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Young Offenders Act  I understand that the member representing the New Democratic Party participating in the adjournment debate has not yet had time to physically reach the Chamber. We could adjourn to the call of the Chair for a maximum of 15 minutes. If the member has not arrived by then at least the House would have done the respectful thing, that is given a reasonable opportunity for the member to attend.

June 20th, 1994House debate

Don BoudriaLiberal

Young Offenders Act  The perpetrators, the scum of the earth who deal with drugs, use and abuse these children because they know there is no way the law can reach them. Believe me, many of these kids know exactly what they are doing regardless of their age. In preparing for the debate on the Young Offenders Act I spoke with my 11-year old daughter.

June 20th, 1994House debate

Tom WappelLiberal

Mass Layoffs  The point I was trying to make is that good industrial labour policy is to establish proper programs at a time when companies begin to downsize, not when it reaches a crisis proportion. I think the hon. member as a full and active member of this House during the time of the previous government of which he was member should have ensured at that time that those measures were put in place.

June 20th, 1994House debate

Lloyd AxworthyLiberal

Department Of Labour Act  It is why an amendment to the Department of Labour Act, Bill C-30, is needed to include eligible workers who will reach 55 within their period of eligibility under the strategy. The Atlantic groundfish strategy was designed in consultation with provinces, unions, businesses, industry and of course the communities and individuals who have been affected by the situation in Atlantic Canada, those individuals whose livelihood has been affected by the dependence that they had on a diminishing resource in that area of Canada.

June 20th, 1994House debate

Maurizio BevilacquaLiberal

National Patriots' Day  The name of the Patriotes must be cleared so that they can take their rightful place in history. It is also true, however, that the means they used to reach their ends may seem to us, to some of us, drastic, but a closer look at the situation shows that their demands were legitimate, not their actions. I think it would be a good idea, and I feel this even more strongly now, having listened to the two previous debates, to present an historical overview of the circumstances surrounding the rebellions of 1837-38.

June 20th, 1994House debate

Benoît SauvageauBloc

National Patriots' Day  Although Riel participated in violent uprisings and was hanged in 1885 for high treason, the House recognized the value and the historic role played by that former MP, who had reached the conclusion that change could only come by force of arms. Joe Clark said, referring to Riel: "We must rely on the positive aspects of our experience rather than the negative ones".

June 20th, 1994House debate

Stéphane BergeronBloc

Department Of Canadian Heritage Act  That is a significant amount of money. In addition to these actual savings of money there will be other longer term efficiencies realized through the regrouping of the areas of responsibility from various departments. Broadly speaking, the Canadian heritage minister will work for the betterment of our country in matters relating to Canadian identity and values, cultural development, heritage and areas of natural or historical significance to this nation.

October 28th, 1994House debate

Beryl GaffneyLiberal

Ethics  After a series of failures, including the Ginn Publishing episode, the avowed helplessness of the minister to adequately protect the interests of French-speaking people living outside Quebec, and now his refusal to resign following his blunder with the CRTC, the minister no longer has any credibility. At a time when the government is about to slash his budget, what credibility does the minister think he still has to protect the interests of Canadian cultural institutions and industries?

October 28th, 1994House debate

Suzanne TremblayBloc

Communications Security Establishment  We also remember that the former Liberal Solicitor General, Robert Kaplan, believed as well that informal administrative controls are no longer sufficient. A democratic, independent external control mechanism is required for the activities of the CSE. The Bloc Quebecois believes that the government must make a parliamentary committee responsible for monitoring the CSE's activities.

October 28th, 1994House debate

Maurice DumasBloc

Crtc  Speaker, the words honesty, openness and integrity appeared in the red book in the last federal campaign, as they did in the Reform Party's blue book for three years longer. We are trying desperately to encourage this government to walk the talk. I would like to read from the ethics principles that are in place: "Public office holders should not step out of their official roles to assist private entities or persons in their dealings with the government where this would result in preferential treatment to any person".

October 27th, 1994House debate

Ken EppReform

Aboriginal Affairs  It is a trivia game that asks young people questions about Canada and in doing so continues to state as fact that Quebec and Prince Edward Island were discovered by Europeans. This language is no longer appropriate. At the same time the department has just awarded a half million dollar contract to develop curriculum materials pertaining to aboriginal people in Canada to a Montreal company that has no cultural knowledge or expertise to handle the contract.

October 27th, 1994House debate

Len TaylorNDP

Department Of Canadian Heritage Act  My hon. colleague tells me I am no longer a humble backbencher. I am a humble frontbencher in a third party very close to the door. The difference is that a minister of the crown has a very different fiduciary responsibility than a humble backbencher of any party.

October 27th, 1994House debate

Ian McClellandReform

Parliament Hill  The Auditor General in his 1992 report noted that the government has neglected to undertake most of the necessary repairs and renovations to the parliamentary precinct identified in the 1970s and the 1980s. Parliament Hill requires urgent attention. The simple fact is that we can no longer afford to neglect it. Over the next 12 to 15 years, and I wish to underline this point, the buildings and grounds will require considerable attention. During that period we will in turn address the requirements of all buildings on the Hill to guarantee that in the future they remain safe for Canadians and healthy for the occupants.

October 27th, 1994House debate

David DingwallLiberal

Lobbyists Registration Act  Nixon noted that the lobbyists played a prominent part in attempting to affect the decisions that were reached, going far beyond the acceptable norms of "consulting". That is totally unacceptable. Also, nothing in this bill provides for lobbying expenses to be made public, even as part of an inquiry.

June 17th, 1994House debate

Suzanne TremblayBloc

Government Expenditures  While we acknowledge that some use by the royal family, the Governor General and the Prime Minister may be required, the important change in direction is the directive to ministers to use commercial air service as a first priority. With the Auditor General's being involved in this review, we trust an agreement has been reached on the cost per flying hour. I would further request that this government keep Parliament informed by providing it with complete and accurate information about the flight services, as the Auditor General recommended in his 1993 report.

June 17th, 1994House debate

Ed HarperReform