% range.

March 19th, 2001House debate

Betty HintonCanadian Alliance

Supply  That is the message, whether deliberate or not, that is getting out to the public. The Canadian Alliance says that aboriginal communities are corrupt, ergo they do not deserve self-government and we should not proceed any further with land claim settlements. That is the theme that comes across to the Canadian people, whether real or perceived.

March 19th, 2001House debate

Pat MartinNDP

Criminal Code  The laws of Canada and the charter of rights and freedoms must not be used as a shield for those who would seek to corrupt and exploit our very young. Any just society must balance the rights it extends to its citizens with the responsibility it expects its citizens to undertake. Persons violating the spirit of the law should not be afforded any protection by the mere letter of the law.

March 13th, 2001House debate

Elsie WayneProgressive Conservative

Nisga'A Final Agreement Act  The member for Wild Rose introduced a private member's bill in the House to cause an ombudsman to be established to help native Indians with the problems they have with getting help from Indian affairs to investigate corruption in the bands. While I do not have any direct connection with native bands, in my riding more than 200 members of the Squamish band have approached me by writing, coming directly to my office, via petition and via telephone with their concerns about Bill C-49.

December 2nd, 1999House debate

Ted WhiteReform

Judges Act  He appealed it. What did the judge do? He said “Why keep the guy in jail. We do not want to corrupt him”. So he let him out. It was one of the rare situations where a person was convicted of murder and a couple of months later, because a lawyer applied for an appeal, the court let him out pending the appeal.

March 12th, 2001House debate

Randy WhiteCanadian Alliance

Supply  As a result of coverage in the news media, I and members of the House have learned that in 1997 RCMP Corporal Robert Read reported a cover-up of incompetence, negligence and corruption within DFAIT and immigration and complained of criminal misconduct by his superiors. This related to activities that had happened in the very late eighties and early nineties in Canada's office in Hong Kong.

November 30th, 1999House debate

Jim AbbottReform