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Resumption of Debate on Address in Reply  Mr. Speaker, throughout the campaign, the Prime Minister made reference to the Ontario retirement pension plan, known as the ORPP, as being the pinnacle of support for Ontario. He said he would do to Canada what the Wynne government has done to Ontario. I have spoken to many small-business owners in my riding of Elgin—Middlesex—London, and they are extremely concerned with these payroll tax hikes, which would result in staff cuts, loss of jobs, and a negative impact on the economy.

December 7th, 2015House debate

Karen VecchioConservative

Taxation  Mr. Speaker, the government says one thing and does another. For the last year, the Prime Minister said he did not need taxpayer child care. As a mother of five, I am offended, for his first act in cabinet was to give himself child care benefits that no other Canadians have. Why did the Prime Minister not keep his word, and is it because he is entitled to his entitlements?

December 9th, 2015House debate

Karen VecchioConservative

Finance  Mr. Speaker, just as question period was starting, we learned that Canada was left with a $392 million surplus in November. Do not take my word for it. The finance minister's own officials said it. In fact, from April to November, the federal surplus stands at $1 billion. Will the Liberal finance minister just admit that Conservatives left Liberals a healthy surplus and that in fact it is just bad economic management?

January 29th, 2016House debate

Karen VecchioConservative

Finance  Mr. Speaker, while Liberals are threatening to run a $10-billion, $20-billion, $30-billion deficit this year, the fact remains that Conservatives left Liberals a healthy surplus. It is only through runaway Liberal spending and planned job-killing increases that they are putting Canada back into deficit.

January 29th, 2016House debate

Karen VecchioConservative

Income Tax Act  Mr. Speaker, today I will be sharing my time with the hon. member for Dauphin—Swan River—Neepawa. I am honoured to rise today to speak on Bill C-2. This is my maiden speech, and I wish to start by thanking the people of Elgin—Middlesex—London for giving me the opportunity to represent them in the House of Commons for the next four years.

January 29th, 2016House debate

Karen VecchioConservative

Income Tax Act  Madam Speaker, I truly respect where the member is coming from. I myself have worked for 11 years for a member of Parliament and have worked for all Canadians. I believe that job creation is the number one thing that we need to continue to focus on, to help our country. Yes, we must help our seniors.

January 29th, 2016House debate

Karen VecchioConservative

Income Tax Act  Madam Speaker, although I did not sit in the House of Commons, I am a Canadian who watched what happened in the House of Commons, and as well, I worked for a previous MP for 11 years. I have worked with constituents and I have worked with Canadians. As the critic for families, children, and social development, I have taken it upon myself to do pre-budget consultations.

January 29th, 2016House debate

Karen VecchioConservative

Government Appointments  Mr. Speaker, political interference is political interference. The Liberal House leader has written a number of letters that directly interfere with operations of the immigration review board and citizenship judges. In the past, this exact issue has required ministers to resign.

February 2nd, 2016House debate

Karen VecchioConservative

Government Appointments  Mr. Speaker, as I indicated, political interference is political interference. This is just not about the government House leader. His own letter says that he was writing on behalf of the Prime Minister. Why does the Prime Minister think that he has the right to openly interfere with judges and quasi-judicial board members?

February 2nd, 2016House debate

Karen VecchioConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, today I will be sharing my time with the hon. member for Yorkton—Melville. I am proud to rise in the House on today's opposition motion. To begin, as a woman and mother, I will always support an effective motion for equal pay and compensation for equal work. It is important that every Canadian entering the workplace receives equal compensation.

February 2nd, 2016House debate

Karen VecchioConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, the act was put in place in 2012, not 2009. I am not sure we are looking at the same thing, but we probably are. The act sits there as a guideline. It sits there as our legislation. It is important that we enforce this. Even today's motion is a template for Canadians to follow.

February 2nd, 2016House debate

Karen VecchioConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, equal pay for work of equal value is important. That is basically what I stated. If there is a difference, then we must look at other variables. Is the person doing the same level of work? If the answer is no, then I can understand there being a bit of a difference.

February 2nd, 2016House debate

Karen VecchioConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, we had a strong Status of Women Canada mandate. I cannot speak for the 2005-06 period that my colleague may be referring to, but with the leadership we had, we saw many changes. We saw this compensation act come into force in 2012, and we saw a variety of other things that we could do.

February 2nd, 2016House debate

Karen VecchioConservative

Government Appointments  Mr. Speaker, the Liberal Leader of the Government in the House of Commons wrote intimidating letters to members of the IRB, letters interfering and urging these well-respected judges to step down. There are no indications that these humble public servants have not been doing their jobs effectively.

February 5th, 2016House debate

Karen VecchioConservative

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, frankly, I am exhausted after listening to that speech. Just moments ago, I listened to my good friend, the member for Mount Royal, speak so eloquently about this not being a partisan issue. I myself believe that this is not a partisan issue. Therefore, it is really important to listen to this member speak about it and remember the human rights that we are discussing.

February 18th, 2016House debate

Karen VecchioConservative