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Supply  I would like to see us move to a pension plan which is fair and equitable, which abolishes double dipping, which sets a clear age at which the pension should be received and which sets an example to other pension plans in the country. It is my assumption, because it is in the red book, that the Government of Canada is going to do just that.

November 22nd, 1994House debate

Peter AdamsLiberal

Supply  The idea was then that a career of a member of Parliament and a career of a public service employee are quite distinct, even though they are both paid by the federal government. Whatever validity this argument may have, it is clear that Canadians today feel that drawing a pension and a salary at the same time from the public purse is unacceptable. They have strong feelings, as the members have said, about MPs' pensions, including the double dipping issue.

November 22nd, 1994House debate

Peter AdamsLiberal

Supply  If he lives to age 75 he will have collected over a million dollars. During the 1993 election campaign he made it clear that he would take every nickel that was on the table. That might be one of the reasons he came within 100 votes of losing his deposit. People opposite who are so intent on getting their snouts filled should perhaps bear that little anecdote in mind when they hear the Prime Minister shouting: "Soo-oo-ey".

November 22nd, 1994House debate

Lee MorrisonReform

Auditor General's Report  We do so understanding what the return is. We use new technologies all the time. In the use of those new technologies we are quite clear that there will be a recovery, there will be a pay back to the system that will help reduce the cost of government, help us to meet the 3 per cent of GDP target in three years and to make sure we have affordable and effective programs that are responsive to the needs of Canadians.

November 22nd, 1994House debate

Art EggletonLiberal

Collège Militaire Royal De Saint-Jean  The commandant himself is not an expert on the costs of converting such an institution. The experts are very clear. The federal government's position of concentrating all its teaching operations in Kingston is justified and the only problem still to be solved is to have the Quebec government respect and ratify the agreement signed on July 19.

November 22nd, 1994House debate

Marcel MasséLiberal

Matthew Coon Come  Why did the Prime Minister of Canada remain silent after these attacks, when his government immediately poured millions of dollars into helping lumber companies in Western Canada that were criticized for clear-cutting? The Prime Minister of Canada preferred to avoid alienating his ally in the upcoming referendum campaign. He preferred to humiliate seven million Quebecers instead. During his trip to China, the hon. member for Saint-Maurice gave us the assurance he would personally defend the interests of Quebec.

November 22nd, 1994House debate

Laurent LavigneBloc

Supply  This is a mark of integrity and the electorate will remember it. Allow me to set the stage for a moment so that we can all be clear about what the pension plan offers to members of Parliament. I would like to quote from a major international study on parliamentarian's compensation called the Sobeco report which was tabled in February of this year.

November 22nd, 1994House debate

Chuck StrahlReform

Supply  Once the law is brought into effect it will prevent those who do retire from this House or the other place from being able to pick up a salary as well as their pension scheme. That is certainly one of the very clear red book commitments. I again say that the government is committed to bringing in legislation and bringing it in early to end double dipping. With respect to minimum age, again the red book talked about the concern that some members retire from this House at a very early age and collect a full pension.

November 22nd, 1994House debate

Art EggletonLiberal

Supply  Because of their precarious position, members of Parliament must be given sufficient financial resources to get back on their feet after retirement or electoral defeat. There is however one thing on which the Official Opposition has always been clear, that is, when a member of the House of Commons has the right to collect a pension from the Government of Canada. We do not find it normal for a person who is barely 30 but who has completed two mandates to be able to collect a pension from the Canadian government immediately.

November 22nd, 1994House debate

François LangloisBloc

Supply  I did not hear the speech of the hon. member for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell. I did hear the comments of the hon. member for Kootenay West-Revelstoke. As I made very clear, I was making a statement about the contribution as a member of Parliament of the hon. member for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell of his years both provincially and federally and the fact that he deserved to be heard without his motives being questioned, pure and simple.

November 22nd, 1994House debate

Mary ClancyLiberal

Supply  Let us talk about what Canadians want. Need I remind my hon. friends opposite, Canadians sent 177 of us to this House, a clear, overwhelming majority.

November 22nd, 1994House debate

Mary ClancyLiberal

Supply  If I get driven to it I will have to arrive there. I am driven to remind hon. members opposite that not only did the Canadian people send a clear majority of Liberals to the House based on red book promises, including the one we are talking about here, but does anybody remember the 75 per cent approval rating in which the Prime Minister is held by the people of Canada today?

November 22nd, 1994House debate

Mary ClancyLiberal

Supply  The member asks for a reasonable compensation package but you will note, Madam Speaker, that the member was not full and clear with the Canadian public because he did not mention a dollar figure. He is unprepared to say what a fair and reasonable compensation package would be. Finally, the member made reference to a tax free allowance.

November 22nd, 1994House debate

Paul SzaboLiberal

Supply  Madam Speaker, one year ago Canadians sent a clear message to Ottawa that they were tired of the status quo, hypocritical politicians. They subsequently voted in 205 rookies to the 35th Parliament. My speech is to the rookies. My message: Let us not let the veterans corrupt us.

November 22nd, 1994House debate

Jim SilyeReform

Supply  He is getting $33,540 a year in pension and now he is eligible to get whatever in his new job. That is double dipping. Let us be clear about what Canadians think of double dipping. I am sure that today is going to be a fun day on this subject. I encourage more comments from the Liberals although they have an indefensible case.

November 22nd, 1994House debate

Dick HarrisReform