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Finance committee  Mr. Chairman, here is what I was trying to say to you. Mr. McGirr gave us clear answers earlier this week. I am focussing on one of his specific explanations where he said that it is too cumbersome for them to examine each Crown corporation that is also engaged in the generation of hydroelectricity.

April 29th, 2010Committee meeting

Thomas MulcairNDP

Indigenous and Northern Affairs committee  The Government of Canada commends the Aboriginal Healing Foundation for the work it has done over the last 12 years; however, the foundation's annual report and corporate plan make it clear that it was not intended to be a permanent organization. It is also important to note that budget 2010 funds for Health Canada have not been reallocated from funds that were previously intended for the Aboriginal Healing Foundation.

April 29th, 2010Committee meeting

Aideen Nabigon

Public Safety  We know that the Liberal Party stole $40 million. The Liberals have come back with $1 million. They have still stolen $39 million. That is clear evidence. We know that. Where is the money?

April 29th, 2010House debate

Vic ToewsConservative

Ethics  Speaker, I am glad the member got a standing ovation from at least one of his colleagues. It is quite colourful language he is using. Let me be very clear. As a result of any of the meetings or letters that Mr. Jaffer may have sent, no government money flowed. No contracts existed. I can tell the member about someone who has had privileged access to this minister and privileged access to government money.

April 29th, 2010House debate

John BairdConservative

Ethics  Mr. Speaker, one thing is very clear. As a result of any of these meetings or any of these actions undertaken by Mr. Jaffer, no government money was involved. That is in sharp contrast to the previous Liberal government when $40 million went missing.

April 29th, 2010House debate

John BairdConservative

Appointment of Judges  Mr. Speaker, it is clear that judicial appointments are based on merit. Our selection process is one of the most rigorous in the world. It is shameful that the member is attacking the credibility of a judge who was duly appointed according to the rules of the system.

April 29th, 2010House debate

Christian ParadisConservative

Ethics  In the case of the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, it was clear that lobbying was going on. Proposals went all the way to the minister's office, but nobody said a thing. How many other ministers or parliamentary secretaries were lobbied by Mr. Jaffer without our knowledge?

April 29th, 2010House debate

Dominic LeBlancLiberal

Ethics  Mr. Speaker, let me very clear. We would not be having this debate about documents if it were not for the government, which made all these documents public. It was the government that put all these documents before a parliamentary committee.

April 29th, 2010House debate

John BairdConservative

Status of Women  Speaker, this is a government trying to export its own ideology to the world, flying in the face of 25 years of clear, consistent Canadian foreign policy. However, it is doing it at home, too, by continuing the systematic hollowing out of women's rights and women's advocacy groups across Canada. CRIAW, the Coalition for Pay Equity and the Womanspace Resource Centre were among those shocked to lose their funding; in some cases, after 25 years.

April 29th, 2010House debate

Anita NevilleLiberal

Constitution Act, 2010 (Senate Term Limits)  Twenty-two per cent of Quebeckers would prefer to see senators elected and 43% want the Senate abolished. It is very clear. That is why we are saying that the Senate is not popular with the public. Many participants, 20% in Quebec and 23% in the rest of Canada, chose not to respond because they did not understand the role of the Senate.

April 29th, 2010House debate

Christiane GagnonBloc

Constitution Act, 2010 (Senate Term Limits)  Mr. Speaker, indeed the member's province is one of the ones that has made it very clear that it does not support this reform. The minister of state said that his government would like to modernize our institutions and make the Senate more accountable. The key challenge is that the government continually, and I think I have made a few points on that score, has undermined democracy and our institutions and has made government less accountable.

April 29th, 2010House debate

Joyce MurrayLiberal

Subcommittee on International Human Rights committee  I think when it comes to the actual government, to the progress, we would be the clearing house that would gather the information from federal departments about where they are vis-à-vis specific recommendations. We would integrate that for the consideration of our federal deputy ministers committee, which has a specific role horizontally across the government, and of course, for the consideration our own ministers, to brief them.

April 29th, 2010Committee meeting

Tom Scrimger

Subcommittee on International Human Rights committee  I was the person who moved the motion to examine the UPR and the continuing committee and the process, because of a fairly large number of concerns that were brought to us, with words like “secretive”. It was clear that we had to get the process out onto the table so that people would understand, number one, the process: who had what responsibilities and where. But there was another concern that we heard regularly.

April 29th, 2010Committee meeting

Wayne MarstonNDP

Constitution Act, 2010 (Senate Term Limits)  Those are some of the claims that the Prime Minister has made, along with many other statements about the Senate that, unfortunately, have undermined the credibility of the Senate in the minds of the public. What has the Prime Minister actually done, given those very clear assertions over many years that he would not be appointing senators and that there would not be partisan appointments? The Prime Minister appointed more senators in a single year than any prime minister in history.

April 29th, 2010House debate

Joyce MurrayLiberal

Subcommittee on International Human Rights committee  In my opinion, the objective of the committee is to always be able to reconcile those differences. It is clear that, according to a Supreme Court decision from 1937, I believe, the federal government is not in a position to implement something that is under provincial jurisdiction in an international treaty.

April 29th, 2010Committee meeting

Tom Scrimger