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Foreign Affairs  First I would like to congratulate the Leader of the Opposition for his sensible speech- -and the two members of the Reform Party to my right, the member for Saanich-Gulf Islands and the member for Red Deer for their most informed speeches. The debate we will hear today and tomorrow, first on peacekeeping and then on cruise, is a debate that will allow individual members to express his or her own views.

January 25th, 1994House debate

David CollenetteLiberal

Foreign Affairs  Mr. Speaker, I think the wonderful part of this day is that we can express our points of view taking into consideration all of our constituents and all of our fellow MPs. I would say that withdrawal is something that is done when the safety of our forces cannot be guaranteed. That position is one that would be decided by the people in the field.

January 25th, 1994House debate

Bob MillsReform

Foreign Affairs  Mr. Speaker, I said during my remarks there are no easy solutions to the dilemma that we are in. I recognize what the member says and I believe that he is correct that we are in danger if we extract our forces of allowing the fighting there to intensify. However, if we stay involved we are also staying to observe constant carnage, killing, maiming and bombardment.

January 25th, 1994House debate

Jack FrazerReform

Foreign Affairs  Mr. Speaker, I welcome this opportunity to give my maiden speech. I never thought I would be doing it on such an important subject as this one which certainly affects us now and for a long time in the future. Mr. Speaker, I want to congratulate you and all other members. I want to particularly thank the people of my constituency of central Alberta.

January 25th, 1994House debate

Bob MillsReform

Foreign Affairs  Mr. Speaker, if we go back far enough in the origins of the area, we find that all the residents are basically Slavs. Over the years, they have been affected by outside influences which have caused them to go in different directions to different religions. When I referred to their common ethnicity, I meant going back a long way.

January 25th, 1994House debate

Jack FrazerReform

Points Of Order  Mr. Speaker, I rise on the Prime Minister's point of order. I would like to thank the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs for making possible this debate and making it possible before the government arrives at a policy decision. I would like to make one further suggestion in the spirit of what the Prime Minister said and that is to suggest that in future we depart from the custom of having party leaders necessarily lead off debates.

January 25th, 1994House debate

Preston ManningReform

Points Of Order  Mr. Speaker, I wish to join my colleague from Yukon, the Leader of the Reform Party and the Prime Minister in saying what an excellent idea it is to allow such debates in Parliament, so much the better if they contribute to more constructive exchanges in this House.

January 25th, 1994House debate

Jean CharestProgressive Conservative

Petitions  Mr. Speaker, I am honoured to rise in the House to present a petition from the undersigned residents of Kootenay West-Revelstoke in British Columbia who would like their grievance known to this House. This grievance has to do with a new game to be introduced in Canada called the serial killer board game.

January 25th, 1994House debate

Jim GoukReform

Speech From The Throne  Madam Speaker, I very much appreciated what the hon. member of the Reform Party said about agriculture, because agriculture is very important in the West as well as in the East. I would like to find out from the hon. member if he knows about the negotiations on durum wheat now under way between Canada and the United States.

January 24th, 1994House debate

Jean-Paul MarchandBloc

Speech From The Throne  Madam Speaker, I would like to tell the hon. member that I am aware of the negotiations. I can only go by what is reported by the government but I understand negotiations are going well and that the probability is not very high that we will have interference in shipping our durum wheat to the United States.

January 24th, 1994House debate

Leon BenoitReform

Speech From The Throne  I regret to interrupt the hon. member, but the question and comment period for both speakers of the Reform Party has expired. Resuming debate. The hon. Minister of Public Works has the floor.

January 24th, 1994House debate

The Acting Speaker (Mrs. Maheu)

Speech From The Throne  Madam Speaker, I would like to react to the speech of the first Reform member who spoke during the 20-minute period. He seems to think we need a new federal economic leadership. I have my doubts on that matter. I could mention many examples in my riding of situations where when the federal government took part in an operation, it became more complicated and less efficient.

January 24th, 1994House debate

Paul CrĂȘteBloc

Speech From The Throne  Madam Speaker, I was totally unaware that those questions were being directed to me. I thought they were to the member for North Vancouver. I was really diverting my attention to other matters and therefore cannot immediately respond to those questions.

January 24th, 1994House debate

Werner SchmidtReform

Speech From The Throne  Madam Speaker, I wish to thank the hon. member opposite for his comments and the suggestion this morning that each of us as members should phone our bank managers and request that they help the small business sector. I think it is a great suggestion. I am sorry I did not mention it earlier, although I should say as a small business person prior to coming to the House I wonder whether my bank manager might think I had other things in mind when I ask him to do that.

January 24th, 1994House debate

Ted WhiteReform

Speech From The Throne  Mr. Speaker, I join with other members of this House in congratulating you on your election as Speaker. I also extend my congratulations to the government and to all other members who were successfully elected in this 1993 election. I would also like to publicly thank the voters of North Vancouver for placing their trust in me as their representative in Ottawa.

January 24th, 1994House debate

Ted WhiteReform