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Human Resources committee  Again, I think it's important to recognize that this is a first step but a very significant step. It is $6 billion, the single largest budget item that was put forward last week, or two weeks ago, perhaps. It is not insignificant, with a tax-free amount of $2,400 per year for individuals who are going through extremely tough times.

April 29th, 2024Committee meeting

Kamal KheraLiberal

The Budget  The Prime Minister, after saying that budgets balance themselves, has delivered eight inflationary budgets that drove up inflation to 40-year highs. Canadians have seen the most rapid and aggressive interest rate hikes that have never been seen before in Canadian history. The Prime Minister slammed a carbon tax scam onto Canadians, making the cost of everything even more expensive. Just recently this month, when 70% of Canadians were telling him to spike the hike and to not go ahead with a carbon tax increase, he still increased the carbon tax by 23%.

April 18th, 2024House debate

Jasraj Singh HallanConservative

The Budget  The Prime Minister celebrates, saying that high gas prices are his purpose, and he has the full support of the NDP leader on most days, when the NDP leader can figure out what his policy is. The NDP leader has voted 22 times to hike the carbon tax. Both parties, along with the help of the Bloc, have voted for future increases that will quadruple the tax to 61¢ a litre, a tax that will also apply on home heating bills and, of course, a tax that applies to the farmers who produce the food, the truckers who ship the food and therefore on all who buy the food.

April 18th, 2024House debate

Pierre PoilievreConservative

The Budget  This year, Canada will spend $54.1 billion on interest to wealthy bankers and bondholders, instead of to doctors and nurses, to service the Prime Minister's debt. That is the same amount collected in GST. We should change the name of that tax from the GST to the DST, the debt servicing tax.

April 18th, 2024House debate

Marty MorantzConservative

The Economy  This photo op budget gave no hope to the moms putting food back on grocery shelves or to those renewing their mortgages at double or triple the rate. He doubled mortgages, rents and the needed down payments on houses. He hiked the carbon tax scam 23%, after Canadians told him to spike the hike. He is not worth the cost. It is time for a carbon tax election. The New Democrats need to stop protecting their leader's pension and propping up the corrupt Prime Minister.

April 17th, 2024House debate

Jasraj Singh HallanConservative

Finance  Stop the out-of-control spending, deficits, inflation and tax hikes that are forcing struggling people over the edge. The budget, the government and the Prime Minister are not worth the cost to any generation. It is time for common-sense Conservatives to clean up the mess and to govern with common sense for Canadians.

April 17th, 2024House debate

Cathay WagantallConservative

Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act  In fact, 75% of Canadian private sector investment in clean energy comes from oil and gas and pipeline companies. However, the NDP-Liberals would apparently spend billions of tax dollars on re-education programs that their internal briefing notes explicitly say would leave workers at risk of only being able to get jobs that are more precarious, with less pay and lower skill requirements, and would shut down a sector that is already the leading research and development investor, and skills trainer in alternative, renewable and future energy technologies in Canada.

April 15th, 2024House debate

Shannon StubbsConservative

The Budget  Speaker, common-sense Conservatives told the Liberal-NDP Prime Minister to stop his spending, his deficits, inflation and his tax hikes, but the Prime Minister blew right through that stop sign, dumping $40 billion of fuel on the inflationary fire, which he started. This photo op budget would do nothing for average Canadians, who cannot afford a home and groceries today.

April 16th, 2024House debate

Jasraj Singh HallanConservative

Persons with Disabilities  That is why we have stepped up regularly over the past years with initiatives to reduce barriers in Canada and to create a Canada disability benefit. We are now moving forward with that at the cost of over $6 billion over the coming years to put hundreds of dollars a month, tax-free, in the pockets of individuals with disabilities. The reality is that there always more to do, but this will help.

April 17th, 2024House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Business of Supply  He is telling us now that B.C.'s carbon tax will increase to comply with the Prime Minister's mandate. According to the Vancouver Sun, B.C.'s carbon tax will rise by $9 billion over the next three years and only credit back $3.5 billion.

April 9th, 2024House debate

Kerry-Lynne FindlayConservative

Agriculture committee  They were from the Ontario Minister of Agriculture; the Agriculture Alliance; the Vegetable Growers of Canada; Mushrooms Canada; the Western Stock Growers' Association; the Grain Farmers of Ontario, which represents 28,000 farm families; the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities and the Wheat Growers Association. These letters are asking for a couple of specific things on the impact the carbon tax is having on Canadian agriculture with the hike of 23% on April 1. That said, I'm going to ask the committee on this motion. It is: Given that: a) The committee received numerous letters from agricultural stakeholders regarding their opposition to the carbon tax hike on April 1, including from the Ontario Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities; b) Seven Provincial Premiers and 70% of Canadians opposed the government's 23% increase in the carbon tax hike on April 1; c) The Premiers of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick have issued public letters calling on the government to provide a carbon tax carve-out for farmers and pass Bill C-234 in its original form; d) The carbon tax currently costs greenhouse operators in Canada $22 million a year and will pay between $82 million and $100 million by 2030 when the carbon tax quadruples; e) 44% of fresh fruit and vegetable growers are already selling at a loss and 77% can't offset production cost increase; f) The carbon tax increase this year will cost mushroom farms $7.4 million, and by 2030 it'll be more than $16 million; g) A sample of 50 farm operations across Canada paid a total of $329,644 in carbon taxes in one month last year, with the increase this year it'll cost those same farms $431,544 and nearly triple over the next seven years to $893,944; h) The Parliamentary Budget Officer has stated the carbon tax will cost farmers nearly $1 billion by 2030; i) The 2030 Food Price Report estimates the carbon tax will cost a typical 5,000-acre farm $153,000 by 2030; and j) The Food Professor recommends pausing the carbon tax for the entire food supply chain, I ask for unanimous consent for the committee to report the letters it received from agriculture stakeholders, the Ontario Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities regarding the 23% increase on the carbon tax on April 1, to the House for its consideration in debate on Bill C-234 Chair, these letters we have here represent tens of thousands of farmers who are asking for their voices to be heard.

April 9th, 2024Committee meeting

John BarlowConservative

Business of Supply  moved: That the House declare that the Prime Minister convene a carbon tax emergency meeting with all of Canada’s 14 first ministers; that this meeting address: (a) the ongoing carbon tax crisis and the financial burden it places on Canadians, (b) the Prime Minister's recent 23% carbon tax increase, (c) plans for provinces to opt-out of the federal carbon tax to pursue other responsible ideas to lower emissions, given that under the government's current environmental plan, Canada now ranks 62 out of 67 countries on the Climate Change Performance index; and that this meeting be publicly televised and held within five weeks of this motion being adopted.

April 9th, 2024House debate

Pierre PoilievreConservative

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, last week, the woke Prime Minister hiked his carbon tax scam 23% despite a majority of Canadians wanting him to spike the hike. As we see record-smashing food bank usage across the country, farmers will pay another billion dollars into this scam, making groceries even more expensive.

April 8th, 2024House debate

Jasraj Singh HallanConservative

Business of Supply  Natural gas produces half the emissions of coal, so I have some not so fun facts here. The world usage of coal has risen, since 2015, from 7.7 billion tonnes to 8.5 billion tonnes in 2023. That is a more than 10% increase in eight years. Coal emissions in 2023 were 15 billion tonnes. If we convert that to natural gas, it drops to 7.5 billion tonnes.

April 9th, 2024House debate

Clifford SmallConservative

Business of Supply  I just had the opportunity to come back from my constituency, where, like many colleagues, I was meeting with constituents. I had 6 two-hour constituent round tables last week. I had a chance to interact with dozens of constituents at these round tables, and a lot of issues were raised. Interestingly, the number one issue was not the carbon tax at those round tables.

April 9th, 2024House debate

Mike LakeConservative