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Supply  We also agreed on the importance of an outreach to the media and non-governmental organizations because they have important roles to play in fighting against organized crime and corruption. Today, we have endorsed the Guiding Principles and Plan of Action to Combat the Smuggling of and Trafficking in Human Beings, which was prepared by the G-8's Lyon Group under guidance provided at the G-8 Summit in Birmingham in 1998...

November 30th, 1999House debate

John ReynoldsReform

Supply  In any event, I want to talk briefly about a legislation whose effectiveness and limits have been demonstrated, namely the “Racketeer Influences and Corrupt Act”, also called RICO, which was passed in 1970 and which creates four offences covered under two definitions. The first offence, called “racketeering activity”, is a criminal offence that covers 50 crimes, such as extortion, robbery, arson, kidnapping, fraud, counterfeiting, and so on.

November 30th, 1999House debate

Pierrette VenneBloc

Criminal Code  Anyone who is convicted for the second time of a violent offence shall be sentenced to life imprisonment. For those who wish to rape, maim, conspire, corrupt and commit all manner of violent acts, this private member's initiative is bad news. For victims and their families, the bill represents a return to the principles of fundamental justice.

March 2nd, 2001House debate

Art HangerCanadian Alliance

Supply  Madam Speaker, the member says that the government has corrupted the process. This is absolutely wrong and I want to lay out why. We put out a letter of interest to advise the industry about the government's intentions and requirements to determine the level of interest in the project.

March 1st, 2001House debate

Paul SzaboLiberal

Supply  Shame on the Prime Minister's Office for allowing this to become a political exercise, for leaving our military in the lurch without replacement maritime helicopters and for corrupting the process. The member for Saint John, the mover of the motion, has been eloquent this morning on this issue, as has the Canadian Alliance critic. I support this motion. I have other points I should like to make.

March 1st, 2001House debate

John DuncanCanadian Alliance

Supply  This is not a little problem that the cabinet can sweep under the carpet. We are talking about billions and billions of taxpayer dollars. We are talking about corruption and abuse of power at the highest levels. We are talking about the government sacrificing its own rules and guidelines to force an outcome that does not make it look bad. If things are not changed we will end up with a helicopter less capable than the aged Sea Kings we have had in use for decades.

March 1st, 2001House debate

Elsie WayneProgressive Conservative

Immigration And Refugee Protection Act  Visa officers need better training in order to be equipped to spot fraudulent applications and criminals and also themselves in regard to being beyond local corruption. The overwhelming fact of the department is the lack of staff to operate at a functional level. Perhaps a full departmental audit is needed for classification structure, employee supervision and promotion and the appropriateness of overall staffing levels.

February 27th, 2001House debate

Paul ForsethCanadian Alliance

Immigration And Refugee Protection Act  Such deficiencies led the auditor general to conclude that the program's integrity was at risk and to question whether the department could handle applications and ensure compliance under the act. Last August 28, the media reported corruption allegations at Canada's high commission in Hong Kong amid reports that immigration officials accepted gifts while working in Hong Kong. There were also reports that the RCMP official who blew the whistle on the scandal may be fired.

February 26th, 2001House debate

Inky MarkCanadian Alliance

Aboriginal Affairs  Meanwhile, the Government of Canada continues to sink billions of taxpayer money into Indian and Metis programs that have developed a track record for corruption and incompetence. Cruises, kickbacks, nepotism and administrative largesse are taking their toll on the generosity of taxpaying Canadians. Sanctimonious posturing by the Liberal government cannot hide this fact.

February 26th, 2001House debate

Jim PankiwCanadian Alliance

Canada Elections Act  Our elections should be democratic, free and fair, offering equal opportunity to all candidates and all political parties. This would be a great way to start a new session of parliament. The weak, arrogant and corrupt Liberal government that lacks vision is wasting an opportunity to modernize and democratize the patronage ridden Canada Elections Act. It has this opportunity again. Our election act is even worse than the election acts in developing countries and where this government's representatives go to monitor elections.

February 23rd, 2001House debate

Gurmant GrewalCanadian Alliance

Canada Foundation For Sustainable Development Technology Act  Rather, we do not have to support this bill, because of the way the Liberals are playing politics with it. If the Liberals are prepared to fix the flaws and the corruption they have written into the bill, then we would be glad to support it. We are giving the government the opportunity to have a fair debate, to listen to the amendments, to consult Canadians through parliament and to incorporate those amendments so that all parties can support this wonderful initiative.

February 19th, 2001House debate

Gurmant GrewalCanadian Alliance

Supply  With respect to organized crime, we have taken and will continue to take the kinds of measures necessary to ensure that we do the right thing in this area. The member is right on in terms of it being a pervasive problem that goes to the very corruption that is often seen in a variety of areas. We have worked with our American counterparts and we are working with others in this hemisphere and elsewhere around the world, for that matter, with Interpol and others, when it comes to putting in place the kinds of mechanisms and policing enhancement and requirements that underscore Canada's commitment to ensure that we do everything possibly we can with respect to ensuring that it comes to an end, at least as much as we can given the resources at hand and the partners we have.

February 15th, 2001House debate

Lynn MyersLiberal

Supply  They also committed themselves at that time to practical measures to improve health care, to increase access to quality education and to protect biodiversity. They committed themselves to taking collective action against the scourge of drugs and corruption and to expanding and deepening dialogue with civil society on regional priorities. At the second summit in Santiago in 1998, this was furthered. The co-operation that had existed in 1994 in Miami was developed even further, more in an incremental fashion but also in a manner consistent with the movement forward that we anticipated would in fact be in place.

February 15th, 2001House debate

Lynn MyersLiberal

Aboriginal Affairs  This is the second third party managers it has been under. It is still not getting to the bottom of the corruption. I have talked with the people of the Sagkeeng. They are fed up with this system which makes band elites rich and keeps ordinary aboriginals poor. They are also demanding a forensic audit.

February 15th, 2001House debate

Reed ElleyCanadian Alliance

Supply  They also committed themselves to practical measures to improve health care, increase access to quality education, protect biodiversity, collective action against such scourges as drugs and corruption, and expanding and deepening dialogue with civil society on regional priorities. At the second summit in Santiago in 1998, this co-operation was carried forward in detail. Once again leaders endorsed action to support the development of democratic institutions, protection of human rights, and enhanced transparency and respect for the rule of law.

February 15th, 2001House debate

Elinor CaplanLiberal