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Young Offenders Act  I can assure my hon. friend, though, that the entire question of the youth justice system is under active review. As we made clear in the speech from the throne our commitment is to enhance community safety and the justice system in general, including youth justice, so the entire statute is very much a matter of priority for the department.

January 21st, 1994House debate

Allan RockLiberal

Young Offenders Act  Speaker, the hon. member will recall that during the course of the election campaign the Liberal Party made clear in its platform that it proposed specific changes to the Young Offenders Act. Those changes included longer sentences for violent crime, creating the category of dangerous youth offender, releasing information when it was in the interests of the community to do so, and changes of that kind.

January 21st, 1994House debate

Allan RockLiberal

Goods And Services Tax  Speaker, may I congratulate a very experienced parliamentarian on his first presentation in this House. May I assure him that I was very pleased to see the Auditor General made clear that many of the criticisms from this side of the House when we were in opposition of the GST were in fact supported by his report. I would also like to point out that measures have been taken, and I refer particularly to a press release I issued three weeks after assuming my position as minister to the effect that we would enhance enforcement, carry out more audits and have more prosecutions.

January 21st, 1994House debate

David AndersonLiberal

Cigarette Smuggling  The demonstration planned for next Monday by the MATRAQUE movement in Saint-Eustache in my riding could be repeated if Ottawa does not take any action. The premier of Quebec has already made it clear that he intended to lower taxes on cigarettes and asked the federal government and the government of Ontario to do the same. Ontario has indicated an openness to that proposal. Reduction of taxes on cigarettes is the most effective way of rapidly eliminating this problem.

January 21st, 1994House debate

Paul MercierBloc

Speech From The Throne  The Liberals did it also in the past, comparing it to the health coverage provided by the private system in the States where there is no public health care. I do not remember the exact numbers but it was very clear that the Canadian system was among the most efficient and the least expensive in the world. Every time there is talk of fiscal reform, of tackling the debt or the annual deficit, the main targets, the first ones to be singled out are health care and social services.

January 21st, 1994House debate

Yvan LoubierBloc

National Debt  This milestone will be a millstone around our necks if we do not change our attitude now. Our children's quality of life depends on it. How can any of us, with clear conscience, expect future generations to pay for the mistakes of the past? This new government fully intends to slay the beast of debt. Only then can our children make up their own minds as to where their money will be spent.

January 21st, 1994House debate

Gurbax MalhiLiberal

Auditor General's Report  And as the Auditor General puts it, and I quote: "The government should conduct a review of the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of providing government aircraft to transport such users." This is a clear example of the need to create a parliamentary committee to examine spending programs, item by item. Thus, I demand that the Liberal government stop dithering and show openness and put such a program in place.

January 21st, 1994House debate

Gaston LerouxBloc

Speech From The Throne  I also take this opportunity to thank the constituents of the great riding of Saint-Hyacinthe-Bagot, the Quebec agri-food technocity, for the trust they have shown in me by giving me a clear dual mandate: first, to fight most vigorously to protect their interests and those of Quebec as a whole and, second, to pave the way for Quebec to attain full sovereignty to put to rest once and for all the constitutional issue.

January 21st, 1994House debate

Yvan LoubierBloc

Speech From The Throne  Some projects such as repairs and renovations will be extremely labour-intensive while those such as cultural facilities are also going to create long-term jobs. One thing, however, is clear: The program will have substantial impact on unemployment. In fact, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities has estimated that for every billion dollars invested, some 20,000 jobs are created.

January 21st, 1994House debate

Art EggletonLiberal

Speech From The Throne  As much as he was the bright light in Betty's life, she was the star in his. Together, they were warm, generous, loving and giving people, and it was clear from the moment you saw them why they had chosen to spend their lives together. Gerda and I remember well a trip we shared with Steve and Betty to Mexico. That year Betty was celebrating her 50th birthday.

January 20th, 1994House debate

The Speaker

Speech From The Throne  We will cut costs and start to relieve the Canadian middle class of its enormous tax burden with a clear understanding the more taxpayers that exist and the more people who are working the less burden each one of us will have to bear. I am particularly pleased that our throne speech has promised to bring integrity back to government.

January 20th, 1994House debate

Andy MitchellLiberal

Speech From The Throne  Historians I am sure will look back on October 25, 1993 as a landmark in Canadian elections. Canadians as never before spoke out in a loud clear voice for the need to change. The old way of doing things is just not good enough any more. Some would diminish the importance of the result by labelling it merely a protest vote. What, I ask, is insignificant about a protest vote.

January 20th, 1994House debate

Randy WhiteReform

Speech From The Throne  Over the last year I have travelled extensively throughout the constituency speaking with many people and the message was loud and clear. People are concerned about the economic future of Canada and what kind of Canada their children and grandchildren are going to inherit. Two days ago His Excellency the Governor General delivered the government's plan for the next four years to anxiously waiting Canadians.

January 20th, 1994House debate

Dale JohnstonReform

Speech From The Throne  We will be making announcements within the next month about a series of projects based upon existing organizations that are prepared to collaborate and help- -throughout the country- -in every single part and region. Our red book also put forward a very clear proposal for a program of apprenticeship. We believe one of the real failures of our present system is that it does not address people during the most vulnerable periods: children before they go to school, young people when they leave school and go into the workplace.

January 20th, 1994House debate

Lloyd AxworthyLiberal

Investment Canada  Speaker, I am advised that the official who authorized this expenditure is no longer in my department. However, it has certainly been made clear within the department that these expenditures are not acceptable.

January 20th, 1994House debate

John ManleyLiberal