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House debate  The member opposite does not talk about the message and the consistency or the lack of clarity in the message. I am wondering if she could provide any information as to what consistent, clear information the government is providing to the provinces, to parents, to Canadians, as it relates to booster shots for children. I know the Winnipeg regional health authority has told parents to bring their children back for a booster shot 21 days after they get their first inoculation.

November 2nd, 2009House debate

Anita NevilleLiberal

House debate  I have been in the chamber many times during question period when our Minister of Health has been very clear that Canadians could expect the rollout of this vaccine in the first week of November. In fact, we were earlier than that. The other thing that I think Canadians need to be reminded of is that Canada has more vaccine available per capita than any other country in the world.

November 2nd, 2009House debate

Harold AlbrechtConservative

House debate  Many more Canadians will continue to get their shots over the coming weeks as more vaccine becomes available. Let me make one point very clear. There is not a shortage of vaccine. Every Canadian will be able to have the vaccine by Christmas. There has been a tremendous uptake since the campaign began. We are encouraged by the fact that Canadians see the importance of being vaccinated against this pandemic flu.

November 2nd, 2009House debate

Leona AglukkaqConservative

House debate  Madam Speaker, the member opposite has attempted to say that we are politicizing a public health problem. It should be perfectly clear that we are doing our job. For months, my hon. colleague, based on her experience of many years in family medicine, has been patiently taking the government to task, asking it to do its job.

November 2nd, 2009House debate

Michael IgnatieffLiberal

House debate  This is a government that has spent something like 10 times more on its own publicity, publicizing its own highly partisan infrastructure program than it has spent on public health information. This is the most astonishing failure of all of the government's failures. Clean, clear public information that everybody can understand is the right of every Canadian citizen. We could have avoided the anguish in all the Canadian households had the government done its job.

November 2nd, 2009House debate

Michael IgnatieffLiberal

House debate  The Chief Public Health Officer for Canada has the responsibility to find a consensus with his counterparts on the science and then give the best possible advice to Canadians. Canadians needed clear and unambiguous messages. Instead, there were too many opinions and conflicting guidelines, and the resulting dangerous confusion. His job is also to give the best possible advice to the Minister of Health, including his assessment of the need for additional resources for communication and/or improving front line public health capacity.

November 2nd, 2009House debate

Carolyn BennettLiberal

Finance committee  There are a number of factors that will promote that, such as education levels and geographical position, but also, in large part, general taxation rates. The government set a clear direction. It was its intention to lower the marginal rates in order to promote business competitiveness. We are asking the government to continue in that vein and not to sacrifice that in order to return to a balanced budget because the short-term economic benefits would be offset by slightly more negative long-term effects on productivity, economic growth and wealth creation.

November 2nd, 2009Committee meeting

Stéphane Duguay

Finance committee  Of course we all know that Canada is the only major industrialized country without a common or national securities regulator, and our Conservative government has been clear that this is unacceptable. This has been borne out by the current market turmoil, which has clearly highlighted the need for improved securities regulation. I was interested in hearing from you, in your opening remarks, that the creation of a Canadian securities regulator is imperative.

November 2nd, 2009Committee meeting

Kelly BlockConservative

Transport committee  We have some subcommittee business to approve. I am going to ask everyone else who is not involved in that to please clear the room as quickly as you can. Again, thank you to our guests. [Proceedings continue in camera] [Public proceedings resume]

November 2nd, 2009Committee meeting

The ChairConservative

Justice committee  That's the complete list that was given to us. I trust the clerk to follow up when these requests are made, and it's pretty clear that right now we've exhausted that list, and all we have is Mr. Manson and CORCAN coming for the next meeting.

November 2nd, 2009Committee meeting

The ChairConservative

Transport committee  If there is a situation where somebody is not able to board as booked, we have in our tariffs very clear provisions regarding compensation. We ask for volunteers. When we have volunteers, they are compensated. Unfortunately, when it might happen that the person may not be a volunteer and may to have to be denied, well, clearly the compensation that's provided is a factor in that as well.

November 2nd, 2009Committee meeting

George Petsikas

Natural Resources committee  I think the one thing that's clear is that the higher limit in Canada will provide for a more balanced position vis-à-vis the U.S. and therefore I think a greater sense that the Canadian industry and operators have the same type of responsibility and potential liability as exists in the United States.

November 2nd, 2009Committee meeting

Serge Dupont

Natural Resources committee  Mr. Chairman, you made it clear last week—

November 2nd, 2009Committee meeting

Geoff ReganLiberal

Natural Resources committee  Mr. Chairman, you made it clear last week and at the beginning of this meeting that everything was fair game. We had a discussion about these topics. We have officials here who can answer some of these questions. We've had discussions on two issues today.

November 2nd, 2009Committee meeting

Geoff ReganLiberal

Justice committee  I 'd like to make sure I understand correctly. Perhaps the translation of the motion is not clear. I would like Mr. Moore to explain to me fully. If I understand correctly, we still have witnesses to hear regarding Bill C-36. Once we have heard from them, whether on Wednesday or at another time, we will begin clause-by-clause consideration of Bill C-36 and that consideration will have to be completed before the end of the meeting.

November 2nd, 2009Committee meeting

Marc LemayBloc