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Supply  Parents today often have to leave their children with caretakers because taxes take so large a bite out of salaries that one pay cheque is no longer enough to support the in home care of children by a parent. Again, there is a degree of equality being forced upon us here, an equality of mediocrity, an equality of fear that our justice-

March 8th, 1994House debate

Art HangerReform

Supply  Wishful thinking, white books, sham policies and political programs which turn from red to blue with every possible nuance no longer have their place in 1994. This government can, if it wants and especially if it so believes, show the way by facilitating access to education and employment for single mothers, and that includes, among other initiatives, the setting up of a national day care network which would be primarily available to those families who need it the most.

March 8th, 1994House debate

Madeleine Dalphond-GuiralBloc

Sarajevo  It is called: And Sarajevo Makes Me Cry Hatred is not a contradiction But a gruesome paradox Cultures squeezed together no longer benign but malignant Enmeshed in the bloodied pulp of accusation, The living and the dead. After-burner eyes that hold such surprise A brief shock of pain The sweet breath of fire Savage passions, indecent, finally expelled Like torched paper To blow apart in the wind And emerge as blood-pools This withered generation Small sad voices.

March 8th, 1994House debate

Jan BrownReform

Supply  Finally I have professional qualifications which have allowed me to be close to women and their problems for all my adult working life. I would like to make some observations. One observation is that women live seven years longer on average than men. I have wondered in one sense why women would want to be equal to men in that regard. We have a shorter lifespan than women. The second thing I would like to comment on is an observation that I have made from my time as a student in university.

March 8th, 1994House debate

Grant HillReform

Supply  It is just common sense to me, common social sense and common economic sense. Our society can no longer afford to ignore the expertise and knowledge of half of our population. Women have always played a key role in the economy as unpaid labour. This invisible cheap labour feeds and cares for the family, for the male paid workforce and raises future workers.

March 8th, 1994House debate

Audrey McLaughlinNDP

Borrowing Authority Act, 1994-95  Leroux, the Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Francophone Affairs for the City of Ottawa, mentioned, and I quote: "The dismissal of Mr. DesRochers is a step backward for the Francophone population which can no longer deal with the senior management of the National Arts Centre in its own language". Mr. Leroux resigned to show his disapproval, and we can expect further resignations. Furthermore, the minister hides behind the managerial autonomy of these agencies to avoid responding to the real questions and the real issues raised by the Bloc Quebecois.

March 7th, 1994House debate

Suzanne TremblayBloc

Borrowing Authority Act, 1994-95  It has been a long journey for me, over 20 years, but I can say it was worth every day of it. I am no longer dreaming the Canadian dream. I am living the Canadian dream. I thank first and foremost the residents of Don Valley North for their trust and confidence in me. Second, I would like to thank the Don Valley North executive, my campaign manager, the team and the hundreds of volunteers.

March 7th, 1994House debate

Sarkis AssadourianLiberal

Borrowing Authority Act, 1994-95  Little by little, year by year we spin neat phrases and explain it with eloquent phrases and words and clever accounting tricks that merely hide the deadly truth a little longer. We are like frogs swimming in a pot of hot water. We do not know that we are going to be the supper until the water is boiling. It may be too late if this bill and this budget are passed by this House of Commons.

March 7th, 1994House debate

Chuck StrahlReform

Borrowing Authority Act, 1994-95  Minister Axworthy admits to be pursuing the following objective, namely to force recipients to work longer to continue to qualify for the same number of weeks of benefits. As if people chose to be unemployed and to work only a given number of weeks. This program is intended to provide income support to workers and must not be seen as a way of life in combination with work.

March 7th, 1994House debate

Réjean LefebvreBloc

Unemployment  What happens with the unemployment rate, as the hon. member probably knows, is that once you begin to create economic growth, once you begin to create jobs, it draws people back into the labour market, people who under the Tory regime simply gave up and no longer bothered to look for a job. Therefore the statistical survey results do not reflect their new found confidence and that people have now come back into the job market. We intend to create jobs.

March 7th, 1994House debate

Lloyd AxworthyLiberal

Collège Militaire Royal De Saint-Jean  And, if there is a need to improve the local situation in Kingston, we will try to help, just as we are now trying to help the people who want to keep in Saint-Jean an institution that, unfortunately, can no longer serve the military.

March 7th, 1994House debate

Jean ChrétienLiberal

Borrowing Authority Act, 1994-95  Many of Canada's social programs such as unemployment insurance and welfare were created decades ago and no longer meet today's needs. The primary objective is to ensure the programs are reoriented toward helping Canadians enter the workforce and away from dependency. We have already seen some experiments aimed at revitalizing our social programs taking place in the provinces.

March 7th, 1994House debate

Murray CalderLiberal

Borrowing Authority Act, 1994-95  According to the minister, the government's intention is to encourage people to stay in their jobs for longer periods by reducing the number of weeks of benefits. People are told to expect 30 or 20 weeks of benefits instead of 40, maybe 35 if they work for 50 weeks. They reduce the number of weeks while telling people this will encourage them to keep their jobs.

March 7th, 1994House debate

Louis PlamondonBloc

Borrowing Authority Act, 1994-95  A recent article by the Globe and Mail reporting on a study from Statistics Canada stated that unprecedented numbers of young Canadians have been wrestled out of the workforce. Proportionately more of them lost their jobs than adults and it will take longer for them to gain back these jobs than it will be for adults. The same article, quoting Dr. Phipps of Dalhousie University, suggests it is possible that by the time the economy does produce good jobs a fresh generation of better trained, better educated young people will be vying for these jobs.

March 7th, 1994House debate

Hugh HanrahanReform

Borrowing Authority Act, 1994-95  I did let the minister go a little longer than his 20 minutes, in part as it was his maiden speech and in part largely from my reading of the good sense of ongoing co-operation and goodwill by members from all parties. Now I would hope that the minister will allow the Chair to fulfil the opportunity for members opposite to have a full 10 minute complement to ask questions or comments which obviously will take us slightly beyond the 2.30 adjournment time.

February 25th, 1994House debate

The Acting Speaker (Mr. Kilger)