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Justice  Mr. Speaker, we are aware of the situation with the Barreau du Québec. Some organizations decided to take legal action, and that is their choice. As this matter is now before the courts, we have no further comment.

May 25th, 2018House debate

Arif ViraniLiberal

Elections Modernization Act  Mr. Speaker, that is an important question. We have the second largest geographic territory on the planet to govern. It stretches across to three oceans. Administering an election between Newfoundland and Vancouver Island is difficult, and it always has been difficult. However, in the digital era, in the era of social media, we recognize, and the previous government recognized it as well, that attempting to curtail people's freedom of expression, including discussing or communicating about voting results or voting likelihoods was difficult if not impossible.

May 22nd, 2018House debate

Arif ViraniLiberal

Elections Modernization Act  Mr. Speaker, I will address that in two parts. There is no doubt that fixed election dates have been proven to demonstrate that when we pick a date that is more convenient to the masses, more people will come out to vote. I applaud that initiative. This bill retains that initiative.

May 22nd, 2018House debate

Arif ViraniLiberal

Elections Modernization Act  Mr. Speaker, I will be splitting my time with the member for Willowdale this morning. I am proud to rise today to speak in favour of Bill C-76, which would empower more Canadians to vote and would ensure that elections are protected from interference. This legislation would give more Canadians the opportunity to vote by reducing the number of barriers to casting a ballot and would limit interference by ensuring the integrity of our voting process.

May 22nd, 2018House debate

Arif ViraniLiberal

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, we know that according to the World Bank, 67 jurisdictions and counting around the planet now have a price on carbon. Why are the Conservatives so keen to miss out on where the global economy is headed with respect to clean growth? Are they out of touch or will they simply get on the right side of history in about a decade, the same way it took them about a decade after the Supreme Court decision on same sex marriage to change their official definition of marriage at a party convention?

May 8th, 2018House debate

Arif ViraniLiberal

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, we understand that last week Environment and Climate Change Canada produced a report indicating that by pricing pollution we would reduce emissions by up to 90 million tonnes, a huge part of meeting our Paris commitments. In a puzzling interview last week, the Leader of the Opposition claimed he knows how to meet our Paris targets without putting a price on pollution and without putting forward anything resembling a plan to tackle climate change.

May 8th, 2018House debate

Arif ViraniLiberal

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, the member for Vaughan—Woodbridge was a banker by profession prior to politics, so I am going to put to him two economic statistics. According to the World Bank, 67 jurisdictions representing about half of the global economy and more than a quarter of global GHG emissions are putting a price on carbon, and the four provinces that have a price on carbon, B.C., Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec, had the highest GDP growth and created the most jobs in Canada in 2017.

May 8th, 2018House debate

Arif ViraniLiberal

Aga Khan Diamond Jubilee  Mr. Speaker, yesterday members of all parties welcomed His Highness the Aga Khan at Rideau Hall to celebrate his diamond jubilee after 60 years as the religious leader of 15 million Ismaili Muslims around the world. The Aga Khan has had a strong relationship with Canada for six decades, beginning with Canada's decision to accept Ismaili refugees, like me and my family, who were fleeing persecution from Idi Amin.

May 3rd, 2018House debate

Arif ViraniLiberal

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, I have three brief comments. First, in the context of a robust debate, my response to the member for Peace River—Westlock is that it is precisely because of people like his constituents who are trying to privately sponsor Syrian refugees that we have quadrupled the amount of private sponsorship that is available in this country, as compared to the number that was put forward by the previous Conservative government under its tenure at the head of this file.

April 24th, 2018House debate

Arif ViraniLiberal

Status of Women  Mr. Speaker, our government is committed to promoting peace, constructive dialogue, and international security. We are working and will keep working with our national and international partners to that end. This government recognizes the suffering that all armed conflicts inflict on the people of the affected countries, especially civilians, girls, and women.

April 19th, 2018House debate

Arif ViraniLiberal

Status of Women  Mr. Speaker, I thank the member for Vancouver East for her efforts in raising awareness of the tragic atrocities that took place in Nanjing during World War II. Canada recognizes compassionate efforts and encourages all countries to move forward in a positive and constructive manner.

April 19th, 2018House debate

Arif ViraniLiberal

National Canadian Film Day  Mr. Speaker, butter that popcorn, because today is National Canadian Film Day. Across the country, people will be gathering at over 800 screenings, taking in the incredible work of Canadian creators. From Tofino to Toronto, from Whitehorse to Westmount, everyone is watching Canadian films, and this year's theme is shining the spotlight on female filmmakers.

April 18th, 2018House debate

Arif ViraniLiberal

Canadian Heritage  Mr. Speaker, I appreciate my colleague's question. We are standing up for the CBC, which is why we reinvested $675 million. We are also defending our national anthem. We always take pride in the changes, initiated by Mauril Bélanger, to the lyrics of the national anthem. Now that they are gender neutral, they are more inclusive and better reflect diversity.

March 29th, 2018House debate

Arif ViraniLiberal

Canadian Heritage  Mr. Speaker, changes in the way Canadians access content have disrupted many business models. The reality is that the benefits of the digital world are not shared equally between the web giants and our artists, journalists, and creators. Our government wants to level the playing field among the stakeholders involved.

March 29th, 2018House debate

Arif ViraniLiberal

The Budget  Madam Speaker, I thank the member for her contributions at that committee and at the immigration committee. In all sincerity, we are not reinventing the wheel. Our country had an action plan on racism. It was implemented under Paul Martin. It fell by the wayside under the previous government's tenure.

March 20th, 2018House debate

Arif ViraniLiberal