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Government Priorities  Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister and his government says yes to $6 billion in corporate tax breaks, yet families in Winnipeg's north end are concerned about the government completely ignoring important issues such as youth programs and seniors pensions In the recent byelection, the Prime Minister had a chance to justify his priorities to the people of Winnipeg North, but instead he had a meeting behind closed doors.

December 9th, 2010House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Government Priorities  Mr. Speaker, the government has failed the test of compassion. The Prime Minister's priorities are billions in corporate tax breaks and billions in untendered fighter jets. Governments need to put people first, demonstrating a real interest in improving our health care system and developing more effective programs for our youth.

December 9th, 2010House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Human Rights  Mr. Speaker, this past month we paused to reflect on the 1932-33 famine genocide executed by Soviet dictator Joseph Staline against the Ukrainian people. Today I stand with the Ukrainian Canadian Congress and urge the Canadian Museum for Human Rights to include a permanent display devoted to the Holodomor.

December 13th, 2010House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Modernization Act  Mr. Speaker, it is a pleasure to stand in the House of Commons to deliver some comments on what is a very important bill. Many would ultimately argue that the RCMP is one of those iconic things here in Canada. Many individuals aspire to get into that profession, because it is a noteworthy, honourable profession to be in.

December 13th, 2010House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Modernization Act  Mr. Speaker, first, when ministers bring in legislation, they have a responsibility to go out and consult with all the stakeholders. We in opposition like to think they do their homework, that they do the consultation. Much like when I addressed the issue in my comments on the bill, I indicated that I did not really get the chance to talk to some RCMP officers in regard to it, and it is only because of timing, but I will talk to them.

December 13th, 2010House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Modernization Act  Mr. Speaker, at the end of the day, there is a responsibility to work as effectively as one can in opposition. I had experience between 1988 and 1990 in terms of working in minority situations. Ultimately political parties will do whatever is determined in the best interests of the different stakeholders which they represent.

December 13th, 2010House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Modernization Act  Mr. Speaker, it is a very good question and I appreciate the kind words. The member is the one that has the experience at this end. When we take a look at the morale, whether it is RCMP, Winnipeg Police, I do not believe the government has done a good job in terms of improving their morale.

December 13th, 2010House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Standing up for Victims of White Collar Crime Act  Madam Speaker, it is with pleasure that I put a few words on the record with regard to Bill C-21. I want to pick up on the point on which the previous speaker concluded his comments. He asked who is being affected when we pass this type of legislation. We need to put it into perspective for those individuals who are affected by Ponzi schemes or things of that nature.

December 14th, 2010House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Standing up for Victims of White Collar Crime Act  Madam Speaker, I see that hypocrisy within the New Democrats is not just limited to Manitoba. If we want to look at the people who shafted seniors of their pensions and investment funds, I only need to refer to Gary Doer and the New Democrats in the province of Manitoba who did not stand up for the 33,000 Manitobans who lost $100 million-plus.

December 14th, 2010House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Standing up for Victims of White Collar Crime Act  Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the comments and the question from my colleague. He is quite right in his assessment that provinces have moved toward a lot of civil rights law where organizations can be taken to court as a way in which to recover moneys that have been acquired through crimes within communities.

December 14th, 2010House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Standing up for Victims of White Collar Crime Act  Mr. Speaker, I used to be the justice critic in the province of Manitoba. I had the opportunity to tour our jail facilities. There is no doubt about the fact that there currently is a capacity issue. I anticipate that the more we get into mandatory minimum sentences, it will be an issue in which the federal government will have to sit down with the provinces and tell them to what degree it is prepared to get involved.

December 14th, 2010House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Democratic Representation Act  Madam Speaker, the government is sending mixed messages with regard to Bill C-12. If we think about what it is saying, it is trying to emphasize how important it is for this bill to go to committee and ultimately to continue through the process to become law. One can reflect on the fact that the Conservative Party has been in government for a number of years, and many would argue too many years, but that is another debate for another time.

December 16th, 2010House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Democratic Representation Act  Madam Speaker, the Liberal Party supports democratic representation. The Liberal Party supports the need to engage people and would have loved to have seen more of a sense of co-operation in dealing with this legislation. I am very familiar with the purpose and the reason we have second reading.

December 16th, 2010House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Democratic Representation Act  Madam Speaker, at times, legislators from across Canada unanimously pass different forms of resolutions. I think the House of Commons has a responsibility to at least listen to what is being said and, ultimately, to do the homework. I have respect for the Bloc Québécois in the sense that a great number of Canadians support the Bloc.

December 16th, 2010House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal

Democratic Representation Act  Madam Speaker, it is a novel idea to look across other jurisdictions and see something that has worked or appeared to have worked somewhat effectively and think, “Why not adopt it?” I suspect there are many things that take place here in the House of Commons that the Manitoba legislature could learn.

December 16th, 2010House debate

Kevin LamoureuxLiberal