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Natural Resources committee  When you talk about raising carbon to $200 a tonne, are you talking about a cap and trade system or a carbon tax?

March 31st, 2009Committee meeting

Russ HiebertConservative

Natural Resources committee  Have you done any research into the impact that having a $200-per-tonne carbon tax would have on the average family?

March 31st, 2009Committee meeting

Russ HiebertConservative

Natural Resources committee  My understanding was--and I'd have to sit here for five minutes to calculate it exactly--that the U.K. compared to Canada, in terms of the average person's petrol prices, was something on the order of a $170 tonne carbon tax already. The difference they pay at the pump versus what we pay at the pump is already $170 a tonne. But again, that's subject to check.

March 31st, 2009Committee meeting

Dr. Christopher Bataille

Natural Resources committee  When they're paying the equivalent of about $4.50 a litre and we're paying $1 a litre, you're saying that's kind of the impact of a $170-per-tonne carbon tax?

March 31st, 2009Committee meeting

Russ HiebertConservative

Automotive Industry  When the hon. member stands up and says he is being consistent, I would like to ask the hon. member how consistent he is on the carbon tax, which he pushed on the previous leader of the Liberal Party and now tries to distance himself--

March 31st, 2009House debate

Tony ClementConservative

Automotive Industry  For example, let us say one pretends to care about the auto industry while in Ontario, but when in British Columbia one tells people that one does not support the auto industry. That is hypocrisy. Let us say that one is the father of the job killing carbon tax and campaigns on it, but then tries to distance oneself from it. That is hypocrisy. Or if one pretends to support the seal hunt and then allows one of the senators and top advisers to work to ban it.

March 31st, 2009House debate

Daryl KrampConservative

The Budget  The consensus was that the world was moving toward a global carbon constraint economy, that individual governments would be putting a price on carbon. That is occurring already. France is speaking of a carbon tax and bringing in a carbon tariff. California is moving toward that. It is happening within our own country in fact. Quebec has moved in that direction with a carbon tax. The most recent budget in British Columbia put a very significant carbon tax in place and a green tax shift.

February 28th, 2008House debate

Scott BrisonLiberal

Industry  Speaker, our government has always maintained that the last thing our economy needs is a job-killing carbon tax. Unfortunately, the Liberal Party continues to consider this irresponsible idea. The Liberal leader campaigned on it during his leadership race and vigorously defended it as a priority of a Liberal government just last fall.

March 27th, 2009House debate

Russ HiebertConservative

March 27th, 2009House debate

Some hon. members

March 27th, 2009House debate

Some hon. members

Carbon Tax Policy  Trade war.

March 27th, 2009House debate

Some hon. members

Natural Resources committee  There is no appropriate carbon price. I don't know how you meet climate change without a carbon tax. You can call it anything you want, but people should be honest with people. I chaired the national round table. I was grilled by this committee. I think you got three years of excellent reports, and you didn't take any of the advice.

March 26th, 2009Committee meeting

Glen Murray

The Economy  Canada needs the economic action plan this Conservative government has created, not the Liberal plan that would raise the GST and bring in a job-killing carbon tax.

March 26th, 2009House debate

Rodney WestonConservative

Environmental Enforcement Act  Speaker, I listened intently to the member's discourse with respect to the critique of what I would think is a rather robust approach our government is taking on the gigantic issue of climate change. In light of her arguments, are she and her party still intending to use a carbon tax as the approach to try to bring some kind of redress to the situation that Canada faces?

March 25th, 2009House debate

Bruce StantonConservative

Canadian Wheat Board  We cannot figure it out. At the agriculture committee the other day, he voted to do a study on the carbon tax and on the devastating damages it would do to agriculture. Now he is supporting the carbon tax. I would like that question answered.

June 20th, 2008House debate

Guy LauzonConservative