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Libya  Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to hear the comments from the Bloc representative in regard to its position on the whole Libya issue. There is no doubt that the Liberal Party and others inside this chamber have seen the value in terms of providing freedom for the people of Libya. One of the questions that needs to be answered, and I look to the government or the Bloc representative, is this.

September 26th, 2011House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Petitions  Mr. Speaker, as we all know, Canadian wheat farmers in the Prairies want to retain the Canadian Wheat Board. A vast majority have clearly indicated that in a plebiscite. This petition is calling for the government to be respectful of what the Canadian prairie farmers really want.

September 26th, 2011House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Preventing Human Smugglers from Abusing Canada's Immigration System Act  Mr. Speaker, I was a little surprised in terms of the Conservative member's question. I was under the understanding, based on what the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism said, that the primary reason for this particular bill is to target the profiteers, the smugglers.

September 23rd, 2011House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Canadian Wheat Board  Mr. Speaker, I want to talk about government hypocrisy. On the one hand, approximately 40,000 Prairie grain farmers voted 62% to keep the Canadian Wheat Board. The Prime Minister declares that the vote means nothing, that it does not count. The Prime Minister, like the minister, says the Wheat Board must go.

September 23rd, 2011House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Preventing Human Smugglers from Abusing Canada's Immigration System Act  Mr. Speaker, I want to pick up on the issue of fairness. Members will recall that when the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism introduced the bill, he said that the primary purpose of the bill would be to target the smuggler or the profiteer. When the member makes reference to the need to see bills that are fair, when we look at this particular bill, even though the minister talked about getting the profiteer, in reality, it would not do anything for getting the profiteer.

September 23rd, 2011House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Citizenship and Immigration  Mr. Speaker, the government is no friend to the refugee community. We just need to look at the anti-smuggling bill and how it tried to demonize refugees as a whole. Today, a family of refugees will be arriving here in Canada. The minister knows them quite well. He is the one who actually deported them.

September 22nd, 2011House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Safe Streets and Communities Act  Mr. Speaker, I appreciated the speech provided by my colleague yesterday. One of the things that came across my mind as he was articulating was the whole issue which both opposition parties have been raising, which is regarding the costs. There is no doubt a great deal of effort by both the provincial governments and local municipal governments to try to come to grips with the issue of fighting crime.

September 22nd, 2011House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Safe Streets and Communities Act  Mr. Speaker, for a number of years I was the justice critic in the province of Manitoba. When Ottawa makes changes and brings in legislation, quite often it has a profound impact in terms of the budgets at the local and provincial levels governments. That impact is fairly profound on this bill.

September 21st, 2011House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Safe Streets and Communities Act  Madam Speaker, does the member not see the value in terms of investing more resources into things that would prevent crimes from occurring in the first place? I am talking more about crime prevention type of programs by investing in young people so they have alternatives to hanging around the streets.

September 21st, 2011House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Preventing Human Smugglers from Abusing Canada's Immigration System Act  Madam Speaker, in the introduction of Bill C-4, the minister and others on the government benches talked about how this bill would target the profiteers and smugglers. We in the Liberal Party and, I believe, most, if not all, members of the opposition have indicated that they are not really the primary victims.

September 20th, 2011House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Preventing Human Smugglers from Abusing Canada's Immigration System Act  Mr. Speaker, I found the prior question interesting. The member made reference to the whole idea of fearmongering. I would look to my colleague from the New Democrats to provide a comment. When the Prime Minister of Canada stands on the back of a boat called Ocean Lady to try to raise the profile and then label refugees as being questionable in terms of arriving in Canada, potentially implying that there are terrorists and others on board that boat, would the member who has spoken to the bill acknowledge that as being a part of fearmongering?

September 20th, 2011House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Preventing Human Smugglers from Abusing Canada's Immigration System Act  Mr. Speaker, when the minister introduced Bill C-4, he said the primary purpose of it was to target the profiteers and to go after the smugglers. It is interesting that the member talked about punishing the victims. That is a point we really need to pick up on. In the bill the government is zeroing in on the profiteers, and the number of profiteers who are going to be penalized by this bill is zero.

September 20th, 2011House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Preventing Human Smugglers from Abusing Canada's Immigration System Act  Mr. Speaker, when the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism introduced and spoke to the bill, he made reference to the primary purpose of the bill being to get at the profiteers or smugglers. We have argued that the bill will not have any impact on that. In the hon. member's comments, he made reference to the number of smugglers this particular bill will actually catch.

September 20th, 2011House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Petitions  Mr. Speaker, it is with pleasure that I bring to the House a petition from Manitobans concerned the Canadian Wheat Board. As it was pointed out clearly yesterday, tens of thousands of prairie wheat farmers have sent a very strong message to the Conservative government that they do not want the Canadian Wheat Board to be dismantled.

September 20th, 2011House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Preventing Human Smugglers from Abusing Canada's Immigration System Act  Mr. Speaker, that is why I make the reference to try to personalize this. If people understand and have an appreciation of why we have refugees coming to Canada on an annual basis or if they talk to people who came to Canada under that classification, whether it was 1 year or 30 years ago, they would get a better appreciation as to the actual situation.

September 19th, 2011House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal