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Questions Passed as Orders for Returns  With regard to the statement by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada in the House of Commons chamber on April 18, 2024 that, “In the budget, we have already announced that we are going to increase the maximum sentences for auto theft”, for each auto theft offence: (a) how many people have been convicted of each of the related offences since January 1, 2016, broken down by year and offence; (b) of those convicted in (a), how many offenders received the maximum sentence, broken down by year and offence; and (c) how many offenders have received the mandatory six months imprisonment for a third offence?

June 17th, 2024House debate

Raquel DanchoConservative

The Economy  Mr. Speaker, millions of Canadian seniors are struggling to afford food, rent and basic necessities. Over one-third do not have sufficient income to meet their needs, and we know that 1.5 million Canadians are going to food banks each month. After eight years of the Liberal government's reckless spending, resulting in record-high inflation and rising interest rates, many Canadians are falling further and further behind.

September 28th, 2023House debate

Raquel DanchoConservative

Guests in the House of Commons  Mr. Speaker, there is no more time for Liberal excuses and more deflections. Canadians deserve far better than that. Friday was supposed to be a day where Canadians and Ukrainians were able to come together and stand against Putin's brutal regime and its illegal, brutal, deadly invasion of Ukraine.

September 26th, 2023House debate

Raquel DanchoConservative

Guests in the House of Commons  Mr. Speaker, on Friday, Parliament stood and honoured a Nazi. It is unbelievable that this happened. The Canadian people deserve to be represented with dignity in the House and on the world stage, and that was taken away from them. The Liberals have so profoundly failed Canadians.

September 26th, 2023House debate

Raquel DanchoConservative

Criminal Code  Madam Speaker, maybe we need the Government of Quebec's expertise. Someone from Quebec could appear before the committee to tell us about Quebec's experience with the cost of electronic bracelets and how they handled things with police officers and correctional services. My colleague asked an excellent question.

September 21st, 2023House debate

Raquel DanchoConservative

Criminal Code  Madam Speaker, I believe the member has also received a new role, and I congratulate him very much on that. It is an excellent question. I believe he is mentioning Bill C-332, which was passed. My understanding is that there is a bit of a nuanced difference that is key. Certainly, Bill S-205 proposes an electronic bracelet after an abuser has appeared in court and before he, and we will use “he” for now because it is mostly males, as we know, is sentenced and released.

September 21st, 2023House debate

Raquel DanchoConservative

Criminal Code  Madam Speaker, I sincerely appreciate the question. It is an excellent one. I suppose it may be about a rural connectivity issue, though I am not an expert in exactly the technology of how electronic bracelets work. However, it is an excellent flag that is worthy of some research.

September 21st, 2023House debate

Raquel DanchoConservative

Criminal Code  moved that Bill S-205, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to make consequential amendments to another Act (interim release and domestic violence recognizance orders), be read the second time and referred to a committee. Madam Speaker, I am deeply honoured to be here today talking about Bill S-205, which ultimately is about electronic bracelets.

September 21st, 2023House debate

Raquel DanchoConservative

Public Safety  Mr. Speaker, the minister does not get to escape his responsibility to Canadians. It is his duty to ensure that the most vile killers do not get an easy ride and that their victims get justice in our country. Subsection 6 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act allows the minister to legally issue directives regarding dangerous offenders like Paul Bernardo.

September 21st, 2023House debate

Raquel DanchoConservative

Public Safety  Mr. Speaker, in May, serial rapist and murderer of young girls, Paul Bernardo, was transferred from maximum security to a medium-security prison, and Canadians were reasonably outraged by this. After two whole months on the job, the new Minister of Public Safety has failed to move Bernardo back to a maximum-security prison where he belongs.

September 21st, 2023House debate

Raquel DanchoConservative

Criminal Code  Mr. Speaker, I have wondered the same thing. Why did the government take so long to table this bill? I wanted an answer from the Minister of Justice but I did not get one. Now, the government is telling everyone that we have to get a move on, when it was the one dragging its feet.

September 20th, 2023House debate

Raquel DanchoConservative

Criminal Code  Mr. Speaker, I would say that I believe it is up to members to decide what they keep in their speeches. We have about 10 minutes. There is a lot to talk about. I can talk at length about the importance of getting tough on sex offenders and crime in general. What I would say is that the Conservative Party, more than any other party, has the clearest track record of supporting victims' rights.

September 20th, 2023House debate

Raquel DanchoConservative

Criminal Code  Mr. Speaker, again, it really is up to the government. It took it a while to bring this forward. That is on the government; that is not on the opposition. The government did not do its homework quickly enough. We do recognize the deadline, but I know the government has asked for extensions when required.

September 20th, 2023House debate

Raquel DanchoConservative

Criminal Code  Mr. Speaker, I want to ask about something the justice minister referenced in his remarks. He chastised the Harper government for bringing forward what he called unconstitutional legislation, but the reality is that every party in the House unanimously supported the Harper legislation in 2011, including the Liberal Party.

September 20th, 2023House debate

Raquel DanchoConservative

Criminal Code  Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak to quite a heavy topic. We are talking about sex offenders and, of course, when we are talking about sex offenders, we are primarily talking about the very vulnerable people who they assault, the lives they ruin, the children they violate and the women they violate.

September 20th, 2023House debate

Raquel DanchoConservative