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Taxation  Mr. Speaker, with CPP increases, air taxes, gas taxes and record GST revenue, Canadians could be forgiven for not noticing those tax cuts. At a time when we have revelation of undisclosed GST fraud that has gone on for years, why will the government not commit to offer real tax relief, reduction of the GST to Canadian families and workers?

February 17th, 2003House debate

Stephen HarperCanadian Alliance

Taxation  Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister, the former finance minister and the heritage minister used to say that they would kill, scrap and abolish the GST. Now they brag about it. Mr. Speaker, this government took power on its promise to abolish the GST. The GST is bad for low and middle income families.

February 17th, 2003House debate

Stephen HarperCanadian Alliance

Public Safety committee  On a practical level, as Mr. Harris mentioned, it really comes down to your client providing a sample and it is cleared from whatever was left at the crime scene. Just as other wrongful convictions have been cleared in this country, it hasn't been from the data bank. I'm still not clear in terms of how the data bank really leads to exonerations.

February 26th, 2009Committee meeting

Vincenzo Rondinelli

International Trade committee  We also have Andrew McArthur, who wants to come before this committee as well and has said, “...our position...has been that shipbuilding should be carved out from the trade agreement”. The shipbuilding industry's been very clear on their concerns around EFTA, and so my question to you is this. Since they've been very clear, even though this committee hasn't heard from all these individuals yet, wouldn't that or shouldn't that provoke much more action from your minister?

February 26th, 2009Committee meeting

Peter JulianNDP

Iraq  Mr. Speaker, for months the Prime Minister has been telling the House that the government would tell us where it stands when the Blix report was presented. Today is the day. The Prime Minister has heard the report. I will ask this in as parliamentary a manner as I can. On this issue today, where is the Prime Minister?

February 14th, 2003House debate

Stephen HarperCanadian Alliance

Iraq  Mr. Speaker, every other member of the United Nations in the past few months has been able to tell its population where it stands on some of these issues. We are a sovereign country. Canadians have as much right to expect that from their government as any other nation in the world.

February 14th, 2003House debate

Stephen HarperCanadian Alliance

Business of Supply  Many experts will say that it is constitutional and others will say that it is not. Others, who have less backbone, will try to sit on the fence. One thing is clear; before proceeding further, an answer is needed. I want things to be clear. This is not just about Quebec. The Bloc may have raised the matter, but that does not mean we should think this is just about Quebec.

February 24th, 2009House debate

Denis CoderreLiberal

Firearms Registry  Mr. Speaker, we do not believe in fairy tales or the Easter bunny. Earlier in question period the Minister of Justice was up bragging about his unfinished, error prone, and billion dollar gun registry. How could he justify quietly funneling millions of dollars more into this system when his own colleagues say it is a contempt of this House?

February 13th, 2003House debate

Stephen HarperCanadian Alliance

Iraq  Mr. Speaker, again today the Iraqi crisis has deepened. Arms inspectors now apparently believe that Iraqi violations of UN resolutions go far beyond what was previously suspected. Allied troops are amassing in the Persian Gulf and President Bush gave an address to his troops today that clearly put them on a war alert for Iraq.

February 13th, 2003House debate

Stephen HarperCanadian Alliance

Iraq  Mr. Speaker, I think what the minister is really saying is that they are reading polls and doing focus groups. A worldwide terrorist alert is also escalating. Tanks are positioned at Heathrow airport in London. The United States of America is on a nationwide orange alert. We are told that prominent North Americans may face assassination.

February 13th, 2003House debate

Stephen HarperCanadian Alliance

Iraq  Mr. Speaker, I guess our fear is that this government would be the last to find out. As this crisis worsens, there is anxiety in financial markets worldwide. Here in North America we are already seeing delays at the border. Only now, after months of disengagement, our Prime Minister travels today to the United States.

February 13th, 2003House debate

Stephen HarperCanadian Alliance

Foreign Affairs  Mr. Speaker, but the question will be which side of the UN. If the world is waiting for leadership from this Liberal government, the world is in very deep trouble indeed. Today the government is joining countries stepping up security alerts in light of the deteriorating international situation.

February 12th, 2003House debate

Stephen HarperCanadian Alliance

Foreign Affairs  Mr. Speaker, NATO is in its worst crisis since its foundation over 50 years ago. A member country, Turkey, has called upon its NATO allies to deploy to defend its border given the deepening crisis in Iraq. This government says that it supports Turkey's position but frankly this is irrelevant unless it is backed with some action.

February 12th, 2003House debate

Stephen HarperCanadian Alliance

Foreign Affairs committee  He has made it very clear that he doesn't want to be there for the long haul, and he has recognized that the notion that we can export full-blown democracy to Afghanistan is not realistic given the social, economic, and political circumstances, not just in Afghanistan but in the region as a whole.

February 23rd, 2009Committee meeting

Prof. Fen Osler Hampson

Canada Elections Act  The government House leader says read the bill. I think the committee will want to study the provisions on MP trust pretty carefully. Let us talk about transparency. One desirable aspect of the bill is the goal of promoting greater openness and transparency. However here there are real problems.

February 11th, 2003House debate

Stephen HarperCanadian Alliance